farmer wants a wife tv show

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
anyone seen this?  i haven't seen it, but driving a cab-less tractor with no shirt on with time to spare for situps is a little bit, well, ........  the bug spray must be pretty good.

i don't have cable, must be the only one left in america without it.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Haven't seen it either. They advertise it enough on broadcast tv that I presumed we could watch it if we wanted, but we've never tried. Never been real big on "reality tv" anyway - a couple of seasons of survivor and the amazing race, and I'd had enough. We don't even watch idol  :eek:

You're not the only one without cable and/or satellite tv. knabe. We've made a concious effort not to go there. We get the three major networks and pbs on vhf, plus six or so uhf channels, on a plain old fashioned outdoor antennae - we figure that ought to be plenty. However, with the new hd thing coming, we may have to break down and get satellite, too - we've already tried the converter box, and it seems we don't have a strong enough signal to make it work at all. Another example of  "great progress" for those in urban and suburban areas that leaves the rest of us farther behind... :mad:


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
I dont have cable.  We haven't had for quite sometime.  There is no point in it because by the time we get in we eat take a shower and go to bed.  So we really dont even need a TV.



Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
I saw it, and he does seem odly hairless and well tanned.  Anyhow...most of the girls are average looking....two stuck out and really took to the whole idea of "farmwife".  He made them catch chickens and they went for a hayride.  Wait til they have to preg check/AI those cows like it shows on the previews!!  It will be interesting to see.  It seems to be about 80% genuine.  I will make an effort to see it again.  Oh, BTW, it is on the CW channel...thats where I watched it anyways.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Saw the show, mainly because it was filmed an hour away from me.

I have on good account from several people the guy is a real farmer.  His family farms around 2000 acres.

They are taking quite a few liberties with the show.  Apparently the guy owned no livestock, and he was exclusively a grain farmer.  They spent over a 100,000 on fencing, livestock, and improvements to a nearby farmhouse to make it look "more country".

Don't let them fool you about city goes to country.  While Portage Des Sioux is a small rural town, it is less than a half hour drive to St. Louis.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
I wonder who I talk to to get a show like that for myself????  I guarantee it would be entertaining...


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Dusty said:
I wonder who I talk to to get a show like that for myself????  I guarantee it would be entertaining...

Apparently a bunch of this guys buddies sent in for him to be on The Bachelor, but the producers of that show instead came up with the idea for this show.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
Only 3 things needed to qualify a woman to make a good farm wife.

1-Ability to saddle her own horse. (clapping)
2-Ability to successfully operate a Prefeirt head gate. (argue))
3-Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! (cause faith in the farm\farmer ain't enough). (angel)

                                          According to ELBEE!


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
I always thought the down and dirty farm girl would be pretty cool to date.  But, I dated a girl once who could break a wire-tire hay bale quicker than I could.  I guess I wasn't real comfortable with that...........  I think there is happy medium in there somewhere.  Plus, if you're wife enjoys the farm just as much as you, where are you supposed to go when you want to "hide" for awhile?????

Barrel Racer

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
I saw it too and thought it was pretty bad.  Hubby farms maybe a little more than 2,000 acres with his dad, so it's comparable to my situation. 

Yeah the tanned part I don't get, if he's seriously working that many acres with that cabless tractor then he's probably still planting in July so maybe that's how he's getting the tan  ???

I enjoyed the one girl saying that she couldn't wait to be a farmers wife so she wouldn't have much to do, she'd be able to hire people... I want to know where that's happening because I want to move there  (lol)

I do know how to work ground (not that good at it), I can work cows and operate a chute (although I do feel this is a true test of marriage, if you can work cows together you can do anything lol!), I can also drive and operate the bucket tractor (again not able to do so much after about running hubby into the side of the barn when he was in the bucket, the clutch pops ya know  ;D).

Elbee-you forgot that she must know how to cook and do it well... that's what I'm lacking or so my hubby tells me lol!


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
Elbee, in my experience there is no woman on earth that can operate a head gate to suite a man ;D  When I let one get through it is " would you pay attention."  When he lets one through it just was too fast :eek:

Same applies to sorting with a gate.  I walked two miles home one day because I couldn't run the sort gate correctly.  The cow I let through was going through wether I was in the way or not if you get my drift.  Since that time the other worker (husband) and I have reached an understanding.  I sort and he runs the gate and HE ALWAYS RUNS THE HEADGATE! ;D


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
linnettejane said:
Bawndoh said:
I saw it, and he does seem odly hairless and well tanned. 

(lol) (lol) (lol)  for some reason i just think that is soooooo funny!!! 

is it a farmer's tan?

Well thank you! 
It is not a farmers tan at all.  He was shown driving a cabless tractor and has a full (tanning bed) type tan with no gaps or  Anyhow, like someone else said, what is he doing driving a cabless tractor anyways?? 
I think a lot of it has to do with TV.  Who would want to see a whitish, hairy man pull up in a four wheel drive tractor.  And then, for all we know, he would fall off the steps and make a poor first impression.  (lol).
At the end of the show he stood on the hitch of the tractor that was pulling the "hay wagon".  We all know that was a true farmer move!!


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
I haven't heard of this show but it sounds funny.  What day, time and channel does it come on??

Rocky Hill Simmental

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
There's a good looking, rich, single farmer who lives near St. Louis?! Why wasn't I informed?!   (lol) j/k

I haven't heard of the show. What channel is it on?
Normally, I can't stand reality shows but I thought the Simple Life and Cowboy U were pretty funny.



Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
It premiered on the CW last night.  I would imagine it will continue to be on Wednesdays.  It came on right after Americas Next Top model...if anyone watches that.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
I've always wanted to star in my own TV show called "I Can Break Any Piece of Machinery Know to Man".  I feel that with my self proclaimed good looks, talent, and intelligence(of course no one who lives near me would agree with any of these traits) I could become an overnight hit.  I mean who else do you know who's father once told him "Kid, you could break an anvil if you put your mind to it!!"  If we just featured one break down per night, I'd at least have enough for a couple of seasons.  I'm not sure we could find enough old, second hand equipment, etc. like I usually end up using on my "hobby" farm to make the show, however.

I also have an idea for a new store called "Fools Are Us".  We would specialize in new, trendy, totally useless items that we would sell for inflated prices to the masses so they could have detritus to fill up all their storage spaces and to serve as a way of reminding them of how poor their judgement really can be.  Its worked before--remember the "pet rocks", hula hoops, "Invisible dog on a leash" and many others.  Also, if I put my picture and those of a few of my friends(perhaps even some of my new friends on Steerplanet) near the name of the store, it  would be self explanatory for those who cannot read!!  Perhaps we could become "spokesmodels" for a whole chain of FAU stores across the country.  If you'd like to get in on the ground floor of either of these ventures please send your check directly to me and I'll call you when we start making a profit.  Remember, I'll call you!!! 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
Count me in! I just cashed in my Arizona, ocean front property. Made a killin too!

I'd suggest a sign out front, "all items in this store made in china". That's a real calling card!

Could park a few old Ford diesels out front with "for sale" signs in their window?



Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
Bawndoh said:
It premiered on the CW last night.  I would imagine it will continue to be on Wednesdays.  It came on right after Americas Next Top model...if anyone watches that.
Thanks for the information!!!  TGIF    <party> <party> <party>