Corrupt system

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
bryan6807 said:
I Love my country, not my Gov't

you seem reluctant to reveal the truth on other countries.  do you not love them too?  why the discrimination?  there is only one world and why shouldn't everyone have the truth?


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Imma defend Bryan a little bit. I grew up thinking Ben Franklin was a happy go lucky genius who was the role model of the founding fathers. Recently I dug deep into his history to find out he was a dark, drunkin sex addict who paid boys in england to rob grave, bring him the corpses so he could disect them and experiment medical procedures on them. Also he attended very elite masonic ritual gatheings. How wrong we were led by schools as a child. This is just the tip of the iceburg!!!


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Is it better to try and convince everybody what is really going on or just take good care of yourself and family? I am thinking here. I will just take care of what i can take care of and let the rest fall where it may. You cant convince people of anything today other than gas is high. Good luck gettin my guns and takin my freedoms.  This ol hillbilly will always go down swinging. I just think there is so many people these days. You cant possibly please us all. Knabe has a good point. Its our world not our country. Now try and convince all those folks. Not happening. Those of us that feed the world will eventually get our due. It is after all something we all need. How many bushel per acre corn they raise in Iran, Iraq? HAHA. They got the oil but last time I checked, you cant eat oil and you cant grow corn in sand filled with land mines. i think we need to stay patient and hope the U.S. gets smarter over time and doesnt let the riff raff run the big house.  For what its worth, who do you think the other 50- 60% of the population is that doesnt vote(I vote every year btw)? Yea, its the pot smokers. If a candidate ever ran on legalizing pot, IMO, they would win in a landslide. We are all farmers, yet nobody complains about not being able to farm hemp in the states.  That is missing a huge oppurtunity IMO.  1 acre of hemp, (no THC content) will produced the same amount of fiber as 4 acres of trees. The oil from hemp seeds is one of the most healthy cooking oils known to man. IMO, its one of the most versitle crops on the planet and we are ignorant to the benefits.  I believe God put ALL the plants on here for us to use.
Speakin of Ben Franklin......he farmed hemp. So did George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and everybody else in the american frontier. 


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Revisionist history is a very popular theme.  None of us are perfect.  Anyone that had been on a school board or any other local office can understand how hard it is to please people.  At the national level its orders of magnitude worse.  Crucifying politicians is an official sport.  Most arent bad people at all.

By the way, Ben Franklin did a lot more good than harm for this world as did the rest of the founding fathers.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Gargan said:
Imma defend Bryan a little bit. I grew up thinking Ben Franklin was a happy go lucky genius who was the role model of the founding fathers. Recently I dug deep into his history to find out he was a dark, drunkin sex addict who paid boys in england to rob grave, bring him the corpses so he could disect them and experiment medical procedures on them. Also he attended very elite masonic ritual gatheings. How wrong we were led by schools as a child. This is just the tip of the iceburg!!!

take away all of ben franklin's contributions.  one of the most interesting one's was oiling boat hulls to lower surface tension.  maybe read something a little different and you won't be so jaded.  

you will find what you look for.  be careful.  you might be exposed to the gore effect.

The Green movement is a watermelon, green on the outside and Red on the inside.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
I'm going to go out on a limb and risk being dumb. I have nothing to lose at this point.. Lol

Ron Paul - the man who is going to "change the world".... Who else is there? Obviously Obama had done us no good. Our world is crumbling at a high rate, and understandably he's not the sole person to blame. But can things really, honestly be turned around? At what cost?  Are we going to see a change within 5 years, is that possible? Its easy to spiral down, but coming back up from that is the difficult thing. Its taken our country how long to get to this point?

I am all for being optimistic, but I just can't. I feel that taking care of my family, having means to provide without the necessity of the world is about the only way I see my family surviving. (provided there is no major country incident, which I'm not sure won't happen). Really can we make real changes?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
chambero said:
Revisionist history is a very popular theme.  None of us are perfect.  Anyone that had been on a school board or any other local office can understand how hard it is to please people.  At the national level its orders of magnitude worse.   Crucifying politicians is an official sport.  Most arent bad people at all.

By the way, Ben Franklin did a lot more good than harm for this world as did the rest of the founding fathers.

there should be a monument center in washington dc listing all of the politicians in our history who've been corrupt and resigned or impeached while  in duty....a " wall of shame" to speak.....put em all on there...the nixons/ foleys/ jeffersons/ weiners/  and craigs...and there are plenty more.....we monumentalize the captials halls of thsi and halls of that all over dc.....maybe a permenent marker and stop on the bus tour for the crooks and undeserving would impede otheres in the future??..
.and yoiur right chambro..diplomacy is rare enough with any group.....diplomacy while problem solving is a true lost art.....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
revolutions are simply asset re-valuation.

throughout history, those who have sought to create bubbles while creating no wealth themselves are tossed aside with a re-valuation of zero or even worse, see 1776, 1789.

law simply allows for keeping the power structure in place while wheeling and dealing with those who are under the power structure.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
...a " wall of shame" to speak.....put em all on there...the nixons/ foleys/ jeffersons/ weiners/  and craigs...and there are plenty more.....

like everyone on steerplanet and the world.  this wall of shame is pointless other than to illustrate 3 fingers pointed back at one's self.  hypocrisy is the central tenant of a bubble.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
the hypocrisy, seems to be as how the history of our governement has evolved over its short time,.....and  this is what we're left with?? .....
term llimits/ with no golden parachute retirements for all elected officals...the right has no problem  asking for governement unions " chippin" in a bit more on there insurance/pensions ect??...why not appy it straight across the entire federal board ??...why should anthony weiner get 35K/yr  and paid insurance the rest of his life??...hyprocisy is 10 yrs of trickle down economics and the middle class sittin around with whats left of there savings/retirement....underwater on second mortage home loans "promoted" during " the good ole days"....and the middle class left  bein asked to pick up the slack ??.....i think we've learned where the trickle seems to stop......jbarl