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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
so this place would be a great place to live if we kill all the remaining amercian indians/ get rid of everyone at the poverty level/ your words not mine.

and teach our children that some people are just better than others cause there parents say so ? yes, because they are.  not everyone can play in the NBA.  

d........nice friendly country ya got there (lying to people that they are just as good is not very friendly, it creates jealousy when they figure it out)...

.a bit to shelfish for my taste.(selfish is giving credit to people who don't deserve it, honesty is usually the best policy for the general welfare)...

.but just right for others (shared misery isn't right for everyone, only those who seek to impose it)....jbarl

socialism is about framing everything as victims and exploiters wtih themselves as the saviour and the arbiter of what is mutually beneficial.  it can only be a managed economy.

capitalism is about agreement between two parties what they deem is mutually beneficial.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
J BAR L !!!!!!!!! Let's debate about the Indians!!!!!!! Wait..............................ok, now I'm ready, 9/10 of my brain is tied behind my back, that's the best I could do to make it a fair fight. Sorry I couldn't do better. Let's see who knows more about the the people you call "Indians" and my relatives and how socialism shapes their lives,  me or you OK? you go first. Or do you want me to just go with what you already stated.  J BAR, now just so you know, this will be like wrestling a pig in the mud. After a while you'll get the picture on just how much the pig enjoys getting you muddy  ;D (clapping) Go ahead!!! You might want to do a couple decades of research first.

Knabe for you and your deal on unions, it's not the unions that break the companies. Nothing wrong with unions.  It's the the people in the unions. When my dad was working, retired 20 years ago, a union was needed to protect workers from companies that would have treated their workers similar to the way workers are treated in say China. Without unions companies would take every advantage of it's employees from wages to hours to safety. You may say that China is a shining example of a growing economy but the only benefactor is the government, not any employees of a manufacturing facility. Over 30,000 people in China lost their lives last year in manufacturing facilities. That doesn't count maimings or loss of sight or anything like that. And while you may argue that the workers have improved lifestyles, in my mind its not improvement to move from a thatched hut to a tin one. Without at least the threat of organized labor, corporations would treat their employees worse than we treat our animals. I know, I've never worked in a union, only in upper level management and I know what CEO's and presidents say about their workers and I know of their schemes to  pay them as little as possible and I know exactly what they think of the people who do the actual work.

After my dads generation, the WWII generation, the workers who came along didn't have the same work ethic they did. And just by it's very definition, the union protected those people as well as those who were only trying to get paid what an honest days pay was worth. Poor production and rising labor costs caused many, many plants here to go out of business or move out of the country. But a larger portion of the cost of production was taxes from all levels of government.

The economy runs on disposable income. Disposable income comes from good paying jobs. As we learned from Hoover you can't pay people to do nothing. About the only thing you can pay people high wages to do is actually make something or to engineer and develop something. Can't pay a lot for carpet or window cleaning. The government doesn't owe me or anyone else a job. But since it's policies have ruined the climate that would cause business to WANT to pay higher wages, the government owes the people of this country an environment that is conducive to business being able to pay it's workers more than enough just to get buy on. When a significant number of people make just enough to get by on or less, the economy grinds to a halt. It's the loss of jobs, good paying jobs, that has killed our economy. There is no statistic that shows the amount of people who have lost jobs and then taken new jobs at half their previous pay. The fall of the housing market is nothing but a reflection of the loss of jobs and the loss of income. At first there were those with "balloon" notes that had homes they never should have been able to buy in the first place. Homes they couldn't afford. But that is long past. Now, in my town of 100,000, there are pages and pages of foreclosures in the paper every Thursday. These are homes people have owned and paid for for 10, 15 or even 20 years. $100,000 homes, not the million dollar homes that the media seems to want to show being foreclosed every day. But even many of those homes were lost not due to lack of personal management, but loss of employment. And the biggest reason for loss of employment is government taxes and policies. I can give you example after example of policies in both the Clinton and Bush Administrations that have led to this.  BEst thing I've seen lately was a sign that said " GO GREEN - RECYCLE CONGRESS"



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
J BAR L !!!!!!!!! Let's debate about the Indians!!!!!!! Wait..............................ok, now I'm ready, 9/10 of my brain is tied behind my back, that's the best I could do to make it a fair fight. Sorry I couldn't do better. Let's see who knows more about the the people you call "Indians" and my relatives and how socialism shapes their lives,  me or you OK? you go first. Or do you want me to just go with what you already stated.  J BAR, now just so you know, this will be like wrestling a pig in the mud. After a while you'll get the picture on just how much the pig enjoys getting you muddy   ;D (clapping) Go ahead!!! You might want to do a couple decades of research first.

Knabe for you and your deal on unions, it's not the unions that break the companies. Nothing wrong with unions.  It's the the people in the unions. When my dad was working, retired 20 years ago, a union was needed to protect workers from companies that would have treated their workers similar to the way workers are treated in say China. Without unions companies would take every advantage of it's employees from wages to hours to safety. You may say that China is a shining example of a growing economy but the only benefactor is the government, not any employees of a manufacturing facility. Over 30,000 people in China lost their lives last year in manufacturing facilities. That doesn't count maimings or loss of sight or anything like that. And while you may argue that the workers have improved lifestyles, in my mind its not improvement to move from a thatched hut to a tin one. Without at least the threat of organized labor, corporations would treat their employees worse than we treat our animals. I know, I've never worked in a union, only in upper level management and I know what CEO's and presidents say about their workers and I know of their schemes to  pay them as little as possible and I know exactly what they think of the people who do the actual work.

After my dads generation, the WWII generation, the workers who came along didn't have the same work ethic they did. And just by it's very definition, the union protected those people as well as those who were only trying to get paid what an honest days pay was worth. Poor production and rising labor costs caused many, many plants here to go out of business or move out of the country. But a larger portion of the cost of production was taxes from all levels of government.

The economy runs on disposable income. Disposable income comes from good paying jobs. As we learned from Hoover you can't pay people to do nothing. About the only thing you can pay people high wages to do is actually make something or to engineer and develop something. Can't pay a lot for carpet or window cleaning. The government doesn't owe me or anyone else a job. But since it's policies have ruined the climate that would cause business to WANT to pay higher wages, the government owes the people of this country an environment that is conducive to business being able to pay it's workers more than enough just to get buy on. When a significant number of people make just enough to get by on or less, the economy grinds to a halt. It's the loss of jobs, good paying jobs, that has killed our economy. There is no statistic that shows the amount of people who have lost jobs and then taken new jobs at half their previous pay. The fall of the housing market is nothing but a reflection of the loss of jobs and the loss of income. At first there were those with "balloon" notes that had homes they never should have been able to buy in the first place. Homes they couldn't afford. But that is long past. Now, in my town of 100,000, there are pages and pages of foreclosures in the paper every Thursday. These are homes people have owned and paid for for 10, 15 or even 20 years. $100,000 homes, not the million dollar homes that the media seems to want to show being foreclosed every day. But even many of those homes were lost not due to lack of personal management, but loss of employment. And the biggest reason for loss of employment is government taxes and policies. I can give you example after example of policies in both the Clinton and Bush Administrations that have led to this.  BEst thing I've seen lately was a sign that said " GO GREEN - RECYCLE CONGRESS"

 gw...i compare the native indians with the residents of west virgina...back in the boom days the rockerfellows and company put in the rail roads and  came in and took all the natural rescoures ( timber/gas/oil/ and coal......and all of the money went straight to new york state......they put nothing in the state coffers for roads/ schools/ hospitals/ hence "de socializing" its citizens....the results are still present today...hosipitals/education/and roads are still "old school" in many areas....same way with the social styles  of most appalicachins still today.....socially stunted by the hands of big money people...
now the i stated before i was taught they were savages and its was in the best interest to amercia to kill them ( 1964 ish)  ...although they also said there were good indians and bad indians....knabe seems to think it was a natural thing for us to kill our way to "civilation".....i think it was a mistake..i assume the " bad" indians are the ones that wouldnt do what the whiteman wanted them to do.(?)...through that continued oppression native amercians found them selves ( 1964ish) in pretty bad shape....lets take pine ridge reservation ( wounded knee)   in s dakota as an example ....probally not much different there today as it was in 64?...thats a question i guess for you gw  ....i am by no means a native amercian expert...i quoted the indians as an example of the governemnt "putting" citizens in a welfare state by the way they treat/service/and "relocate" love to hear your take on it....i have an aunt who has went the last 6 yrs there every july....deplorable conditions and statictics....makes back woods appalachia look like atlanta...appreciate forthcomming input gw....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
.knabe seems to think it was a natural thing for us to kill our way to "civilation"...

so far, there has tentatively been only one civilization devoid of reference of killing and it's about 7-10,000 years old.  i think it's in s. america. even then, the evidence is scant.  it's not my theory, just a well accepted one with nary an exception.  there's lots of study in this area.  doesn't make it true.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
  gw...i compare the native indians with the residents of west virgina

You got a long way to go buddy. When I have time, we'll "take Pine Ridge." We'll take all the Northern Plains tribes all the same mind set.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
  gw...i compare the native indians with the residents of west virgina

You got a long way to go buddy. When I have time, we'll "take Pine Ridge." We'll take all the Northern Plains tribes all the same mind set.

the comparrisoin to west virginia natives is to "how" they got so "de socialized" and left for themselves by big busineess and politics, and subsuquently left with nothing but social programs to survive on years later...thats how i compare them to the native indians.....they both had a some  help being left so codependent....
i'm interrested to know how many other  eservations there are like pine ridge??...i know they all cant be that bad, but something tells me theres more just like them.....i just dont think most  people really know how alot of people in appalachia and places like pine rige are  living here in the united states....both a perfect example of " general welfare " to me....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
there's "reservations" in every city.  near me, we have sections in san jose, sunnyvale, east palo alto.  one is black, one is white, one is brown. 

the attitude is the same in every one of them.  someone owes me and if they don't give it to me, I'm gonna take it.  by and large, no skill at anything was pursued cause they grew up in a system where every ash tray was given an A because no one wanted to deal with a few things like parents telling the teachers it's their fault for their kids failure.  lots of opportunity for stereotyping, most based on truth.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Part of the reason indian reservations are crapholes is that the smart indians leave and go work in the rest of society instead of working and providing leadership in the home community.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
glass half half turn for guys just dont any hope at all for this country it ahtray looked like crap,too...i've still got it...maybe if they would have just critized me more maybe i'd have more hatred for others...jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
glass half half turn for guys just dont any hope at all for this country it ahtray looked like crap,too...i've still got it...maybe if they would have just critized me more maybe i'd have more hatred for others...jbarl

nobody is criticizing that.  what i am saying is that some people are trained to be offended and look to be offended at every opportunity.  it's pretty much the only thing some people excel at. 

the hope i have for this country is for everyone to be more honest, less patronizing, more helpful teaching people how to fish.  my ashtray looked like crap too.  i still have it too.  but you know, i knew it was crap back then and it's crap now.  i tried the art thing for a while and figured out it wasn't for me thank goodness.  no one is talking about hatred.  that's the left's job like obama's new green czar calling republicans a*%holes twice today.  you can always count on demoncrats to lay it on thick in a non-partisan crowd.  republicans just look stupid doing it, but democrats seem to revel in it.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
glass half half turn for guys just dont any hope at all for this country it ahtray looked like crap,too...i've still got it...maybe if they would have just critized me more maybe i'd have more hatred for others...jbarl

nobody is criticizing that.  what i am saying is that some people are trained to be offended and look to be offended at every opportunity.  it's pretty much the only thing some people excel at.  

the hope i have for this country is for everyone to be more honest, less patronizing, more helpful teaching people how to fish.  my ashtray looked like crap too.  i still have it too.  but you know, i knew it was crap back then and it's crap now.  i tried the art thing for a while and figured out it wasn't for me thank goodness.   no one is talking about hatred.  that's the left's job like obama's new green czar calling republicans a*%holes twice today.  you can always count on  first..demoncrats to lay it on thick in a non-partisan crowd.  republicans just look stupid doing it, but democrats seem to revel in it.

maybe obama should suggest a televised national debate on health care??.....who will the right send??..romney/ mcanin/ cantor/holder/jindhal/palin/??...who do you think the right should send to debate him??.......maybe obamas afraid of that  :eek:....maybe the repubs should call " him" out.... :eek:      just exactually who's leading the charge over there.anyway...??.....i think a debate  would get down to where the tire meets the road for both sides real or out ?..jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
JbarL said:
maybe obama should suggest a televised national debate on health care??.....who will the right send??..romney/ mcanin/ cantor/holder/jindhal/palin/??...who do you think the right should send to debate him??.......maybe obamas afraid of that  :eek:....maybe the repubs should call " him" out.... :eek:      just exactually who's leading the charge over there.anyway...??.....i think a debate  would get down to where the tire meets the road for both sides real or out ?..jbarl

Glenn Beck


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Dusty said:
JbarL said:
maybe obama should suggest a televised national debate on health care??.....who will the right send??..romney/ mcanin/ cantor/holder/jindhal/palin/??...who do you think the right should send to debate him??.......maybe obamas afraid of that  :eek:....maybe the repubs should call " him" out.... :eek:      just exactually who's leading the charge over there.anyway...??.....i think a debate  would get down to where the tire meets the road for both sides real or out ?..jbarl

Glenn Beck

intersting first choice...jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
James Inhofe

not sure if he's the one i'm thinking of that's actually a doctor with an actual practice who's not an actual lawyer, though he may be that too, i don't know


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
well i was kinda thinking someone might actually suggest an elected republican or independent politican......should have know you'd want to farm it out to someone else.....its not the action or wishes of one person....its the lack of action of any organized effort to actually defend the status quo....and while the talking radion hosts let "downhome amercians" make fools of themselves, for the sake of the republican party looks like this could be the republican parties "waterloo"....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
well i was kinda thinking someone might actually suggest an elected republican or independent politican......should have know you'd want to farm it out to someone else.....its not the action or wishes of one person....its the lack of action of any organized effort to actually defend the status quo....and while the talking radion hosts let "downhome amercians" make fools of themselves, for the sake of the republican party looks like this could be the republican parties "waterloo"....jbarl

i was following the rules of the request.  using your rules, obama should not be able to debate either.

looks like unions are having their waterloo too.  polls are at their lowest in decades.

lower poll numbers, forced card check.  looks like the unions have a plan for not only waterloo, but deep poo poo



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
it looks pretty clear obama is letting everone "get it out of there system"...on both sides.....when crunch time comes and there are any questions to be answered...believe me obama will do the talking for himself.....
organized labor make good one on the right has anything to bring to the least labor still has  an organized executive board and bring to the table and still negotiate in a bi partisan manner.....why do yo think organized labor has been  so involved with health care issue for decades,... and all there members all ready have it??...politically....the union dem members vote dem and  union member repubs vote repub......nice to see the leader of an organized labor  voice his option without paint on his face or a nazi sign or a crumpled up birth certificate in his fist...your strong third party is getting nearer and bad its in a country thats been  most famous of for "shutting the gate after the horse is out".....lets not forget we still got troops in irag/  a war in bushganistan../ jobs../ a recession/ illegal immigrants....and a host of other things to address..when this is over there will be plenty left to do for amercia...jbarl


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
He needs to get a better teleprompter then because that one keeps getting stuck on 'er's  & 'uh's.