You know your going to be late for dinner when......

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Well-known member
May 24, 2007
I don't know about all of you, but it always seems like whenever my wife plans something, and tells me "come in in ten minutes" something happens that is mostly out of my control.  Today, with her whole side coming for a little picnic I am running close on time and come around the corner and see the cow stuck in the wall of shed.  I did waste enough time to get a quick photo, and once the cow calmed down enough, I was able to easily get her out.  So does anyone else have trouble, mostly caused by animals it seems, with just getting in trouble at the wrong time?  It happens as much with the kids too, but it is easier to justify than with the kids' animals, got any examples you would like to share?...



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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
About 1 month ago I was preparing for our wedding that was to be held outside in our yard. Everyone else was gone getting their hair done etc and I decided to get chores done before things got started. The gate to the pen that has Walkerton and the yrarling heifers in it is about 50 feet from where we had set up tables earlier in the day. Just like any other day I opened the gate carrying two buckets and headed to the feed bunk fully expecting the bull and heifers to follow me. I dumped the feed in the bunk and turned around to see Walkerton headed out through the gate and into the yard. Keep in mind that we have had multiple inches of rain nearly every day for several months ahead of this.... a 1600+ pound yearling bull makes a pretty deep track in these conditions and he headed straight for the tables. After considerable "dancing" that would have made a cutting horse proud and a few words that wouldn't have made my mother proud, I finally got him back into the pen where he belonged just minutes before my bride to be arrived back home. It did create some conversation that day about the "big holes in your yard" and I can honestly say that I almost had a bull for a best man <beer>. RW


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
I just literally spit food on my computer. That photo awesome. Haven't laughed like that in a long time. 
RW funny how animals now when to be a pain. I have had show heifers that have figured out how to open one gate on the farm. I hate waking up to a cow in the window asking to be fed.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2010
Can't think of any experiences to share right at the moment, but gotta love that picture!!!  You need to send that into a cattle magazine of some sort.  Thanks for sharing!! (clapping)


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Christmas 2 yrs ago.  Neighbor 2 miles down road had a cow come into heat and break out.  We were leaving to go to Moms for Christmas and as I was going down the driveway I saw 2 of eighbors cows run through/over my fence stirring up the bull.  They did this just in time to turn around and jump back over with the bull following.  Having snow on the roads and my bull chasing the two cows I had to get him back ASAP before it cost me. 3hrs later and one super pissed off wife I got the bull back.  Needless to say I ruined "Our 1st Christmas with thew Baby".  I also have to go on 3 trips a year for work.  Those are the ONLY times cows ever get out.  I have gone out of my way to prevent this and always seem to get a call or text with my wife in a panic.  It is so rediculous!


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
Larkspur, CO
I laughed when I read this post. Made me think of a day this winter. Our driveway was icy and I had a hair appointment clear on the other side of town. I couldn't get up my driveway in my car. I slid back down just about running into our farm truck. I had to take a suitcase to my son for a trip that he needed it for. So, our farm truck is named Moby and it's a sight for sore eyes. I jumped into Moby with a suitcase in the front seat and my breakfast, Pop Tarts! I went up to our gate and put the truck in park and on went the emergency brake. I popped out to open the gate and looked back and Moby was rolling right into the fence that stores our propane tank!!!! Down went the fence but thank god we had railroad ties bordering it that kept the truck from hitting the tank. So, now really running late I jumped into the truck and headed down the busiest highway in the state. Picture me in a run down farm truck with a suitcase in the front seat eating Pop Tarts. My daughter calls and says, "Mom, did you see what happened to our fence?" Laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face I told her the story. Then I called my husband. Now I have a car with 4-wheel drive!!!!!