eat less beef?

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Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Last night as I was flipping through channels I came across an IPTV airing of a BBC newscast.  The tease was a video of Holsteins with Global Warming across the screen.  After some ridiculous commercial, the bit came on.  Another scientific study regarding a cow's bad gas has revealed that, taking into account all the machinery, transportation, processing, etc., eating 4 small pieces of chocolate contributes as much to global warming as driving your car 6 miles.  While showing what appeared to be a lunch meat sandwich, the narrator said that was equal to driving your car 12 miles.  A large plate of roast beef appeared on the screen, you'd have to be very, very hungry to eat that much, and it was announced that eating beef is the same as driving your car 30 miles.  The presentation ended with a video of more Holsteins with the narrator telling us "If you want to stop global warming, eat less of this" as the screen went to a large "Beef" sign near a grocery store meat counter.  Not the first claim of this kind I've seen, but it's been a while since I've seen one.  Perhaps the Beef Producers Association should show a video of the millions of cars on the freeway in California, pointing out their massive contribution to global warming.  Or, Heaven forbid, a video of Al Gore riding in his private jet to another global warming convention.  Will it solve the beef problem if we follow Al's suggestion and plant a tree?

Speaking of experts, during the Big Show on WHO radio yesterday afternoon, i listened to a National Weather Service forecaster predict that the winter in the Midwest will be warmer and drier than normal due to a small El Nino.  Last night, I read Progressive Farmer magazine and came across the following headline, "Shivers ahead."  "Minimal El Nino influence calls for cold winter in the central and eastern U.S."  We slept last night with the air conditioner on and an electric blanket.  We just couldn't tell if it was hot or cold.     


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
But never a mention of 400 million cows in India and 7 billion people.

Thanos was not effective enough.

Still no Jim Jones party by those who care.

No credibility.

Soylent green should be aggressively mandated and only those who believe in man made global warming should go to the parties and whoever support them.

Otherwise, they aren’t committed enough. 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I find it laughable that we can believe 7 billion people have no effect on climate. Come on now. Change in climate has been around since the beginning but to think we can’t speed those changes up is ignorant. Cattle can help sequester carbon. That’s a fact. Let’s stick to that as a legitimate argument to the vegans and peta folks. Tribalism is so bad these days that even when 97% of all scientists concur that we have a problem, half our country thinks it’s fake news.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The most effective ways to reduce global warming is to lower fercundity.

Disaster is coming, not from global warming, but rapid displacement of people that care about global warming with people that don’t care, and just to be clear to progtards, it’s not their mortal enemy but those they are immigrating, who, they wil find out soon enough, are their mortal enemy. Since progtards don’t reproduce, they won’t even notice find out.

H.l. Mencken.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.



Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
China had a mandate on how many kids you could have. Other countries have as well. I agree with less people need less resources. China also has a booming middle class that wants grain fed meats. Russia is coming on line with a cow herd now. The demand for resources will grow. In nature when a species gets overpopulated, it gets disease or humans thin the herd. This may sound cruel but for the life of me I can’t see why anybody has a problem with abortion. It’s a form of population control that people volunteer to under go. Maybe morality clouds the debate to some but to me it’s a no brainer. We abort a calf with lute and don’t blink an eye.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
All I will say about global warming is Google Walter Cronkite/Ice Age or In Search of Coming Ice age.  These actual television spots from the early 70's predict an imminent ice age, there's nothing we can do about it.  There is "scientific" research cited on the programs to verify this.  I evidently slept through the past 40 years and missed the ice age.  By the way, we also studied this in school prior to the 70's.  The point is, what is presented to us by the scientific community as fact is often just their "educated" guess and I've found over the years that many in the scientific community have been educated far beyond their intelligence.  Did you hear the earth may not be flat?


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Did Walter’s report include sea ice loss using satellite imagery? That’s a hell of a fraud to pull off faking sea ice melting. I have no idea the agenda behind a report 40 years ago or why Al Gore went all in on speculation. Science evolves and gathers evidence. 12,000 years ago a giant asteroid hit the Canadian ice shelf and flooded half the western US and put us into a nuclear type winter. The change we are seeing is the opposite of that. It’s gradual and ebbs and flows. I feel like the weather has been relatively the same in my lifetime. But overall the global temps have increased. That has to have a consequence of some sort. The more cows capturing carbon, the more money we can make as demand grows. As beef producers it’s now a part of our job description to educate consumers. The Allan Savory TED talk is a great place to send your customers. A movie called Soil Carbon Cowboys is great too.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
You would have to watch the two programs I cited to get the reasoning behind the coming ice age.  I don't believe there was any mention of melting ice caps.  I am not arguing about global warming.  I just have a hard time listening to so called experts telling me what to do as they ride their private jets to the global warming convention and hire individual limos to take them to the conference from the airport.  Then they tell me it's okay because they planted a tree.  I have a hard time taking seriously someone from California telling me my cows' farts ruin the planet when their 10 lane freeways are filled with cars and they drain the Colorado River to water lawns and fill swimming pools.  We are ALL responsible for doing what we can.  Heck, we have a Prius. 


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2014
E6 Durhams said:
China had a mandate on how many kids you could have. Other countries have as well. I agree with less people need less resources. China also has a booming middle class that wants grain fed meats. Russia is coming on line with a cow herd now. The demand for resources will grow. In nature when a species gets overpopulated, it gets disease or humans thin the herd. This may sound cruel but for the life of me I can’t see why anybody has a problem with abortion. It’s a form of population control that people volunteer to under go. Maybe morality clouds the debate to some but to me it’s a no brainer. We abort a calf with lute and don’t blink an eye.
The holocaust also reduced the population, I don't think much of that method though.