Hello guys and gals! Yes I have missed you! It has been crazzzzzzy here! I am very busy with orders and as some of you know I took a new job two months ago. It has gotten kind of crazy and never expected it to be like that, having problems with a coworker. We finally got someone to come and put in the property dividing 1/2 mile of fence that we have been waiting for since September and it was a disaster! The guys were great and would highly recommend them, but the water district mismarked our water lines, by 4 feet! Yup! the fence guy drilled right in the middle of it to put a 6 inch post in. Needless to say, the Canadian Honkers were taking up living quarters on our pasture the next day. The water guy said it was our fault, we moved the flags. Go figure! It was a disaster! Then I have been on spring break and haven't gotten one thing accomplished that I was supposed to do!
Yesterday, my son and I went to a goat seminar and now, he wants a goat to show! I tried to explain how we will look like the Beverly Hill billies going to the fair but he doesn't care. He has two quarter horses, two head of brahmas, a bucket calf, two pigs, a goat and 6 chickens. I don't know if I can do it all. That's a lot of mucking!
We are working today to install more electric and lights in my chicken house! Yeah!!!! I raise silkie chickens and they are really taking off! I haven't fallen off the face of the planet but i sure fall off fast to sleep at night! I'm exhausted when I get in!
I hope you all are taking care and when I get chance tonight, I'll catch up on all of the missed posts!
But for now remember, when life gives you lemons...
...Make Lemonade!
Brahmergirl!!! ;D