Angus Semen

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
I had a guy ask if I was interested in some older Angus semen, and before I committed, I wanted to check on the price.

The bulls are as follows:
New Design 878 1523
SS Objective T510 of 26 1574
Image Maker 1415 1642
Bon View New Design 1407 1999
GAR Precision 1680 (I doubt this is worth much anymore after the CA deal)
CA Future Direction 1057
N Bar Emulation EXT 1413
KCF Bennett Coalition 1621
HyLine Right Time 338  5307
GAR Expectation 4915 212
Sitz Alliance 6595 791
Rito 1i2 of 253 Rito 616 234

Any of this stuff have any value to it?


Well-known member
May 30, 2008
A lot of the bulls are still available and most are still desirable.

The EXT is worth 100-150 a straw and will only go up.

CA Future Direction, CAC and NHC, some are still asking 150 a straw.
Precision, CAC and NHC, FD's sire, some are still asking 150 a straw.
While not listed BT Crossover is in the same boat, but possibly not as high in price.

I am not sure how much is being traded, but I believe these bulls still have some value for the right outfit.