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  1. L

    Monopoly 2 Heifer

    We had our first Monopoly 2 heifer this year.    Of course I have read a lot of success on the Monopoly calves so we are excited to see her grow. 
  2. L

    Steer Feed Question

    I apologize if this question has been addressed in the past.  I did try to search for the topic without any luck .... What have you used or what would you recommended using to add more to the top of a show steer?  Currently we are adding Purina Power Fuel and Champion Drive and I wonder if...
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    cow family

    what are some of the best cow families to start a 20 cow club calf herd with?
  4. L

    Opinions of this Steer Please!!

    Can you please give me an opinion of this steer. 
  5. L

    what works best

    I have some 4yr old simm-angus cow I want to AI, just wanting to know what works. thay are 1500# or so and sound would like to stay black Thanks for the help
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    These are my sons' steer for our late July county fair.  I am open to any suggestions, opinions or recommendations.  Thank you. 
  7. L

    what works best

    I have 7 simi angus cross cow i am wanting to ai this spring on their 3rd calf. what heatwave son will work best Thanks
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    badger classic

    any body going to the badger classic
  9. L

    need good steer calve

    need steer for end of july county fair wisconsin