Do you induce?

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Do you induce a cow if she's gone over her due date?

  • No, Never

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Yes,only if more than 1 week over

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Yes, if a week over

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Yes, if 2-3 days over

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Yes, if timing isn't good for me

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Do you induce your cows? If you have a cow that typically goes over & has heavy calves, will you induce? Or, do you believe that it's better to let nature take it's course?
Thanks, (cow)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
We have a cow that typically will go over & she has big calves. The first time she calved she went 10 days over & the calf was 136 pounds. She was a show heifer & was well fed, so that contributed to the problem.
We ended up keeping the bull as our farm herd bull & he has not had BW issues nor do his heifers typically go over their due dates.
At our place we only AI here, so we are very sure of the due dates. Typically won't do heifers unless they go way over the expected due date. Each cow is somewhat individual & I try to keep a record of their gestation length. For us it works because we have a small herd here & good records.
Red (cow)


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2007
gallup New Mexico
red said:
We have a cow that typically will go over & she has big calves. The first time she calved she went 10 days over & the calf was 136 pounds. She was a show heifer & was well fed, so that contributed to the problem.
We ended up keeping the bull as our farm herd bull & he has not had BW issues nor do his heifers typically go over their due dates.
At our place we only AI here, so we are very sure of the due dates. Typically won't do heifers unless they go way over the expected due date. Each cow is somewhat individual & I try to keep a record of their gestation length. For us it works because we have a small herd here & good records.
Red (cow)
I have a cow that calves about 10 days late every year. I wanted to induce her last year but our vet said it can get pretty messy. This year I hope she wont because it might it to big for her to have. She had a 100 lbs calf out of Maine break which we have used him on hiefers and had no problem. I might try it this year because shes not that big of a cow. The bull I bred her too is usally in the mid to high 80's so we will see.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Luckily I never have had to induce. I have a limi cow that always is 3 weeks over (the last several years I know EXACTLY when she was bred down to the minute!!  :) ) but she always has 80-ish pound babies, so I leave her alone!
I do have a shortie this year that is due March 15, and I am nervous as can be. She is bred to Lut, so should be ok, but I guess I am just worried as she is getting a bit LARGE!!! :eek:


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
(cow) (cow) (cow) (cow)


All my cows are bred AI so I have an "exact" (it is biology nothing is exact) calving day
Actually, I induce most of my cows - I induce on Thursday PM to calve on Sat AM
I induce anywhere from a couple of days to about 10 days early
I don't let my cows go over
(this also applies to heifers)

I have had no problems doing this for the past decade or so - an occasional retained placents which is stinky but generally does not affect fertility. Actually have had the same # of RPs in non induced cows (they stink too!) so to me a non issue.

INHO it is better for me as a labor force of one (and an old one at that) with multiple jobs that take me all around to know when the cows are going to calve than to come home and find a baby frozen to the ground.

Off to do chores in the frigid wilds of Mid Michigan - where the wind howls and the snow blows and the temperature drops and you wonder what madness made you think a barn with no walls was a good idea (lol)



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
DL- did you vote?
Would your go under the "if the timing isn't good for me?"  (lol)
Very interesting whay of doing it. I'm sure there will be some questions.
Aren't you glad you're not in Buffalo?  10 feet? wild!


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
We have tried it in the past, but have found that the occasional retained placenta is not worth the benefits for us.  I would still try it for a labor force of one!!!

With limited springtime forage conditions, we cannot afford anything that will set our breeding schedule back.  We really try to get them settled so they can get out to fresh pasture and their nose out of the feed bunk as soon as possible!  My opinion only, its what works for us.