Feed lot info

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
SouthWest said:
Wrong.  All fed cattle are not fed Tylan. Some cattle are to prevent liver abcesses.  Tylan is not allowed to be fed to Natural Beef.  What she is referring to is Rumensin.  Is it a ionophore or a antibiotic.  2 different gov agencies give 2 answer.  Rumensin just got approved by the govt. to be fed to Natural Cattle that are not allowed any antibiotics.  Cattle that are on feed for over 360 days can burn their livers by processing huge amounts of grain for long periods of time.  Take for example of a calf fed holstien thats been on a 80% corn ration from day 60 of birth.  When their liver gets affected, efficiency tanks.  So thats not the purpose.  

so 80-90% of fed cattle.  Its still a significant.  Cattle who are fed for much shorter than holsteins get liver abscesses too. 


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2008
What is the average amount of time a calf spends in a feedlot?

I'd love to hear more about the argentina beef.  Wonder if it's the breed or why it's so good.  This is all very interesting, when she said 4-5 years on grass I too thought, wow, too old. 
I can remember eating a calf that had never been on grain when I was a kid.  I thought it was the best beef I'd ever eaten, but... it was a calf taken to the butcher shop right of it's mother!  I've always wanted to try another "milk fat" calf, but I never have.  We have a calf with SP and it's time to put him out of his misery, I think we might just butcher him.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
isn't a feedlot essentially an ideal liberal high density housing project?

heck, one could even think of a feedlot as to what health care will look like where you won't get any coverage if you are over say 18 months because we aren't curing anything, only making your suffering more bearable.

i mean if we want to treat animals like humans, lets really do it like tom daschle, hillary and the democrats want to do it.

doesn't anyone see the silliness of rationed health care and the decisions that are going to have to be made?

remember in oregon where a woman was dying of cancer and the state sent her a euthanasia options list?

course not.


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
I've eaten grain fed & grass fed beef.  I like both.  Honestly, the grass fed beef that I've eaten was awful good & it didn't need any seasoning or sauce to go with it.  Maybe because of genetics, maybe because it was cooked properly, maybe because the grass was better/stouter... IDK, but I've honestly had some grass fed beef that was pretty good.  I'm also not so sure that it probably isn't healthier (supposedly it is higher in Omega 3's, has a better Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio, is higher in CLA & has fewer calories), but that doesn't mean that grain fed is bad for you.  I eat limited grain fed beef (or by product feed beef), but I sell grass fed weanling's to people who finish it.  Ideally, if I was going to do my own to eat myself, I'd grass feed up until the last 30-60 days & then feed some barely & corn.   

I'm not going to advocate one over the other... I see a place for both.  All boils down to personal preference.  Right or wrong, I can say that grass fed beef is gaining popularity & as long as people want it, why not produce it?  Same with grain fed. 


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2008
Grass-fed beef is healthier for us (and for the cattle).  We've gotten used to eating alot of 'corn' products. Take a look at some of your processed foods...you'll find some type of corn in almost everything we eat.  I recently went to a cardiologist who told me I needed to lose some weight.  He asked what I ate in general, and when I mentioned we had some grass-finished beef he said 'eat as much as you want'.  We have quite a bit of grass-finished beef in our freezer and it's quite tasty and doesn't require doctoring. 