Well-known member
Do you induce your cows? If you have a cow that typically goes over & has heavy calves, will you induce? Or, do you believe that it's better to let nature take it's course?
Thanks, (cow)
Thanks, (cow)
I have a cow that calves about 10 days late every year. I wanted to induce her last year but our vet said it can get pretty messy. This year I hope she wont because it might it to big for her to have. She had a 100 lbs calf out of Maine break which we have used him on hiefers and had no problem. I might try it this year because shes not that big of a cow. The bull I bred her too is usally in the mid to high 80's so we will said:We have a cow that typically will go over & she has big calves. The first time she calved she went 10 days over & the calf was 136 pounds. She was a show heifer & was well fed, so that contributed to the problem.
We ended up keeping the bull as our farm herd bull & he has not had BW issues nor do his heifers typically go over their due dates.
At our place we only AI here, so we are very sure of the due dates. Typically won't do heifers unless they go way over the expected due date. Each cow is somewhat individual & I try to keep a record of their gestation length. For us it works because we have a small herd here & good records.
Red (cow)