cell phones in the ring

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
i hoping just about everybody knows that it is bad showmanship to have your cell phone in you in the ring, well i was at a jackpot show in madison MN and in my showmanship class there was a boy that had his cel phone in his pocket and another boy who had no comb in his back pocket. the judge would come around and touch the animals and everyone would brush their animals except him. You know what happened that day the boy with the cell in the pocket was champ and the boy with no comb was reserve showman. everybody that day came up and told me i should have won the showmanship class hands down but its not that, that bothers me its the people who wear hats in the ring or dont have combs or have their cell phones on them. I dont want to sound ignorant by any means but that kinda thing happens at every show i go to and i really wish people would learn real showmanship


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
Keep doing your best... Everyone except the judge thought you won and thats should mean a lot to you.. Don't let the politics around the show barn get you down because it is always gonna be there... Do what you now is right and start practicing not letting judges get to you... It is very hard sometimes not to get upset but nothing good comes out of it...I get mad too


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
I enjoy calling people who are in the ring to see them fumble/figit/scramble to turn their cell off

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
True story:  A few years ago, I was showing at a winter show. The fella next to me was obviously pre-occupied with something else, as before we were going in the ring, he was like a flea on a dog. Anyway....
We walk in  the ring, and as he is fumbling with his stick, I noticed his zipper was complete down. And poor fella had chosen bright yellow underwear that day. The judge was coming around, and I tried to get his attention without making a scene (the rail was pretty close). He had decided to concentrate on his heifer, and ignored my "psst, sir"  I tried several times, and finally, as the judge was getting closer, I led my heifer around his and said "Sir, your zipper is down, and your yellow underwear is showing."  He looked at me, and immediately zipped himself up. As I was setting my heifer back up, he grinned and said "Thanks, its so cold, I am surprised you could tell."  The rest of the class, I had the giggles, and on the way out of the ring, he wink at me  and I couldn't control myself anymore. I had tears I was laughing so hard!!!

So fellas, and gals, make sure you "check things out" before you go into the ring.... that includes no cell phones, a comb in the pocket, and things zipped and buttoned!!!



Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
Tasmania Australia
FYI it is bad ring etiquette in Australia to enter the ring with a comb in your pocket and a phone to of course. After a long show when you are boring and tried I like to do the Simtal trick to.

Jacob B

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2008
Ithaca, Michigan
That's pretty darn funny show heifer.  I'll have to try that calling somebody while their in the ring next time I'm at a show.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
simtal said:
I enjoy calling people who are in the ring to see them fumble/figit/scramble to turn their cell off

What do you do if the calf gets a phone call?

MKC Showcattle

Well-known member
Mar 14, 2010
Show Heifer said:
True story:  A few years ago, I was showing at a winter show. The fella next to me was obviously pre-occupied with something else, as before we were going in the ring, he was like a flea on a dog. Anyway....
We walk in  the ring, and as he is fumbling with his stick, I noticed his zipper was complete down. And poor fella had chosen bright yellow underwear that day. The judge was coming around, and I tried to get his attention without making a scene (the rail was pretty close). He had decided to concentrate on his heifer, and ignored my "psst, sir"   I tried several times, and finally, as the judge was getting closer, I led my heifer around his and said "Sir, your zipper is down, and your yellow underwear is showing."  He looked at me, and immediately zipped himself up. As I was setting my heifer back up, he grinned and said "Thanks, its so cold, I am surprised you could tell."   The rest of the class, I had the giggles, and on the way out of the ring, he wink at me  and I couldn't control myself anymore. I had tears I was laughing so hard!!!

So fellas, and gals, make sure you "check things out" before you go into the ring.... that includes no cell phones, a comb in the pocket, and things zipped and buttoned!!!

Thats hilarious!


Active member
Aug 10, 2010
is there a place you can find cell phone etiquette and language? 


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2010
Well my cell phone is almost always in my pocket...though I am a bit old for showmanship..as a judge  to me its not a completely bad thing to have your cell phone in your pocket...as long as I dont notice it ringing in the middle of the class...but I agree if your showing haired cattle you should always have a comb and if your showing slick or brahman influenced you should always have a hankie and your clothes should always be appropriate and presentable...my biggest pet peeve is kids walkiing in the ring with tennis shoes on!


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
Bagdad, Kentucky.
Ii judged a show recently and a girl came into showmanship with flip flops. It was not hard to find my bottom in that one. I think the thing that I hate the most is at the smaller shows these kids are wearing there exhibitor harness in the ring with no number to put in it. jmo but if your not using it in some fashion its just something to get in the way. Am I the only one that thinks this way or do others agree?

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Some of these smaller shows "struggle" with proper fashion and behavior. At our local show, I mentioned it, and was told "this is a small show. Its not one of those professional show where a lot of money is spent"
Are we doing these kids a favor by not telling/showing them the correct way to show cattle? Are we "sparing their feelings" for their benefit, or ours?  Have we become so lazy as adults that we are willing to let obvious mistakes and dangerous behavior go on, just so we don't have to become involved?
  I have seen kids with rope halters wrapped around their hands. I have seen tennis shoes. I have seen calves that have had halters on them for just days before the show. All totally unacceptable in my opinion.

I am sorry, if I saw a kid showing in flip flops, I would have ask them to leave the ring. That is not only unacceptable, but dangerous to everyone in the ring.
Sep 12, 2010
middletown, california
at my county fair if you enter the ring witha cell phone in your pocket and u have flip flops on and no scotch comb you would be asked to leave and my old ffa advisor banned us from wearing flip flops in  the showbarn and around the cattle after a accident a couple years a ago when a girl broke her ankle while wearning flip flops and her steer stepped on it and she still showed  but was on pain killers


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2009
Valley Mills, Texas
While we are at it, how come lots of kids don't take their hats off when they enter a building like a home or church?  Are old fashioned  manners out of style?  Just a thought...


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
I got hit in the back of the head if I forgot to take my hat off inside, I notice more grown men  that KNOW BETTER who eat with their hats on and don't think twice about it.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2010
bluegrass said:
Ii judged a show recently and a girl came into showmanship with flip flops. It was not hard to find my bottom in that one. I think the thing that I hate the most is at the smaller shows these kids are wearing there exhibitor harness in the ring with no number to put in it. jmo but if your not using it in some fashion its just something to get in the way. Am I the only one that thinks this way or do others agree?

i  agree

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Bulldaddy said:
While we are at it, how come lots of kids don't take their hats off when they enter a building like a home or church?  Are old fashioned  manners out of style?  Just a thought...

How about spitting EVERYWHERE? I have seen boys/guys/men spitting on sidewalks, in the show ring, in the show barn,  EVERYWHERE.. come on. If you "big boy" enough to chew either be man enough to swallow, or polite enough to spit on your own boot.


Dec 23, 2009
Wow!.. It's not like i havn't heard these before but i got to add one of my pet peeves as well.. I think showmanship is the most important thing to know and to PRACTICE before ever getting in the ring. If you don't know how to show, how in the world are you going to be able to "SHOW" off your prized animal?.. These days, it seems that parents are getting their kids into showing cattle just for the sake of showing and winning big, but its not fun at all when you watch the kid take in an animal that is drop dead gorgeous and he/she makes it look horrible, because of the way he sets up the animal and how the head drags the ground and what not..

and most of all when you teach a kid to look at the judge.. don't teach them to stare at the judge to the point they are watching him or her every second and walking into other animals..lol.. also, when a judge points to you.. "GO".. your being placed... these are just things that get me everytime.. most of the time its funny but frustrating because all it takes is the extra effort and time.. work with YOUR animals and don't have others do them for you.. Know your project, know how to show your project, dress reasonably and dress for safety.. Now these Harnesses that everyone uses REALLY why can't we just go back to the old pin and number on the back now we have these holders and like the past post some shows you don't get a number  but kids are still wearing the harness.. we really do need a nation wide rule book of show ring ettiquet and rules of showing.. It sure would clarify a showmanhip class when a kid that doesn't show well still ends up winning.. lol.. come on who will be the first to write one?.. lol