Gestation thoughts???

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Well-known member
May 11, 2011
NE Nebraska
So I have searched a lot of old posts and read quite a bit on gestation lengths and inducing cows.  I found one old post that I thought was interesting so I decided I would see what peoples expeiriences this year are as far as gestation variations among breeds.  I am not overly concerned yet with my cows but am getting there.  I thought I had 14 out of 20 due to AI. All were synched and bred on 6/25/22 and preg-checked out in the correct range.  The bulls in that pasture and the other pastures with no AI cattle were put out 7 days later.  So far>>>>>
275 days - 2 Angus AI  bulls
279 days - Sunseeker AI  bull
280 days - Angus AI and a Fat Butt AI both heifers
285 days- Walks Alone AI bull
I have also had 3 calves so far that were bull bred.  These all came small and would've been about 10 days early.
I was anticipating 2 more walks alone, 3 more fat butts, 1 more angus, and 2 more sunseekers.
Today is 290 days from AI-ing and 4 of these look pretty close (as in hopefully a week) and 2 I am sure wont be for a couple weeks and got cleaned up by our bull.
Wondering what other peoples experiences have been with calves this year and gestation with purebred simmental bulls on angus cows and also the clubby gestation length.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
first calf heifer shorthorn on shorthorn one day early. AI
Shorthorn on Shorthorn cow right on time. natural service
Clubby bred to Angus 5 days early. AI
Simmental bred to Simmental 4 days early AI
Shorthorn on Shorthorn cow on due date
Shorthorn on shorthorn 5 days early natural service
Clubby bred cow on Shorthorn bull natural service 14 days late.
Clubby bred cow on Shorthorn bull natural service right on time.
Both my ET bred calves were right on time due date.
I have two cows that are due the 11th and neither looks like they are going to go any time soon. Making me kind of nervous cuz the last one was 14 year old cow that went over 14 days and had a breech birth lost calf. We have been all over the board. The AI calves seem to have come early or on time. No one so far seems to have gone over from AI. The natural bred calves have been varied. I have 8 left to go. 4 are heifers.
