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  1. JbarL

    The cost of Oil?

    never said once wealth was evil....but its time now to pay the bills for presidents of already know....iraq...afganistan...perscripyion subsidizes....tarp.....stimulus....ect... if you think you can balance a budjet without revenue your crazy....if you thiink the middle...
  2. JbarL

    The cost of Oil?

    compassion for fairness is not to be confused with anger or revenge.....this 35 to 65 yr old generation has lost enough...savings gone/retirement funds drying up...home values benifits unattanable due to cost....if this generations economy has been ruined ...doesnt that tell us...
  3. JbarL

    The cost of Oil?

    when you find out exactually who the tea party is representing in the up comming "commission of 12" will find that the entire agenda of the tea party has nothing to offer but the same ole "trickle down economics" with protecting the pretense of the rich mush be will see...
  4. JbarL

    The cost of Oil?

    bull pucky..... the tea party was an end to the spending party the " good ole boys" ran up on the gop tab( and a long standind repution that was begining to erode)......they dont want to raise taxes because republicians have always been "anti taxes".... .'"read my lips" number 1 was another...
  5. JbarL

    The cost of Oil?

    they just  hate capitilism when it produces people like bernie madoff/jack abramoth and companies like enron...again .....all to protect  a lifestyle  we'll never know...jbarl
  6. JbarL

    The cost of Oil?

    when it come to oil and "lies" can we forget the bush/rumsfeld/cheny promise that ...oil profits from iraq would covewr the cost of the war..... that one seemd to hurt the country  a bit....its killin' us now finacially still today...8 yrs of bush and then comes the tea party...slick...
  7. JbarL

    Democratic Takeover?

    seems the auto industry has paid back its bailout money... governement unions pay into there insurance and pension as well.....some say not enough...thats changing....what they are squawking about is the fact that they have by passed the collective bargining rights of the members....again, not...
  8. JbarL

    Democratic Takeover?

    unions are losing there subsidisys now as we speak....state by state....same with the education profession/police and fire/....paying more for the same benifits... forced contributiions...thats a farce...everyone knows going into a union job that there are dues to pay.....union workers are not...
  9. JbarL

    Democratic Takeover?

    they lost the house majority since that 2.5 year the republican house is split like a piece a red oak....we will see how realistic the republicans can be with the new t force calling the shots in the house now....debt ceiling looming/...funding our war obligations/...some big...
  10. JbarL

    Corrupt system

    the hypocrisy, seems to be as how the history of our governement has evolved over its short time,.....and  this is what we're left with?? ..... term llimits/ with no golden parachute retirements for all elected officals...the right has no problem  asking for governement unions " chippin" in a...
  11. JbarL

    Corrupt system

    there should be a monument center in washington dc listing all of the politicians in our history who've been corrupt and resigned or impeached while  in duty....a " wall of shame" to speak.....put em all on there...the nixons/ foleys/ jeffersons/ weiners/  and craigs...and there are plenty...
  12. JbarL

    Corrupt system

    fact have forgotten ( as usual) to figure in the billions and trillions of  subsidies to big oil/pharmaceutical/ and insurance companies ....lay the cost of the iraq war alone over our current debt and things start to become a little clearer....add the unnecessary subsidies and we...
  13. JbarL

    Corrupt system

    the "system" isnt whats corrupt....its when you assign "people" to over see it is when you get in trouble.....presently the middle class is being asked to foot the bill for city debt, county debt, state debt,and the national debt...this all wasnt even an issue 6 short years
  14. JbarL

    earth...wind and fire

    with the latest onslot of major tornados...flooding to the extent of opening 80 year old  "emergency" flood control measures to the extent of  wiping out tens of thousands of acres of farmland home and whole towns....../  recent sping tornados.... several.hundreds of people killed....tens of...
  15. JbarL

    This is part of the problemin the world! No common sense! N/C

    the last democratic primary was clsoe....between two lost and threw there support to the other.....and they won hands down...the republicans were divided and discruntled in 08....and have been arguing ever sense amoungst themselves.......going to be the same way this...
  16. JbarL

    This is part of the problemin the world! No common sense! N/C

    hypotheticas once again.... reality is... the republicans of michigan  own it....since when did the governor of michigan care what a democrate thought, or was worried about they're response on anything??...the american people are about ready to find out what the republican party is all...
  17. JbarL

    This is part of the problemin the world! No common sense! N/C

    rick snyder / the govenor of a if theres fingers to be pointed in the " running of michigans governement, and the distribution of entitlements " of this state ...its just another  hypicritical example of the pot calling the kettle black....monetary advantages for...
  18. JbarL

    we got Bin Laden

    thats all the proof i need.............. ;D  jbarl
  19. JbarL

    we got Bin Laden

    those were hardley "george bushs"  techniques....remember mei li?....that was 1968...."enhanced torture techniques" have been around alot longer than george bush.....he was a faliure at utilizing the intel  info to catch him his self....he couldnt find oil in texas as an oil exec...and he...