Waukaru Sale

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Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
63 lots - $237,500 Average  $3770

lot 1-  flush  $6000  Australia
1A - $750 X 4  - Wyoming
2- $7500 -  Byland, OH
3 -$3000- KY
4- $3500-IN
5A and 5B - choice lot  $3700 ( 5B) KY
6 out
7- $4500  California
8- $4000 - IL
9- $3700 - Sask Canada
10- $2800- IN
11- $6000- Ontario, Canada
12- $2900- IN
13- $2600- IN
14- $3400 - IN
15- $3400 -IL
16- $3400- WI
17- $2900
18- out
19- $2700
20- $2900- CO
21- $3300- KY
22- $2650- NE
23- $3200- CO
24- $3500
25- out
26-$ 3300 - IL
27- $3300- IA
28- $2850
29 - $2700 IL
30- $2750- Missouri
31- out
32- $2800- CO
33- $3000
34-$3250- IN
35- $3500- CO
36- $2750- CO
37- $2850- MO
38-$3850- IN
39- $3750- WI
40- $3800- ON, Canada
41- $3800- ON , Canada
42- $3700- IN
43- $3500- TN
44-$3600- KS
45- $4800- NC
46- $2900- CO
47A- $4250- OK
47B- $5000- OH
48- $4800 - OK
49- $5000- WY
50- $3000- OK
51- $4300- IL
52- $3100- OK
53- $9000 - IN
54- $2900- IN
55- $2900 - CO
56- $3400
57- $ 3700- ON Canada
59- out
60- $2700- KS
61- $2500
62- $3900 - IN
63-$2700 -OK
64-$6000  - WI
65- $6500- QC Canada
67- $2500
68- $2850
This was a solid sale of females sold in working condition that were sound in every way. Great performance and maternal numbers. It was very evident that this herd has been culled hard on production traits. Every cow had a great udder and most were safe to their first service.