Hi guys, thought I would add some of my past experience here on using and studying results of feeding innoculated feeds. First off, I have studied the results of using innoculated forages and seen increased digestibility, resulting in increased mineral utilizition. This came from several studies done by measuing excretion of minerals in both fecal and urine . Also, the AMOUNT secreted. I have seen lower PH which results in more bunk life. Increased cell wall digestibility which results in more energy available to animals. Also, have used temperature probe to track heating during fermentation. By reducing trapped oxygen, on day 3-5 the temperature has stayed 100 degrees, then in 3 weeks lowered to 80 degrees. When the temperature went over 108 degrees, you will see alot of shrink, and carmelization , which results in your nutrients being burned up. This ends in positive fermentation and increases palatability.
The bottom line here is income over feed cost. Increased feed efficiency, and much less nutrients going back out on the field that are NOT wanted (manure management practices). This also went back to the rations and we could cut back on minerals in the ration because the cows were utilizing it better (it wasnt coming out their back end).
The applicators that are on these choppers are calobrated to put on so many ounces or pounds per ton. The biggest problem I have seen is when the forage gets wet, the hoses plug up and then NOTHING gets treated correctly !
Hope you all could follow this, it is one of the things that really gets me excited, so I tend to run in circles ! haha