Why does our steer try to mount other steers?

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2015
My daughter showed her steer this weekend. The first day, he tried to mount two heifers- I assumed it was because they were in heat. Then yesterday, he tried to mount another steer. What would by the reason for this? I’ve been reading and one thing I came across said that implants can cause this behavior- does anyone have experience with that? Is there anyway to stop him from doing it? My daughter is 90 pounds to his 900- so she can’t stop him herself. Yesterday he knocked her down in the show ring as he was trying to jump up-it was scary but she was ok. I just don’t want him to continue this at other shows we go to- especially our county show.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Why? Because he’s horny.  Sure he’s castrated but he still has other reproductive hormones at play.  For a 90 pound showman someone with some more lead in their pants needed to establish dominance when this steer was just a calf.  Obviously at this point maybe all you can do is teach your daughter to be aware of his initial behavior and movements as he starts to act in a way you don’t want and then counter his movements with those of your own.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
there are signs things are about to happen.

if you can't investigate and mitigate, it's probably not worth it.

you have to figure it out.

this is just a normal thing that most everyone has to figure out.

if you can't be a few steps ahead of cattle, it's probably worth substituting with stuffed animals.

human up and figure it out.