How PETA targets kids

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Rocky Hill Simmental

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
Peta is a sick organization and is the worst because they're able to brainwash people into believing their pitful lies in order to end the livestock industry and even the pet industry. They make me sick.

I believe it's illegal to consume horse meat in the United States and illegal to slaughter horses in a lot of states. Since all the slaughter plants are being closed in these states, the price of horses is being driven way down. Has anyone else besides me noticed the number of horse abuse cases rising since all these slaughter plants have been closed? There's at least one each week on the news. They've also been having stories of people stealing horses because they were believed to be "bound for slaughter" or something like that.

It's also amazing that so many city kids don't know where meat actually comes from. Even if they've never seen any livestock, shouldn't they learn it from their parents or in school or something?  ??? No wonder so many people are confused.



Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
South Windham, CT
I watched one of their speils at the local college on TV. Boy was it something...they almost had me convinced and questioning all I stood for......but then I snapped back to reality and changed the channel. They were taking about blood and puss in milk and all sorts of gross stuff. If I didnt know better I probably wouldnt been sold on the idea. Then they had a "refomed" "chicken murderer" on the show talking about the horrors at the Tyson packing plant and how horrible it was and he was holding a chicken talking about this. They are a super powerful group of people and can be very convincing with their bull**** with their pictures, and slides, and videos, I really think it was the sad music that did it for me, and teh cute little lamb running in the field and then into the slaughter house. Their marketing people are great but misconstru (I know that isnt how you spell it) facts into twisted things. Even people here at my work aske me to break things down for them about how stuff works.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
Turkey Creek Ranch said:
These people think that cattle are treated badly. Some of us have barns, or sheds for our cattle that are bigger than our own houses! They get fed every day, and watered. They have everything they need, and live a life of luxury! Heck, I know some people who treat their cattle better than their kids! (lol) And, when they do go to slaughter, they are dealt with in a humane manner. They never even know what happens.

Back about 6 or 7 years ago, I remember hearing about this one couple who lived in Raleigh North Carolina, who had so much money that the wife would have her chiropractor come out to their horse farm to give their horses massages. 

I don't know how true that story is however.   



Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
I recently met someone who is a Vegan. 

They asked me these two questions:

1)  Is it possible that you could still raise cattle without raising them for beef and just have them mainly for pets and enjoyment?

2)  Is it possible that you could still raise farm animals without using them for manual labor? 

Then they went on to say this to me:

"I don't understand why you cattle breeders have to breed a cow back for a calf every single year.  That's like a human woman having to carry a baby for 9 months every single year which is quiet stressful."

Talking about humanizing animals!  I did explain to this same individual that if you do not breed a cow back within a certain amount of time, that she will not be able to breed back period.  Overall this person was pretty polite, however I could not get over this same person's reasoning. 

I've even heard of people who have a "No Kill Policy", who have mice or rats in their homes and they refuse to kill them. 

Have people lost their minds?  ::)


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
Shorthorn_Junkie said:
Turkey Creek Ranch said:
These people think that cattle are treated badly. Some of us have barns, or sheds for our cattle that are bigger than our own houses! They get fed every day, and watered. They have everything they need, and live a life of luxury! Heck, I know some people who treat their cattle better than their kids! (lol) And, when they do go to slaughter, they are dealt with in a humane manner. They never even know what happens.

Back about 6 or 7 years ago, I remember hearing about this one couple who lived in Raleigh North Carolina, who had so much money that the wife would have her chiropractor come out to their horse farm to give their horses massages.   

I don't know how true that story is however.   

I go to school in raleigh and I'd believe that in a heartbeat.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
showsteerdlux said:
Shorthorn_Junkie said:
Turkey Creek Ranch said:
These people think that cattle are treated badly. Some of us have barns, or sheds for our cattle that are bigger than our own houses! They get fed every day, and watered. They have everything they need, and live a life of luxury! Heck, I know some people who treat their cattle better than their kids! (lol) And, when they do go to slaughter, they are dealt with in a humane manner. They never even know what happens.

Back about 6 or 7 years ago, I remember hearing about this one couple who lived in Raleigh North Carolina, who had so much money that the wife would have her chiropractor come out to their horse farm to give their horses massages. 

I don't know how true that story is however.   

I go to school in raleigh and I'd believe that in a heartbeat.

Sounds like it might be a common practice out there then. 



Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Chiroprators for horses is getting to be a very prominent field of work. I was an unbeliever at first, but I have become a believer. The ones I know of, are very reasonably priced  and they do quite amazing work. Mechanic, who just posted his pictures of calves at Hunt Farms, has a bull that has been totally changed by a chiropractor. He purchased a bull in the Bakenhus sale in 2007 and shortly after he got him home he got injured , and it looked like he may never recover enough to breed cows again. He got a local horse chiropractor to give the bull a treatment and almost immediately saw great improvement in the how the bull could walk. I saw the bull in June and I would never had guessed that he had  been injured if I had not heard about it. mechanic can give more details on this.

A friend of my wife's has just become certified as a horse chiropractor and also as a horse massage therapist, and she is seriously thinking of quitting her day job as a physiotherapist in a hospital. She is finding that the amount of work out there is incredible. She does a lot of work with horse pulling teams, race horses, and jumpers. Most who use her feel that their horses perform much better after a treatment.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
That's interesting, I honestly had no idea that there were horse chiropractors out there. 

I guess I need to crawl out from underneath my!


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
BIGTEX said:
I had one of the few Horse slaughterhouses in the US close to my house. I was wondering if anyone has seen or heard of horses being or starved? I haven't heard anything since they decided to shut them down.

We see a few horses in pretty rough condition in our area during winter.  Most of these would have been sold to the "killers" at sales if that option was still there.

One little point on the horse issue.  That wasn't PETA that got that law passed, that was a bunch of "horse lovers" that otherwise would seem to be normal people (eat meat, might even hunt, etc).  People get particular about their horses.

Personally, I don't know why a horse is entitled to better treatment than a cow, but I'm a little biased. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
chambero said:
That wasn't PETA that got that law passed, that was a bunch of "horse lovers" that otherwise would seem to be normal people (eat meat, might even hunt, etc).  People get particular about their horses.

true enough, though through PETA's relentless campaigning with basically no counterpoint, it's a winning strategy.

turtle wins.

when horses lose their livestock designation, it exposes horse owners, oops, guardians, to a whole new host of regulations.

it'll someday get to the point of a guy shoots his own horse, someone notices the carcass, calls the government, they do forensics, and prosecute for not disposing of the horse the government approved way, cruelty to animals (equal life form), ad infinitum.

this is going to be an easy battle to win for PETA, especially in CA, where the horse lover property is getting smaller and smaller.

still can't believe willie nelson and bo derek aren't literally feeding thousands of horses at their own, or their organization's expense till the horse dies of natural causes, and then has absolutely no utility value.  probably can't even feed them to the lions either, since that will be outlawed too.

Losin Money

Active member
Aug 13, 2008
Ever notice how the peta folks look so undernourished? Me...I'll stay fat and happy with my meat and taters!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Losin Money said:
Ever notice how the peta folks look so undernourished? Me...I'll stay fat and happy with my meat and taters!

offsets have their price.  it makes offsetting offsets more fun.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
zach said:
knabe said:
Losin Money said:
Ever notice how the peta folks look so undernourished? Me...I'll stay fat and happy with my meat and taters!

offsets have their price.  it makes offsetting offsets more fun.

??? ??? ???

i am a fan of meat and taters

i saw i think it was a carl's jr. commercial where a guy is on a date with a gal, and i think she's a vegetarian, and he says i'm a meatetarian.

the offset reference was just a joke about offsetting the reduction in (insert whatever) by the offsetters by actually compensating for the reduction of (insert whatever)

i'm fascinated by all the cool coastal water in CA recently and the rise in fish etc, which like the cooler water.  it's mostly driven by currents.  on the antartic, the melting some are concerned about is where the warm water is channeling from south america to an ice peninsula and ice that is mostly under water is moving out into the ocean, while it piles up further south on land.  i'm mostly concerned about the lack of offsets for cement.  SF is a few degrees warmer since the streets were mud and the buildings were wood.  there is less fog, and less rain, as the atmosphere can hold more water because it's warmer from the heat island effect....................

saw a study where uncut, or unburnt forests are wasting water into the atmosphere from groundwater sources.

meat and taters.  i like a sweet potato or yam cooked on top of my roast.  my steer from last year is almost gone, and the next one is going to take too long.

ramble ramble ramble

i'm fascinated by methane loving bacteria and how they fit into the food chain.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
knabe said:
zach said:
knabe said:
Losin Money said:
Ever notice how the peta folks look so undernourished? Me...I'll stay fat and happy with my meat and taters!

offsets have their price.  it makes offsetting offsets more fun.

??? ??? ???

i am a fan of meat and taters

i'm fascinated by methane loving bacteria and how they fit into the food chain.

expect they don't, considering that most cattle on feed today are on rumensin


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
what percent of pastured cattle eat rumensin? 

methane loving bacteria are in the food chain.  all ruminants, including termites, release methane, as well as the evil man made sources.