justintime said:
We collected a bull at Genex Hawkeye West in Billings and had several requests for sexed semen. The staff at Hawkeye West really tried to convince me that it was not worthwhile to sex the semen. They told me that it is technology that should only be used with extreme caution, as the semen quality would be poorer with considerably less conception rates. My ET vets also have not been very positive about using sexed semen. They tell me the technology is not fully developed yet to where semen is high enough quality to use in ET work. I have only used sexed semen in a flush once, and we got 3 fertilized embryos ( 1s and 2s) and 17 unfertilized embryos.
I also have some questions in my own mind about the long range affects of using sexed semen on a breed. If sexed semen becomes very prevelent, you are basically only putting selection pressure on one sex. I am not convinced if this is a good thing or not.
The quality of the semen is not poorer with sexed semen. Its actually much higher than conventional. The reason that the conception rates are about 85% of what you get with conventional is that the straws are packed with fewer cells than conventional. So, its a concentration factor not a quality factor. Each cell is selected one by one before its packed in to a straw. Only the best of the best make it.
For some reason, people don't know that there are two different straws of sexed semen produced. One is for AI ONLY and is packed with 2.1 million cells and the other is intended for Flushing and is poacked with 5.0 million cells. To get a 5.0 million cell straw it must be custom produced from a bull.