Disrespectful teacher

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2011
If and when you have any meetings...keep a close eye on the grades she gets from that teacher!!  We have issues where a couple kids have issues and then the grades get worse for no reason!! ie-if she's an A student getting Cs go back

american honey

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
wannabe said:
Spoke with vice principal on tuesday at noon as the building principal was out. Explained to him in a calm manner what had transpired and had shown my displeasure for the teachers reactions and comments. His comment was sometimes kids exaggerate what was said and so on. You can see where this was heading. I asked him to speak with my daughter about what had occurred before noon on Wednesday because they were leaving for state convention and would not be back until next week. I then asked him to report to me at noon yesterday with what he had found out about the situation. When I left his office he thanked me for coming in and called me a wrong first name. I left thinking he did not have the common courtesy to even remember my name or even take notes as I was speaking with him after I had introduced myself at the start of our conversation. If by noon today I here nothing, I am going to the principal. I know this may ambush the building principal somewhat,but it may get her attention as to whom she has in charge when she is away. Looking forward to more input as I am patiently waiting a response from school. My daughter also noted that many students came up to her after class and said how the teacher should not have done that and how rude it was in front of everyone. At the end of her conversation with the teacher she said she has been showing cattle her whole life and I guess he just laughed at her. Our family takes showing very seriously and this has really struck a nerve with us.

This is so ridicules, my mom would go to the superintendent. Stand your ground, and I will be praying for you! Good Luck Sir and thank you for caring!


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
We have pointed out to various unsupportive teachers that FFA and 4H garnered our eldest daughter over 50 thousand in college scholarships...and what can they offer to equal that?  However, we did have an AP English teacher comment on one child's essay that she thought she must be spending too much time with her sheep (it was lambing season) because her writing was starting to sound like them "Baa baa baa".  The kid got the message and put some more effort into the next paper!  Good luck!


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2009
Illinois (God's country)
Stand your ground because it sounds to me like you're the only people in the building with any brains ( common sense). I think you need to remind the school officials who is really in charge. If you are the parent and you say they can go, and the kid has never been a problem, then why are they argueing this point?


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
My cousins leave on fridays for shows and they have a teacher like this


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Not directly related to this post, but for those of you that continually have trouble with teachers:

How many of them have ever heard from you except when you are mad about something?  Have you ever told a teacher/prinicipal/superintendent they did a good job?

It's real easy now days - just send them an email thanking them when they help your kid with something, you hear about them handling something they way you do approve of, etc.

And most importantly - we are not in charge.  Your kids need to learn momma and daddy don't run everything. 


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
wannabe said:
Spoke with vice principal on tuesday at noon as the building principal was out. Explained to him in a calm manner what had transpired and had shown my displeasure for the teachers reactions and comments. His comment was sometimes kids exaggerate what was said and so on. You can see where this was heading. I asked him to speak with my daughter about what had occurred before noon on Wednesday because they were leaving for state convention and would not be back until next week. I then asked him to report to me at noon yesterday with what he had found out about the situation. When I left his office he thanked me for coming in and called me a wrong first name. I left thinking he did not have the common courtesy to even remember my name or even take notes as I was speaking with him after I had introduced myself at the start of our conversation. If by noon today I here nothing, I am going to the principal. I know this may ambush the building principal somewhat,but it may get her attention as to whom she has in charge when she is away. Looking forward to more input as I am patiently waiting a response from school. My daughter also noted that many students came up to her after class and said how the teacher should not have done that and how rude it was in front of everyone. At the end of her conversation with the teacher she said she has been showing cattle her whole life and I guess he just laughed at her. Our family takes showing very seriously and this has really struck a nerve with us.

You'll never get the whole story unless you and your daughter first sit down with the Teacher to discuss what actually happened.  Most of the time, a teacher will be much better with a student knowing there is a parent who cares; not just blames the the entire school system. 


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
wannabe first off we are on your side remember that part! Second pay no attention to the bashers. It's not the unions fault the governments fault or or anybody elses "fault" ommunication is the key and there was a lack or it in this case.FFA adviser does need to accept some blame should of had a list to Teachers ahead of absense. That is protacol for whatever extra curricular involved. OBviously there was some emmotion involved-remember that because you are feeling same emotion.Do your homework before Teacher/student/principle.parent meeting. Is student work up to expectations?Any outstanding work? Just be ready so no surprises!Did Ag Instructer notify Teacher?(just checking doing the homework here) If not he may need to be involved in meeting as well.This Teacher may have reacted out of frustration at FFA Teacher and vented maybe because t has happened before and he/she is last to know.     

Open to the World

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
I am an agricultural teacher.....who feels for both ends of this problem.  I think that most regular education teachers do not understand what goes on in FFA and what exactly happens at shows, CDEs and other events.  I wonder if teachers are ever invited to attend?  Does anyone spend time to explain to these teachers what all goes on.  At our school, students have given presentations at faculty meetings where teachers learn so much about FFA and agricultural education - it gives them a whole new perspective.  I have had other teachers say to me that they are so proud of our members for what they do, and shocked at just how amazing it all is.  Communication is key here.

Was this teacher in the worng - absolutely.  Should a meeting happen - yes.  They were very rude to this kid and that is uncalled for!  And I think the ag teacher should be told what happened, and be involved in the solution.  There are some closed minded teachers out there......but let's not attack them all. 

To those who believe teachers are overpad.........that is rediculous.  People really have no idea what teachers do on a daily basis..the hours, paperwork, meetinngs, stress, and the list goes on and on.  Then, factor in students who dont want to learn and give constant discipline problems.  Most of the time, parents only contact you when they are mad or have a problem.  I call parents all the time with positive things to say about their children, and most of the time, they are still rude with me on the phone.  I work almost every single weekend, and give up 75% of my summer going to shows, leadership conferences and camps with my students, or checking on their SAEs.  And ag teachers arent the only ones who do this.  Most teachers give 125% to their job, and most of the time feel highly underappreciated.  Just my 2 cents worth.

By the way, not all states and communities have teachers unions.  I am not part of one.

#1 showman

Active member
Dec 11, 2010
First off i'm a high school student and this year i have missed school for Ag things like working at the state fair, Shows, buying cattle,and AI classes. I have a little bit of knowledge how these things work because it happens to me every time and a similar incident happened a few years back but it concerned a teacher telling a few students that our religion was stupid and not right. I believe that some of the principles from that incident can be applied to this. First off what that teacher said unacceptable. And you cant come off weak or let the teachers and administration bulldoze or run you over. Our school is pretty small only 170 kids and football is a big deal. We have one of the most successful football and track programs in the state. Agriculture is much more important than any sports and the school should know that. What you should do is call the school and speak with the principal about what happened and it doesn't matter if your angry i would be to. And if need be that teacher should be confronted face to face. Most teachers are intimidated by parents because they have trouble dealing with people there size and they feel superior to students. In class teachers have no problem chewing out students but are too scared to tell the parents what's up. And most teachers are not overworked or underpaid. And sex, drugs and alcohol are not running rampant in schools. If anything that is happening in big inner city schools and the problem is nobody cares enough to really do anything about the problems. When kids go to school they give up some rights and so do teachers. And teachers need to be reminded that they cant not do whatever they want in their classrooms. Remember that the school and the teachers are paid for by the taxpayers and farmers pay a hell of a lot more taxes than teachers. I believe that the parents the need to take an activist role in this situation and confront the teacher and the principal and not pretend that you are an innocent  helpless bystanderd you need to empower yourself and settle for nothing short of your desired results. The problem with most kids is that they are lazy and not willing to work for what they want but some are. And the daughter shouldn't expect the parents being in agriculture i have learned how to actively communicate effectively. If an incident like this happens again this girl should stick up for herself and let herself become subject to this public humiliation even if she gets kicked out her peers will respect her more for being confident, and good principals or superintendents will see it this way too so as long as there is one decent person there i do not believe that you would get in trouble. JMO


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
#1 showman said:
First off i'm a high school student and this year i have missed school for Ag things like working at the state fair, Shows, buying cattle,and AI classes. I have a little bit of knowledge how these things work because it happens to me every time and a similar incident happened a few years back but it concerned a teacher telling a few students that our religion was stupid and not right. I believe that some of the principles from that incident can be applied to this. First off what that teacher said unacceptable. And you cant come off weak or let the teachers and administration bulldoze or run you over. Our school is pretty small only 170 kids and football is a big deal. We have one of the most successful football and track programs in the state. Agriculture is much more important than any sports and the school should know that. What you should do is call the school and speak with the principal about what happened and it doesn't matter if your angry i would be to. And if need be that teacher should be confronted face to face. Most teachers are intimidated by parents because they have trouble dealing with people there size and they feel superior to students. In class teachers have no problem chewing out students but are too scared to tell the parents what's up. And most teachers are not overworked or underpaid. And sex, drugs and alcohol are not running rampant in schools. If anything that is happening in big inner city schools and the problem is nobody cares enough to really do anything about the problems. When kids go to school they give up some rights and so do teachers. And teachers need to be reminded that they cant not do whatever they want in their classrooms. Remember that the school and the teachers are paid for by the taxpayers and farmers pay a hell of a lot more taxes than teachers. I believe that the parents the need to take an activist role in this situation and confront the teacher and the principal and not pretend that you are an innocent  helpless bystanderd you need to empower yourself and settle for nothing short of your desired results. The problem with most kids is that they are lazy and not willing to work for what they want but some are. And the daughter shouldn't expect the parents being in agriculture i have learned how to actively communicate effectively. If an incident like this happens again this girl should stick up for herself and let herself become subject to this public humiliation even if she gets kicked out her peers will respect her more for being confident, and good principals or superintendents will see it this way too so as long as there is one decent person there i do not believe that you would get in trouble. JMO

You have a lot to learn!

#1 showman

Active member
Dec 11, 2010
AAOK said:
This is a very interesting post, and contains many distubing comments.  I really would have thought the "Agriculture Community" to be better informed, and not so ill tempered.

First, I am not a Teacher, but I have been a School Board member.  However, my wife has been in Public Education for 24 years, the last 19 as a Guidance Counselor.  She believes the primary problem with education today is "Entitlement"; that parents feel they are entitled to Do and Say whatever they want, whenever they want, and to whomever they want.  And, to make matters worse, these parents are raising their children with that same belief - "I don't have to come to class"," I don't have to do Homework", "I can too wear this, my Mom gave it to me", "You can't take my Cell Phone".  "You can't tell me what to do".  The list goes on and on.  If you disagree, you haven't been in the halls of a Jr. or Sr. High lately.  There is zero respect for authority, plus Alcohol, Drugs and Sex are rampant.  The students act exactly the way they do at home.  In an average class of 100, the top 10% are the kids without parent issues, and things fall apart rapidly from there.

As to protocol, most public schools are the same.  If a Student has an issue, the parent schedules an appointment after school with the Teacher.  If they cannot reach resolution, an appointment is scheduled with the Principal.  If still no resolve, an appointment with the Superintendent.  Rarely does this ever happen.  If a parent wishes an audience with the School Board, they must file to appear on the agenda of an upcoming Board Meeting.  This almost never happens, because the Board can stall for months by having a full agenda.  

Now, about the teachers.  #1, they are all under paid and over worked.  They have a job to teach a room full of kids with only a few who care anything about anything.  Teachers also get extremely frustrated by all the "Activities" which take students out of their classes.  When do you think the Teacher finds time to update each of these AWOL student?  After school, when they are NOT getting any extra pay!  I'm sure they take it personal when any activity interferes with their class.  Wouldn't you?    LLBUX is correct that the Ag Teacher is to blame in the case of this Science Teacher's displeasure.  The Student should NEVER have to notify a teacher about a school activity.  All of those absences should already be on the School Calendar.

Neither Parents nor Students are entitled to anything except a good education.  That's all most Teachers and Administrators are trying their best to do.  Most often, it's a thankless task.  Give 'em a break!
Ok first off parents and students are entitled to certain things. The citizens of this country have to right to freedom of speech. Now obviously there are boundries to that, we can't be dropping to F bomb everywhere but if we do not believe in a decision than we are entitled to stick up for what we believe in.

You can't put a blanket statement saying that there is no respect for authority because that is not true. In almost schools there are kids that have zero respect for authority but most kids do. And like i said earlier sex, drugs, and alcohol do not run rampant. You would be surprised how many do not do any of that. I know for a fact that these problems were far worse when my parents were in school than they are now. And even if what you said is true think about your to 10%. Do you think that things just come easy for them they are dealing with the others behavior.

Most teachers are not underpaid. The starting salary at our school is 29k. The average pay is over 40k. And don't forget that teachers get many of the same days off that students get off. They only work 180 days plus inservices and around 20 summer days. Most people in normal five day work weeks work more. And do you think teachers are tracking down AWOL students after school? No. If a student doesn't show up or do their work they fail. And failing gets no credits and no credits=no graduation.

And for those of us that go to schools that don't have AG programs and still have AG obligations, we have to get signed permission from our parents, then we go to the school secretary and get a sheet that says we are going to be gone then we have to go to the teachers to get our assignments and work. Thats the way it is for all absences at our school. So when we are going to be gone we have to notify our teachers and thats called responsibility.

P.S.  I have been in a Jr./Sr. High lately



Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
off topic
actually sex, drugs, and alcohol do run rampant...but being in a school of 170 students, it might not be that much of a problem where you live...count yourself fortunate!

from the SADD website, updated Jan 2011

During the past month (30 days), 26.4% of underage persons (ages 12-20) used alcohol, and binge drinking among the same age group was 17.4%.

Alcohol use remains extremely widespread among today’s teenagers.  Nearly three quarters of students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school, and more than a third (37%) have done so by eighth grade.

Sexual Activity

In 2009, 46% of high school students had sexual intercourse and 13.8% had four or more sex partners during their life.  Prior to the sexual activity, 21.6% drank alcohol or used drugs.  Only 38.9% used a condom.

In 2009, 34% of currently sexually active high school students did not use a condom during their last sexual intercourse.

In 2006, an estimated 5,259 young people (ages 13-24) were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.

Each year, approximately 19 million new STD infections occur, and almost half of them are among youth ages 15-24.

In 2009, 11.1% of youth in grades 9-12 reported being in a physical fight.

Five percent (5%) of students did not go to school on one or more occasions during the past month because they felt unsafe at school or on their way to or from school.

Nearly 8% of students reported being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property at least one time during the past year.

One in five (19.9%) students reported being bullied on school property during the past year.

Juveniles accounted for 16% of all violent crime arrests and 26% of all property crime arrests in 2008.

In 2008, 1,280 youth were arrested for murder, 3,340 for forcible rape, and 56,000 for aggravated assault.

Motor vehicle crashes remain the leading cause of death for 15- to 20-year-olds.

In 2007, 19% of the fatalities in the U.S. were related to young-driver crashes.

Fifty-six percent (56%) of the fatal crashes and 57% of the fatalities involving young drivers occurred on rural roadways.

Speeding was a contributing factor in 31% of all fatal crashes.

In 2007, 64% of young drivers in passenger vehicles involved in fatal crashes who had been drinking were not wearing a safety belt.

Nearly half (44%) of American young people have tried cigarettes by twelfth grade, and one out of five (20%) twelfth graders is a current smoker.

From 2008 to 2009, the current (past-month) illicit drug use rate among youths ages 12-17 increased from 9.3% to 10%, after six years of continued decline.

just some food for thought
