Why doesn't anyone use Heatseeker to make females anymore?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2013
OK Ok I know this is a loaded question or an oxymoron of sorts.  Using clubby, esp Heatseeker clubby, to make a female.

But I see great calf after great calf in these spring sales for probably going on three years now, modern clubby sires bred to a Heatseeker female.  Now what they get called once the traders get ahold of them is another matter. 

Is there only a few freak individuals out there that is capable of producing these great calves?  If they can produce these calves, why is no one trying to make more of these females?  Are they typically unsound?  Is it like Heatwave, where pelvis area is too small to be good momma cows?  They don't milk, what?

Thought it might be a thought provoking question. 


mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Im not sure how DA Bull is bred :but considering it was 1996 -1997 I would think Da bull was more maternal than alot of the hairball puds later on. Heetseekers dam was pretty much all maternal-from a performance oriented herd-Mantua Farms in Wyoming. she was an Improver 145-and he was bordering on full Irish.-Her dam would have had alot of thier breeding on her side-but probably no other Improver to speak of close up in her pedigree.Yeah Yeah Improver is a carrier-and so was 145-But we didnt know all that back then-And he produced some real high performance cattle for those times-like MF Avalanch:and a ton of good females. So one place to start RE why they make good cows-they are basically oldschool maternal and early generation- chi-clubby, which started out as pretty big growthy cattle O0


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
My neighbor raised Heatseeker so I tried him on a few cows.  The calves were nuts.  I watched a couple Da Bull steers get excused from the show ring at the Iowa State for getting away from the showman twice.    One of them was going to win the class.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I had a Heetseeker cow who was very good natured and so were her calves. She just didnt breed as good as she looked:which to me-as red and awsome as she was-shed stop a clock.I had a bull calf at Denver when Heetseeker and Double Vision were there,it wasnt as grandious as later-other than Seeker who drew a huge crowd. Double Vision was tied up by himself-not uptight, and with a rope halter. He was a very quiet calf with alot of ringworm-I walked right up to him and scratched him:and he stood there like he knew me. Seeker wasnt crazy either-he seemed pretty mellow-although that may have been ace or something. O0