Crazy Dreams

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Ok so last night I had a crazy enough dream that I felt the need to share.

I was showing a steer (don't know "where" or what steer..he was black and pretty), and was late to start getting him ready for the ring.  But luckily his hair was quite nice and cooperated better than 95% I had in real life.  There was some dust on his back but I thought, well, oh well, gotta go.  Then I walked around his other side and there was some brown crust on his butt, that I was having trouble getting off.  So I looked at his tail and there was a bunch of squishy manure.  Then more and more and he was smearing it all over his butt and i had no way of getting it out in time.  [note..this is when dream becomes nightmare  ;D]  I was crying saying "why didn't we pull his feed today Dad?"  Then I didn't end up in the ring..not sure if the steer did.  I went to watch the placings in the class, and get this....all the "steers" were different kinds of tables.  Mostly black, but one with pizza on it.  (lol)  Then, I was mad because the second place table was some modern thing, with leany legs, and I thought he should place that high because he was standing under himself  (clapping)

So that was my exceedingly strange dream.

Have any of you ever had any strange cattle related dreams?  Or even non-cattle ones.  Share them with us here


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Good one genes! I'm sure a dream specialist would have a field day w/ that one!
I remember one of mine, it was a the begining of the PHA findings. I remember that I was really doing a lot of reseach & thinking about it a lot. One night I dreamed the following:
DL was standing in front of our church & her sermon was explaining PHA.  I still remeber laughing when I woke up & told my hubby about the dream. He told me I needed a life!
He dreams about calves that are going to be born. Some have been really close to the truth.



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Wow.  What a dream.  Let this old nutty professor take a stab at it.  Amatuer psychology here...havent read about old Sigmund Freud in a long time.   Could it be that you are a perfectionist and the last thing you would ever want to do is take a half fitted calf in the ring?  Do you have a dislike for modern furniture?  Could you be unconsciously compairing post legged show steers to table legs?  Could it be that you went to bed hungry and the pizza was a side show??   Isnt it weird what the mind does to us?

My most memorable bizarre dream was that my Kachina Doll (Navajo mythical figures) collection came to life and chased me around the house.  Weird.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
cowz said:
Wow.  What a dream.  Let this old nutty professor take a stab at it.  Amatuer psychology here...havent read about old Sigmund Freud in a long time.  Could it be that you are a perfectionist and the last thing you would ever want to do is take a half fitted calf in the ring?  Do you have a dislike for modern furniture?  Could you be unconsciously compairing post legged show steers to table legs?  Could it be that you went to bed hungry and the pizza was a side show??  Isnt it weird what the mind does to us?

My most memorable bizarre dream was that my Kachina Doll (Navajo mythical figures) collection came to life and chased me around the house.  Weird.

Hey that's pretty good....I don't like postlegged steers much nor am I that fond of modern furniture.  And I didn't eat much yeaterday.  I don't know about the perfectionist though...aside from the dust and manure his actual hair looked better than a lot of mine have  :D

And your doll thing, that just sounds scary.

Red that's hilarious....DL preaching (lol)