Ft Worth.

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
Jeff_Schroeder said:
Jeeze man I thought it was us women who never forgot anything!..

For the record, I didn’t remember it was you.  I saw your “hum” comment and thought to myself that some idiot said something similar about Shackelford’s Charolais a few years ago.  I go look it up and in that thread, it wasn’t you who said it, you just said that somebody predicting the champion was proof that it was politics.

So for you to sit here and claim that you weren’t saying it was political and that it “just seemed coindicental” when you’re on the record saying that somebody predicting the champion “rests the case” for you about it being political is a bit sad.

(though I stand by my statement that I didn't much care for Shackelford at SA)

That’s very interesting to hear because in the actual thread on the subject you specifically said “No I didn't see them” regarding the grand and reserve that year.  When did you go see him
after he was sent to the packer?

You know Jeff I may have seen that calf in SA that year (I really don't remember) I was too busy working with my boy who was showing that year...  Still didn't care for Shackelford much even if he may have got the right one in the end.  That was yesterday and this is today.  Our boys are done showing now and I'm not 'whining' about anything.  No reason too.. I was just commenting on what the Judge said.. then the rumors going around about the yellow steer earmarked for grand.  Obviously to the judge agreed.  He was a awesome animal.  Didn't matter to me. 
My comments (and some lack of experience) in the current show circuit world may have come out a couple years ago... but that doesn't make me idiot...  unlike you just being a a**h***  So lighten up man.  Any of those top steers could have won IMO... I just kinda liked the black steer.  (No idea who he was or where it came from either) Not a big deal. 
Congrats to all the top winners! And all of you showing in the upcoming shows.



Well-known member
Jul 19, 2009
Chambrero, thanks for the response.

It IS frustrating when a fullblood gets classed out and a maine cross wins. But that is part of it.

Agree, some classifiers may not really know Angus cattle.

Some hav e great POWER not foud in typical Angus.

Good comments.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
kobo_ranch said:
Jeff_Schroeder said:
Jeeze man I thought it was us women who never forgot anything!..

For the record, I didn’t remember it was you.  I saw your “hum” comment and thought to myself that some idiot said something similar about Shackelford’s Charolais a few years ago.  I go look it up and in that thread, it wasn’t you who said it, you just said that somebody predicting the champion was proof that it was politics.

So for you to sit here and claim that you weren’t saying it was political and that it “just seemed coindicental” when you’re on the record saying that somebody predicting the champion “rests the case” for you about it being political is a bit sad.

(though I stand by my statement that I didn't much care for Shackelford at SA)

That’s very interesting to hear because in the actual thread on the subject you specifically said “No I didn't see them” regarding the grand and reserve that year.  When did you go see him
after he was sent to the packer?

You know Jeff I may have seen that calf in SA that year (I really don't remember) I was too busy working with my boy who was showing that year...  Still didn't care for Shackelford much even if he may have got the right one in the end.  That was yesterday and this is today.  Our boys are done showing now and I'm not 'whining' about anything.  No reason too.. I was just commenting on what the Judge said.. then the rumors going around about the yellow steer earmarked for grand.  Obviously to the judge agreed.  He was a awesome animal.  Didn't matter to me. 
My comments (and some lack of experience) in the current show circuit world may have come out a couple years ago... but that doesn't make me idiot...  unlike you just being a a**h***  So lighten up man.  Any of those top steers could have won IMO... I just kinda liked the black steer.  (No idea who he was or where it came from either) Not a big deal. 
Congrats to all the top winners! And all of you showing in the upcoming shows.


The Black steer out of class 11(green shirt) was very big, i dont know his weight, but i saw him thursday going into the washrack, asked tracy haymes, who was with him, what class and he said 11. It broke at 1362, thats at the very topside of what u would want a champ to weigh. so to  answer your question again for the second time the steer was too big.

You said a lot of calves could have won, I disagree, the yellow one had to win. As for reserve, i saw a couple others that could of been in the running, 4th place class 10 (I hated 2nd and 3rd) he was a very nicely balanced, muscular type of steer who put a lot of good traits together. In criticism, he got a bit up in his topline and had a very slight struggle on the move (no worse then Martins reserve) I call this sound enough. The steer Chambero mentioned earlier who stood 3rd in class 9, I liked him to win, and disagree with the 1st or 3rd thing, I think if theyre good, theyre good. Anyway other than being a bit short sided and short hipped this was a pretty nice one, improvement on martins front end and better structured than the calf in second. He was good bodied, great fronted, gorgeous from the side, and he put enough muscle into the mix, however he looked to be about 1250-60 on the lighter end of that class, which could have played a factor.

There are distinct differences in the top end of the cattle, when you narrfow them down, it rests on personal opinion, and u can't blame a judge as long as he puts the good ones up and the bad ones down. I will criticize that he worked 3rd place class 10 up that far. Wow, he was in arguably the toughest single class at a major show year to year and he let this orange thing, who rose 6 inches in his top on the move, into third, and placed him 2nd at first, that was wierd. Still, i thought this was a pretty common calf to be so high in a prestigious class such as 10.


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
You know Jeff I may have seen that calf in SA that year (I really don't remember)

Well, back then, when you said that somebody predicting it proved it was politics, you said you didn’t see the calf you were talking about.  I even posted a link to the thread so you could see what you said.  That’s why it’s pretty surprising that you now claim you didn’t like the calf.

The relevance of that to this situation is you have a history of pulling this foolishness.

unlike you just being a a**h*** So lighten up man.

The only difference between you posting the types of comments I'm calling you out for and I is that I’m straight forward about what I’m saying as opposed to beating around the bush implying that the calf won because of politics without having the courage to say what you really mean.  Granted, I didn't call you a "gossipy [insert stars here]" like you called me an a**h***, I'm just a bigger fan of sticking to the substance of the subject at hand.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
Ok Jeff last night when I posted that I apologize I should of posted smart***, you are obviously smarter on all this critiqueing than I am for sure.  I didn't say I thought that steer won due to politics.  The 'humm' remark meant just that when I hear rumors of ONE steer out of 'how many' entries at a major show I can't help but consider it.  I'm glad to hear it wasn't.
Personally I thought the yellow steer looked as heavy as the black, but yes thats the only thing I could think of  why the judge didn't put him in the running... 

I rarely post on here anymore but when I do I don't think you or anyone else should call people 'idiots' or 'sad' just for posting a couple of there own thoughts. Isn't that what this forum is for? Politics plays a part in alot of things... NOT just the club calf business.  There's always people like me who don't have to like it.  Doesn't make us a 'idiot''  or 'sad'.


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
Honest to God, if you would have just posted everything but your last sentence, nobody would have batted an eye.

It's when you start implying stuff such as you did that you bring it on yourself.  I don't know why people think they shouldn't be held accountable for saying such things.

Nobody has a problem with not liking politics, very few people do.  However, you went pretty far beyond saying you just don't like it.  What made the comment I was refering to idiotic was that you claimed it about a calf you hadn't even seen in Shackelford.  What made your comment this time sad is that you are trying to claim that you weren't implying anything when you've said in the past that predicting the champoin "settles it" for you regarding politics.

If you'd just stop making both direct and backhanded claims that people won because of politics and stick to discussion why you think a different steer should have won your opinion would be treated with A LOT more respect.

WBar Farms

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2008
In those classes where they could be in the running how many are in one class?


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
chambero said:
cowboybecoachin said:
Chambero, I  said nothing about cheating. And, I love the competition.

Mike - I never thought you did and didn't think you were "whining" as some of the follow-up posts alluded to.  I was agreeing with you.  Angus are the one breed where you can have a really hard time getting a true one in. That being said, it is hard on the sifters trying to figure it out.  I wonder how much exposure the pool of sifters have to real Angus cattle?

This from a midwesterner that has never been to any show in Texas, why don't they just make PPL bring the papers to the show & read the tattoos? I would think that the breed asso. would step in and try to make the breeds be what they are represented as being. Again never been there and it doesn't personally make any difference to me, just have often wondered how hard could that actually be?


Active member
Mar 4, 2010
They average 75 to 80 per head in the 12 exotic classes. Watched all the exotic and most of the day on thursday. Just like last year I thought Kevin did a real nice job. No one agrees 100%, but we were not down on the floor either. I just appreciate him for doing an honest, very competant  job both years. Need more like him.


Active member
Mar 4, 2010
Understand where you are coming from, but papers and tattoos used to be used in some breeds 15 to 20 years ago but because of numerous problems with proof and finding out after the fact that papers did not match DNA Texas decided to do it how they do now. All this has pretty much been talked about over and over in past posts. Actually when they want to talk politics, there is as much politics in the classifying than the judging sometimes. But it is still the best way to do it down here. And by the way have had my own childs angus classed out in Houston but they keep trying to keep it as honest and have the cattle meet the criteria they set forth in the rules. All of us in Texas don't have any idea how lucky we are to have the shows and sales  that we have. I can get as frustrated as anyone at times but still believe it is a great program.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
JY said:
All of us in Texas don't have any idea how lucky we are to have the shows and sales  that we have. I can get as frustrated as anyone at times but still believe it is a great program.

Amen to that.

It's been said a million times, but its amazing how many darned good calves - and I mean real good ones - are getting shown in Texas.  I had a little black calf we raised that is about as good as you can make one.  I really thought we had a chance to win one of the lighter weight exotic classes.  I wasn't agressive enough with him and didn't turn in a light enough weight and got him in the wrong class.  That mistake on my part was all it took to make him look a little too small framed and hit the gate. 


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
Iola Texas
JY, Agree thought Kevin really did a great job.. thats alot of cattle to look at....


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
fed_champions said:
I havent seen a single show that someone didnt bring up politics in the aftermath, I guess its human nature to make excuses for getting beat but come on, this steer was dang good, he had holes, but ive never seen one that didn't. As for the shorthorn, I thought he was very small and looking at him in person, u could really tell his age. He was starting to mature through his head, neck and shoulder, still he was a very nice calf for a "midget". Show stopper: Travis Otterstadt is not some boy from Oklahoma, he's one of the main guys up at Bonham North and has been for years. As far as the Angus goes, i agree with DCC, its not cheating, its competing, its not gonna change, so live with it. I heard the reason they don't do DNA anymore, because back in the 80s there was a maine bull (dont remember the name) but he would test as an angus, and some people figured this out and won the breed several years in a row. And the reason the kid in the green shirt wasnt in the hunt, class 9 and 10 are the only ones who really  fit the ideal weight range for a grand champion, the others are either too small for ideal market weight, or too large to "fit in the box".

The bull you refered to:  Registration #:82166  Name:THE GAMBLER  Sex: B  DOB: 05/10/79  Maine-Anjou %: 87.50  Color:B

Many, Many" Fullblood" Angus Females and Bulls were sire by this Maine-Anjou Bull & Registered into the AAA. 


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
As far as the classing goes, I think that it wouldn't be all that difficult to come up with a plan with specific guidelines & it wouldn't take to long to get PPL to conform. You don't really have to DQ very many to get PPL's attention. Like I said earlier though, I have no problems with the systems that they use now. As you go to shows, you realize quickly that each show has it's own"personality" and it is fun to get yourself accustom to the little idiosyncrasies of the different shows.

It may have been talked about earlier in this thread, but I was asked today if the steer that won Ft. Worth stood 3rd in class @ Denver behind the Grand & Reserve Grand steers. If that is true, talk about kind of lucky not to stand any higher in Denver. Quite a difference in the coin paid out.