I hope you are feeling a little better by now. My wife can get some real bad migraines,and she has found that if she takes Tylenol Ultra or Aleve as soon as she suspects that she is getting one, she sometimes can stop it in it's tracks. Ultra is the only form of Tylenol that has any affect on her, and I would say the same for myself. We cannot buy Aleve in Canada, as it is not licenced here. Last year we bought some in the US, not knowing it was not legal in Canada. The one and only time we have had our vehicle searched in probably 10 years, and the border agent found it. For a few moments I thought he was going to seize my truck but I think he was just giving us his " I have more power than you have" impression.( What is it about a high school dropout that gets a uniform and a badge?) We waited while he filled out several forms and listened to his agonizing speech about the penalties involved in smuggling, he finally told us we could continue on home. She still makes sure she has some Aleve in her purse when we travel in the US>
I can get some bad headaches, but luckily, they only come 2 or 3 times a year, but they totally drain me . I have found that T ULtra at the first sign of one also can stop it. I also find some heat on my neck helps. My wife says cold on her neck helps. Hope you are back to feeling good soon!