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    Memorial Day

    I couldn't agree more stumpy. I hope everyone has a good day and remembers the reason for this day.
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    Any calves out of Limestone Rimrock?

    How do they look? How are they growing? What kind of cows did you use him on and what kind of cows would you recommend using him on?
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    To all those during harvest season, PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!!!

    Earlier this evening I heard that a neighbor of mine who was in a very serious farming accident had passed away. It still has not fully sunk in that he is gone...Please pray for his family and close friends. I have known this man since I was 4 years old, he was like a grandpa to me.
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    Heart of it All Show in Ohio

    Lima, its right off I-75
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    Darke County Ohio Fair

    I walked through the beef barn last night, really good cattle down there. I don't know if you saw a blind guy walking through the barn, but I was the big guy walking with him.
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    thoughts on my steer?

    I don't see any pics
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    Anybody use the bull Big Money?

    I recently aquired a few straws of this bull and was wondering if anyone has used him or seen calves out of him. He is out of Boo Hoo and Shady Lady.
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    Galloway X Alias / Angus heifer Calf

    Nice looking heifer, do you know who the sire is?
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    Simmental bulls

    RTC Cowboy, flush mate to steel force
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    Rough day

    Sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful dog.
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    Simmental bull Uno Mas

    Anybody use him or plan on using him? I'm thinking about using him. What are your opinions of him?
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    What bull to breed Simmi heifer

    Would Trademark be a possibility?
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    Simmental Cross?

    I'd go for 3C Macho
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    Chopper Breeding Idea's

    Depends on what you are looking for, got any pics of her?
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    1/2 Time Super Bowl

    Make sure you post a pic of the bull you name Eli. GO GIANTS!
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    Afghan Christmas card

    Merry Christmas to you and the guys. Be safe out there.
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    show ration using ear corn

    I like the sound of that ration, do you use wet or dry molasses?
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    new pic of donor

    Really nice cow! Who is her mother out of?