E. coli again

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
thought this was interesting


But the hurdles are not insurmountable. LS9 Inc., a company in San Carlos, Calif., is already using E. coli bacteria that have been reprogrammed with synthetic DNA to produce a fuel alternative from a diet of corn syrup and sugar cane. So efficient are the bugs' synthetic metabolisms that LS9 predicts it will be able to sell the fuel for just $1.25 a gallon.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
thought this was interesting too!

Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Feral Swine near Spinach Fields and Cattle,
Central California Coast".



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
is swine the preferred host?  we are trying to set up additional monitoring of E. coli other than a 3 year program to monitor it anonymously by request of ranchers and in waterways where govt has access.  probably will fail getting additional monitoring on parklands etc where the pig populations, but not necessarily densities exceed those in study.    the pigs should go.  talk about pigs eating pigs, these feral pigs eat everything, including dogs.  they ruin vegetation like no tomorrow.  they basically have no predator other than hunters.    the densities in the study may be attributed to the fact that this ranch is bordered by vast wilderness areas compared to most row crop acreage.  you can't see my place in the overhead sat pics.  too bad my neigher left to study these guys in montana, seems like it will get hotter.

notice they ignored sampling the other fauna.  the 3 year study will sample these.  we are trying to add to this study.  the veg people are focusing mostly on areas within the field.


Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Just a thought.....
Without COOL (country of origin labeling) how do we know where the meat was contaminated? Brazil? Mexico? Austrailia? Canada? US?  Maybe some of these recalls from meat here in the states were really contaminated in the country of which it was shipped from?  ???


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
irradiation would save everyone time and money.  only 1.5 cents/lb.  also, eradicate the pigs.  it's pretty easy.  if guys want to hunt them, fence them in, not out.  restrict the cost to the damagers, rather than having everyone share the cost and increased govt.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Fundamentals of health:

1.  Poop runs downhill.

2.  Poop runs even further downhill when introduced to water.

3.  Everybody's poop, us or them has e. coli in it.


1.  Wash your food and your hands.  5 million raccoons cant be wrong.

2.  Cook your food.

3.  Lighten up.....we will all die of something ....someday.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I agree with the first three and the first two of the second list....BUT....

"Lighten up...we all die of something.... someday."?????

Let me tell ya about Kayla Boner, age 14 from Prairie City Iowa. This wonderful little girl DIED from e.coli. She first got sick on her birthday, Oct 22.  If you want the details, please go to the memorial site at www.kaylaboner.com. Or the article in the Livestock Plus magazine.

She was 12 cowz. She died a terriable, painful death. I am sure your quote is of NO consultation to the family. 


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Show Heifer said:
Just a thought.....
Without COOL (country of origin labeling) how do we know where the meat was contaminated? Brazil? Mexico? Austrailia? Canada? US?  Maybe some of these recalls from meat here in the states were really contaminated in the country of which it was shipped from?  ???

A good rancher friend from Wyoming told me that it's generally believed by the western beef cattle industry that if we could identify all the ecoli cases and meat  (not the veggies)that has been recalled, it would all have come from out of the country.  Isn't it amazing that we can find a way to identify every livestock critter in this country (NAIS) but we can't get COOL passed and put into effect.  Guess who doesn't want it and who is lobbying hard to keep it out?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i see a direction here.  words like believe are not sufficient to lay the cause at the feet of foreign sourced meat.  identification is only necessary to sue for damages.  we need irradiation. 

if we allowed governance based on the possibility that someone might be offended, we might as well hang it up.  i looked at the details, and went further.  i have come to the conclusion that our consumption habits and wage pressures forces the centralization of processing of foodstuffs to our detriment.  we long for a decentalized lifestyle again, but are unwilling to realign our cost structure to mirror that era.  it is doable, but the shift would come at the expense of what fills up our dumps and recycling centers.  no new money would be created or lost, only a redistribution of assets to keep production of goods and services more local rather than imposing a cost structure which mirrors slavery and minimizes differences.  the mind craves diverstiy, but also craves sameness on our terms, rather than through an imposed diversity nirvhana imposed by the arbiters which has a dehumanizing effect and everyone knows it.

however, we are powerless to do anything about it as it is easy to emasculate one's feelings with calls of prejudice.

it will be done for us as it has for centuries.  the bubble will pop and we will be surrounded by ourselves with little knowledge of how to resurrect ourselves as everyone turns into a professional consumer, just like marie antoinette.



Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
knabe said:
i see a direction here.  words like believe are not sufficient to lay the cause at the feet of foreign sourced meat.  identification is only necessary to sue for damages.  we need irradiation. 

if we allowed governance based on the possibility that someone might be offended, we might as well hang it up.  i looked at the details, and went further.  i have come to the conclusion that our consumption habits and wage pressures forces the centralization of processing of foodstuffs to our detriment.  we long for a decentalized lifestyle again, but are unwilling to realign our cost structure to mirror that era.  it is doable, but the shift would come at the expense of what fills up our dumps and recycling centers.  no new money would be created or lost, only a redistribution of assets to keep production of goods and services more local rather than imposing a cost structure which mirrors slavery and minimizes differences.  the mind craves diverstiy, but also craves sameness on our terms, rather than through an imposed diversity nirvhana imposed by the arbiters which has a dehumanizing effect and everyone knows it.

however, we are powerless to do anything about it as it is easy to emasculate one's feelings with calls of prejudice.

it will be done for us as it has for centuries.  the bubble will pop and we will be surrounded by ourselves with little knowledge of how to resurrect ourselves as everyone turns into a professional consumer, just like marie antoinette.

So, from this do I assume you're not in favor of COOL?  See, philosphical tallk aside, I think we, as Americans, h ave the basic right to know where our food is grown.  Once we have that knowledge, we can choose what we want to buy.  Fruits and vegetables are labeled as to where it's produced.  Why not meat?  Because corporate agriculture would see a backlash that they don't want to deal with.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
at this time i am against cool.  i think that if people want to purchase meat and want to know where it is grown, there are options to do that today.  i am for more local production, distribution and consumption.  i am against (that might be too strong of a word) tyson ibp massive consolidation of processing whose advantages are that they can locate to the highest subsidies from the government in the form of tax breaks and low wage vaccuums.  we have the right now to purchase meat where we know where it's from, we just choose to choose the form where we don't know where it's from, again choosing the economic vessle which benefits from laws and subsidies to undermine small producers.  a great place to start thinking about this and the ramifications is


i don't agree with everything there, especially some of the balle initiatives, but in principle, i'm for it.  there is an anachronym in there called TINA which means "there is no alternative".  what this means is that TINA type businesses are the tysons, walmarts etc and how we fool ourselves into thinking there is no alternative to them.

the cattle industry is poised to take advantage of this through lower input cattle with more decentralized production methods, reduced disease, reduced inputs etc.  america is always looking to impose a cost structure through legislation for the desired outcome they are unwilling to promote with their wallets.  after the legislation gets done, the increased costs are incorporated, but are hidden from view.  all the while, the small producer is at a greater disadvantage.