One thing to keep in mind in the commercial end of things, not quite sure how the club calves compare, but with commercials, as long as they can pop out the calf by them self, they are good to go.
If an animal has a 60 lb calf, but it has to be pulled, that's no good.
BUT, if an animal has a 130 lb calf, and pops it out all by herself like it was coated in butter, then you've got one damn good cow, and that calf has a head start when it comes to growing between now and the fall. So for me, I don't care about the weight itself that much. CALVING EASE IS THE BIG THING!!
With that in mind, I do really like the number 3 heifer, but if she was that hard calving, and if you DO decide to keep her, just make sure its a very light birth weigh, easy calving bull. And it's a toss up between 1 and 2, I'd probably like 2 more, but it's hard to tell from the picture.