There are a lot of fitter/ hired help out there that do a great job, and there are an equal number that just blow a lot of smoke. If you need to hire someone, word of mouth is your best indicator of a person's worth. I have done my fair share of work for other people, and now, with increasing obligations, I am doing my fair share of hiring. I have a couple of guys that help me out, and they have not only done a great job on the cattle, they also have conducted themselves very professionally when customers come around, and they are very patient and respectful of my family. That being said, they have first shot at any work that i need. Keep the good ones, pay them a fair wage, plus a little extra, provide them with a nice meal here and there, and provide preferred beverages as desired. I know it means something to me that Chambero's wife makes sure there is some cold Diet Dr. Pepper whenever I come over to visit or work.
Pay wise, when I work for others, I am not the cheapest, nor am I the most expensive. I typically charge $150 per head to clip and groom a calf for a show, more if I have to travel extra. For the most part my services are free if the calf was purchased from me. Outside of the showring, I know my fees can get a little expensive. It can range from $300-600 per day depending on the type of work, number of head, and amount of travel. Time is money, both for myself, and the people that I have worked for. If a client of mine is spending his day, and maybe the day of 2 or 3 of his help, it is worth it to them to get the job done well and quickly. If I can do a job in half the time of someone else, then my price that is 3 times higher can still be a huge savings to them.
For all those that do fitting, or any kind of work for someone else, here is my advice. First - always be on time or early. Two - keep your word. And Three - do your job well. It's amazing how hard it is for some/most people to do all three.