Cool fronted refers to a calf with a long extended neck with very little to no dewlap and brisket. This term is synomynous with goose fronted, so think about what a goose's neck looks like and that will give you an idea. Bulls that exhibit this include Full Throttle, Full Flush, XRAy Vision, and Gizmo to name a few. On the shoulders you want them smooth and have about a 45 degree angle.
From a performance-oriented viewpoint, it means cattle that wean 75lbs lighter, and weigh 350lbs too light at a year, and, mature into hoard-doing, high maintenance cattle.
afhm, that's ingenious! Cool diagram...How difficult would it be to do the whole profile like that; head, neck, body, legs, top, rear, even the tail? Heh,Heh,Heh...