x PB Shorthorn (JBS Walker x Double Talent x Steermaker) Bull Calf

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2009
Connersville, IN
This is our young bull calf. I just wanted to share a few pics. I really don't know what my long term plans with him are. ie... promote him, sell him, or just enjoy having a nice herd bull. I have been trying to concentrate on my shorthorn breeding program, but this guy has always intrigued me. Thoughts?

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Ill take calves like that all day long-are you kidden? Two of the most influential bulls ever outside of Pine Drive big Sky (lol) ARE: Double Stuff,And HEATSEEKER: Lately the only ones that will come close are MAB-and i-80-and although for diffferent reasons Shorthorns had something to do with all but i-80,and thats one reason those bulls crossed on so many cattle.A calf made like your bull would almost have to have clubby Shorthorn in the woodpile to be made like that.And hats off:I-80 will prove to be one of the greatest all around bulls in the last 100 years-at this rate. Yet I keep seeing people trying to come up with these hardoing no butt dairy looking cattle that no-one can really use today-And continually pulling the maternal card in the "purest mode" whenever something stout or clubby is in the picture.Alot of  those Ayatollah type cattle would no more survive in range conditions than Kim Kardashian-And at least shes got a butt. O0


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2008
not to hijack this post, but, Pine Drive Big Sky - my what a flashback.  Must have been close to 25 years ago (time flies doesn't it) I was going through calves on a ranch at Hamilton, Texas, that was owned by Diamond Shamrock - hence, unlimited capital.  We were riding around looking at calves still on the cows.  This ranch raised Angus and Brangus.  I remember about two minutes into the tour asking the foreman, what on earth are these Angus calves out of?  He said, you're looking at our first calf crop out of Pine Drive Big Sky.  My Lord, the calves were flat awesome.  I'm not an Angus guy, but mercy, I'd never seen such a calf crop before.  and I will say their mother cows were a sight to behold also.  We were able to purchase a couple of heifers for the kids that really worked out well for my kiddos.  BTW, the Brangus herd was just as impressive, those moderate cows could raise American steers for today's shows in Texas.  Your post jogged a nice memory I wanted to share. 


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
He looks nice. How would he paper? 50% shorthorn? 