Feeding Stand Alone w/ or vs. Power Fuel and Champion Drive

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New member
Jan 9, 2016
I really like our feed ration from a local coop (mixed with a receiving ration in the beginning)
I have in the past just added Power Fuel and Champion Drive. Been wanting to try Stand Alone and see if I could just use that instead. What is everybody's thoughts about using all of them together or is it to much or do you just use one or the other? With all the feeds and supplements out there, you would think you could just use a bag of feed that is formulated just right! Lol! Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2015
First and foremost, the foundation of a good feed program is a good ration. The better the ration, the less supplement needed.  It should all be in the sack. Secondly, you need to know what is it that you are trying to accomplish. You can find reviews of each product you are talking about on this website.  In my opinion there is no need to use the Stand Alone with the Powerfuel and/or the Champion Drive, considering Stand Alone is meant to be a complete supplement.  Stand Alone comes in Regular and a High Fat type (for use while finishing a steer). Some people are not big on supplements. In my opinion, its more of a combination of what supplement you use, when you start using it, and how much you use.  I will tell you this, the Powerfuel and the Champion Drive are proven.