Beef and Health

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
chambero said:
Here goes that common sense thing again.

Humans have canine teeth for a reason - we are meant to eat meat.

The recommendations regarding eating meat and beef in particular are probably more to do with disrupted digestive systems from the chemo and other drugs given to cancer patients.  The obviously aren't worried about beef causing cancer since the people already have it. 

The chemo drugs are so hard on the body I bet it severely inhibits lots of bodily functions.

Cancer rates have largely increased because people live long enough now to get it.  It hasn't been that long that people usually died of something else before cancers had time to develop.  Of course all of the synthetic chemicals in our lives really are a big cause.  But we developed those things for a reason and the alternatives are worse.  You have to die of something.

chambero - I have the study if you want a copy - it is almost 600 pages long - what they did was take all the scientific articles written since the last study and "objectively" review them, compiling the data and make recommendations. Most of these studies are epidemiological in nature and rely on human/patient recall of things - ie how many times a week over the last year did you eat red meat? How many times over the last year did you drink a glass of orange juice etc - (do you remember what you ate yesterday???) - then they take the recall diet / exercise/ habit data and develop correlations or relationships with various things ie cancer, high blood pressure etc and then they come up with some recommendations.

IMVHO I reviewed the red meat and processed meat areas and the recommendations are out of proportion to the data presented - which suggests to me that althought there are "famous and well respected" scientists involved and they took "care" to avoid bias the group as  a whole has an agenda - I can also send you the link .....

the recommendations have nothing to do with cancer therapy...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
hey telos,

check this article out.  who knew nitrates and nitrites could be good.  vegetarians repent.


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