Well-known member
This needs to be said......people take the time to sit down and share their thoughts, feelings, ideas, experiences, basically their life on the internet..... Some are better writers than others... Some are better readers than others......Obviously we all enjoy this and we enjoy what we each have to offer.... Not all opinons will gel not all senses of humor is understood. We as human beings have the ability to fill in blanks when epople missspell wordsss...We can also tend to figure out things when BAckward they are!!! MMMM you seek YODA!!!
BUT we can and do read into things that are not said or implied and we tend to read them as it realates personally....And we take things personally.... Unless you actually Know the person and can see the face of the person on the other side of the screen DO NOT take it personal!!!!
BUT we can and do read into things that are not said or implied and we tend to read them as it realates personally....And we take things personally.... Unless you actually Know the person and can see the face of the person on the other side of the screen DO NOT take it personal!!!!