Red, I am sure you did not intend to put all Amish in the same pot, But I just can't let the bath comment go.
I have lived near and in the middle of Old Order Amish, Old Order Mennonites and Mennonites (the car driving, electricity type) all my life. I have Old Order Mennonites on two sides of me right now. You will NEVER have better neighbors. Many people criticise (not meaning you Red) out of misinformation or ignorance.
A year ago at Christmas a nasty ice storm went thru here and I had no electricity for a week. The first and ONLY people that came to check on me were the Mennonites. I went to their house to take showers; yes, a running water shower. If it were not for the gas burning light in the bathroom, you would have thought I was in my own bathroom. A toilet, sink and a shower with hot and cold RUNNING water.
You need to be in their homes in the evening and see the kids coming out of the bathroom with clean clothes on and wet hair. Then, take a look at the towels on the closeline. There are over 70 Old Order Mennonite families in this area and I only know of one that I would be afraid to eat anything they cooked/canned. I will not criticise an entire community for one family.
The only Amish I know of that you need to stay upwind of live near Bremen, Ohio. They are very primitive and are called the Black Hat Amish.
Well, this post was therapeutic and my blood pressure is down, so i will go feed the critters.
Everyone have a good evening.