End of the world?

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
im going to ask this because im to young to remember (5 years old at the time), but  was the y2k deal as hyped up as the 2012 theory? didnt that one have people going worse than this


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
Flintoft,Saskatchewan, Canada
hamburgman said:
Remember the end of the Mayan calendar occurs like every 12 years or something like that.  The guy who is ahead of Smithsonian talks about this stuff a lot.  Usually those end of the world types are cult leaders trying to make money off of people.

Close, it runs on a 12,000 year cycle.  The histories of the Maya also tell of previous "ends of the world".  Most cultures that have carried their oral histories back thousands of years also tell of previous world changing disasters.  Every civilization that has been smug enough to think that they could not fail has, what makes us any better?  No matter what happens it does not deter from the fact that we should all still strive to make our selves better people. 

Wouldn't it be blasphemy to tie together the Bible with a pagan religion of the Mayans?
Isn't it blasphemy that the Biblical holidays all have their roots in pagan holidays?


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Show stopper 95 said:
im going to ask this because im to young to remember (5 years old at the time), but  was the y2k deal as hyped up as the 2012 theory? didnt that one have people going worse than this

I would say that was more of a cult thing also.  Most people seemed to not believe it and were willing to take the chance that they were wrong.  A small percentage of people hoarded food, and started to prepare for caveman days, but for the most part people just went on about their lives.  There are probably some articles in papers you could find through google that would sure make you laugh.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2010
Cdncowboy the reason that christian holidays have there roots in pagan holidays was so that the pagan holidays would be overshadowed. It was a ploy (that was very succesful) to end paganism,overshadow there holiday and gain control of society so the catholic church could better run and control things


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
cdncowboy said:
hamburgman said:
Remember the end of the Mayan calendar occurs like every 12 years or something like that.  The guy who is ahead of Smithsonian talks about this stuff a lot.  Usually those end of the world types are cult leaders trying to make money off of people.

Close, it runs on a 12,000 year cycle.  The histories of the Maya also tell of previous "ends of the world".   Most cultures that have carried their oral histories back thousands of years also tell of previous world changing disasters.  Every civilization that has been smug enough to think that they could not fail has, what makes us any better?  No matter what happens it does not deter from the fact that we should all still strive to make our selves better people. 

Wouldn't it be blasphemy to tie together the Bible with a pagan religion of the Mayans?
Isn't it blasphemy that the Biblical holidays all have their roots in pagan holidays?

We'll for arguments sake they aren't Bibical holidays, they are pagan rituals adapted to fit the needs of humans to congregate and espouse their common beliefs. Correct me if I am wrong , but it does not say in the Bible to celebbrate Christmas on Dec 25 or Easter in the spring or St. Patricks day on March 17 that I know of . So to answer your question,I would imagine that God would not be amused with Santa Claus.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2008
There is no question that God isnt amused by Santa Claus. Christmas has nothing to do with Santa Claus but the world has made it all about Santa instead of about Jesus. It is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of our savior Jesus.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Are you referring to the Y2K computer issue?  That was real - companies just did a good job upgrading and updating computer related equipment so that the problem never materialized.  Example of something big we can fix in a hurry when we have to.

I am a Christian (Catholic), but I think referring to another religion as blasphemous - although we've all been taught to think that way - is actually extremely arrogant.  It was kind of hard for natives in the Americas to hear much about religion (Judaism, Christianity, etc) until the Spaniards showed up and started killing everyone that wouldn't convert at the drop of a hat.  What about peoples that were around long, long before Christianity was developed?  I don't pretent to know how God handles things, but I seriously doubt that everyone that died before Christ did is condemned to hell. 

One of the best books ever written on an explanation of why the world is the way it is now is "Guns, Germs and Steel".


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I would suggest the In Touch website (Dr. Charles Stanley).  Click on the sermon outlines, Anticipating Our Lord's Return, for answers on the end of days.  You can get a copy of the DVD of the entire presentation, aired two or three weeks ago.  I would also recommend Is America a Christian Nation?, from July, 2009, I think.  Interesting, powerful, and inspiring. 


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2009
I believe the end is sooner than later. It may be in 2012 it may not. As I have been taught and the Bible says the Earth is roughly 5000-6000 years old and humans have lived on it since it was created. A massive flood will not occur again as God said ater Noah's flood. I think the events that are currently taking place in the Middle East are very interesting and should be paid attention to.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
chambero said:
Are you referring to the Y2K computer issue?  That was real - companies just did a good job upgrading and updating computer related equipment so that the problem never materialized.  Example of something big we can fix in a hurry when we have to.

I am a Christian (Catholic), but I think referring to another religion as blasphemous - although we've all been taught to think that way - is actually extremely arrogant.  It was kind of hard for natives in the Americas to hear much about religion (Judaism, Christianity, etc) until the Spaniards showed up and started killing everyone that wouldn't convert at the drop of a hat.  What about peoples that were around long, long before Christianity was developed?  I don't pretent to know how God handles things, but I seriously doubt that everyone that died before Christ did is condemned to hell. 

One of the best books ever written on an explanation of why the world is the way it is now is "Guns, Germs and Steel".
Actually it looks like I fall on your train of thought more than it appears, tongue in cheek dosen't translate through writting very well. Even Christians won't agree on what is blasphemous. If you are Catholic, some where there is a Pentacostal sect somewhere saying you are evil and vise versa.Tolerance is becoming missing in action in this world be it politics , religion or what ever.

PaFFA Proud

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
There is soooo much I wanna say about this discussion, but I will just sit here and try to keep from talking. Cause like my daddy taught me Religion and politics will change peoples opinions on someone is a split-second, and when you combine them together you will have WWIII on your hands. So I will keep my opinions on cattle....after all isnt that what were all here for? <beer>


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Didn't we determine in the other post that Mormans,Lutherns, and native Americans were destined for hell. I live at 3,600 feet and I am a 4 hour drive from Pikes peak. I think negroes also have a pretty slim chance if I remember right. maybe it was Mexicans.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
When it comes to the cruel actions of some men-or peoples-Tolerance HAS NEVER EXISTED IN EITHER religion or politics as collective forces-there have been inquisistions and senseless  brutality for as long as history has been kept-Thats why tongue in cheek seems JMO-to be a good way to take and anylise pretty much any doctrine that comes along. O0


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I doubt that the world will end before Snyder wins a national championship......if the world is just at all. ;)


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2008
I would be more concerned with the fact that the Buffalo Springfield is back together rather than the Mayan calender.''Like a Thief in the night"'


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
The fact Neil Young is still alive may have some kind of meaning in itself.Thats scary.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
The first destruction was by flood, the second will be by fire...volcanoes=fire but so do nuclear weapons (kinda)  is it not ironic that we have developed the technology that God could easily use to destroy the world after He takes the believers up into Heaven?  I don't plan to be around when the actual ending is happening so I just go to church, college, and the farm and do the best to be the best I can be in all that I do...


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
The end times must be at hand... the news today featured Justin Bieber's 17th birthday, Charlie Sheen's insane behavior, and Kadafi ( Libya). Sure signs of the end times.