I was wondering if anyone has ever crossed the two. I have crossed an angus bull to highland cows and have gotten some nice polled calves but I have yet to use a clubby bull.
Dont know about a trainwreck-didnt think highlands were that hard calving-It would be small-A few years ago there was a clubby black hiefer bull with a 56 pound BW called -YOU GUESSED IT -HIGH LANDER and he was one quarter or half-I think Burroughs bulls in Ohio had him Some cool looking Shorthorn x Highlanders in England and Scotland That deal has been going on a couple hundred years at least-Maybe in another life Faro was a farm hand there barefoot and wraggedy cloathes-That way he can take credit for the original grass feds- ShorthornxGalloway and Shorthorn x Highlanders Id use Double Stuff-he was not a little pud at all-and if the Highlander was clean-You might have 0 defects next generation plus he was very good natured and so were the calves we had O0
Here is the thread about Lautner's Highlander Bull from '09. I never did see any of the calves just pictures of the bulls leg hair and a yard stick measuring it.