Immigration Gumballs

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

I know this is not Cattle related, but if this video is even close to accurate, Livestock Shows, and life as we know it, will be short lived.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i saw this a while ago when i promised sru limited posting.  where's the water going to come from, the same place the people came from?  at that rate, conservation won't work.

this issue is so related to the horse slaughter issue it's ridiculous.

and to think we have to settle for the stupid candidates we have running in both parties.  for every immigrant  beyond replacement, we are hosed.  we are even hosed at the rates of reproduction till they figure that out.  meanwhile, where the immigrants exit, the rich are laughing while remittances are sent back.  i

if only this guy was shown each time a stupid presidential debate is on.

of course, everyone will claim racism because it's easier not to listen.

i'm being positive cowz.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
I don't know if I can be positive about this.  I'm actually scared about what will happen.  Why can't things go back to the way they were? Because the U.S. has to clean up everyone else's messes up, even though we usually just mess it up more, and on top of that, we can't even take care of ourselves.  Now, I know that nearly every one of our families emigrated here at some point in time, but the way things are right now is just mind-boggling.  I don't know that we will be saved from this. 

It's not racist, it's taking care of our country. It's patriotism.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
one thing to remember, is that indians immigrated here too, and perhaps eliminated kennewick man.  clovis tips have a trail to europe.  early reports on kennewick man was that he was of european descent.  would like to see more info on this.  there basically is no benevolent people.  some were more successful than others at elimination.  one should remember those that were eliminated in middle and south america by "native" people.

indian names for themselves mean "the humans".  they reserved other names for their enemies as "non human" and therefore exterminatable.  success at extermination is an excercise in moral equivalency.  if i kill one or 200 million with the intent to exterminate, i am equally guilty.

in the southwest cliff dweller societies, there are no trees anywhere for miles, yet logs exist in the structures.  it's mostly viewed as an ecological disaster, similar to easter island.

this is why i keep saying an economy based on growth rather than profit changes the profit equation to eventually mean that the only profit realized is selling the company, which only benefits a few individuals, while leaving destroyed communities in its wake.  buy local when possible, but not outrageous price hikes of organics with little evidence of increased quality and little capacity to feed the world.  are we sure we want $6.00/lb chicken?

some would say this is the cost to cover all the pollution, carbon footprint etc.  if evolution is true, why won't we allow species to evolve.  of coure i'm oversimplifying this, and it boils down to an argument of where the lines intersect, probably on the order of 10,000 years as has happened in many species.  heck, it only took 10 years to make the best steer "ever" into a bull (cowtown) and flip the thickness around with both TH and PHA.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this is scary.

from california
the rights of religious freedom and parental control over the upbringing of children … would undermine teaching and learning…

from washington
"On one page, for instance, you will find a set of new restrictions on the construction of our security fence along the border; on another, $10 million in 'emergency' funding for attorneys of illegal immigrants.

anybody call their representatives?  i have called my gov, my rep to wash, my rep to state legislature, two senators to go and a state senator left.  what say you?


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
I have contacted my congressmen as well as my Governor.  I got the most spineless responses too!  It makes me SICK!  These people I elected (well some of them) are now telling me they don't care what I think, they know better then I do and their vote will be based on their knowledge of the subject and not what I, or any other public voter, wants.  The government is absolutely to blame for the complete demise of our country.  I know the fair tax may not seem to have a correlation to all of this, but if we could get it passed it would get rid of one of the most powerfull units in the government.  By doing this we would weaken their grasp.  But this still won't solve our immigration problem completely.  We must cut off their medical care and other aid we offer, get rid of people who harbor them and offer them a safe haven.  I could go on and on but I imagine I am preaching to the choir.  At least I got to vent for a moment :)


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
First thing - he who controls the land runs the country in all honesty. 

Secondly - growth rates are never constant.  This is one of the tricks statisticians love to play to scare people on a variety of subjects. 

A couple of things will mitigate the worst case scenario.

1.  Immigrants will lower their reproductive rates over the long term while they live as they become more affluent just like us.  It may take a while, but it'll happen.

2.  The middle class is growing in Mexico and will eventually result in less people wanting to leave.

That's really why our country tries to help them so much.  You can't hire enough border patrol agents and build a wall tall enough to keep a man out whose children are starving.  Would you stay put?

This is a complicated issue.  Our country still does depend on labor that most long-time residents flat out will not perform (as least at wages WE want to pay). 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
First thing - he who controls the land runs the country in all honesty.
ask marie antoinette about that

a culture of breaking the law will impose itself.  it's almost here

as long as slavery is an option, the pressure will be downward for wages.

it's not really complicated, what's complicated is getting the government focused on enforcing the law rather than undoing a law originally intended to benefit people who were brought here against their will, not ones who broke the law and this was clearly laid out in the amendment.  a ridiculous court decision, never questioned is entirely the reason for the president's office not doing it's job.  writers of the amendment were asked what it meant and they all said it was for slaves, not illegal aliens and all those specifically listed.  as usual, the left, without enough votes,sought to take advantage of this.  our state assembly speaker was born of an illegal alien and a bracero worker and is now the 2nd most powerful person in the state and in no way represents legal citizens of the state.  he is openly for open borders and benefits paid at my expense and the demographic consequences of this is not the often quoted lower birth rates with more education.  perhaps if one looked at actual education figures versus population increase, one could see that there is more assimilation of america to mexico than the other way around.  our policy is simply racist in that it openly promotes 70% of all immigrants to be latino due to proximity to the detriment of all other cultures.  to me, this is simply reconquista and is really simple and not complicated.  capital is being transferred from property owners through the death tax which will pass as well as through taxation and wealth is accumulated to fewer people.  as soon as owning land is a minority, it will be over.  ask marie.

That's really why our country tries to help them so much.  You can't hire enough border patrol agents and build a wall tall enough to keep a man out whose children are starving.  Would you stay put?  would like to see some figures on this, on one hand the middle class is growing, yet so is starving people, we tried to help with nafta, but we just killed the small farms down there, we need to quit helping, it is ruining everything through subsidies.

you can hire enough border patrol agents, eisenhower did it and millions self deported as employers and illegals knew they would be punished.

a new equilibrium will be reached when the illegals and their hirers follow the law.  on one hand, if we pay these low wages, aren't we in fact creating poverty here.  i am not following why we continually need to pick and choose which laws to follow.  we create multiple families living in houses for one creating tensions in neighborhoods and people leave leaving behind homogenous neighbords that welcome no diversity, yet it was "diversity" that brought them here.  i am leaving diversity at my anihillation behind, and it's not race based as will be the card played, it's rules based.  no cuts,  when cutting in line is the norm, why bother having a country?  now what to do with all the cutters?  they must go home, and allowed to get in line with all the other demographics of the world with who we as a country, free from violation of the 14th amendment choose.  squatter laws were made to adress these issues.  sometimes the squatters won, sometimes they didn't.  it's a false argument to say it's inevitable.  with no incentive to help themselves, ie, you can't come here and raise my taxes and lower my costs, they will improve their own situation, why do they need us?  we are addicted to holding out our hand.

Immigrants will lower their reproductive rates over the long term while they live as they become more affluent just like us.  It may take a while, but it'll happen.
the rates that our population is increasing is creating serious strains on our infrastructure and tax base.  we are already broke, i'm assuming more illegal aliens will fix the problem with lower wages.

Our country still does depend on labor that most long-time residents flat out will not perform        not sure what "most" means or that our current generation of kids and the next ones won't do what we did and take those jobs, this is a false assumption that future generations of legal citizens (per 14th amendment) won't do those jobs.  we don't depend on their labor at the price point, we only choose to create an artificial unsustainable lifestyle that is temporary and will fall if we continue this ponzi scheme chasing the lowest labor price point from one undeveloped country to another one. 

it's really not complicated to follow and enforce the law.  if we do, they will leave, a new equlibrium will emerge and the one's left holding the empty bag of musical money will complain.  it's really not that hard.  it basically boils down to a change in culture that is not welcoming of the diversity so idealized by open borders adherents.  green white and red is more popular than red white and blue. 

if less people wanting to leave mexico still exceeds our birth rate, the demographics really are just simple, we will cease to exist.

this country has become a joke.  won't even defend itself.

societies based on stealing will never be affluent, we are going downhill and are more focused on looking affluent, rather than learning, creating, it's a much quicker conquering than the military option.  america, so devoid of principle.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
chambero said:
First thing - he who controls the land runs the country in all honesty. 

Secondly - growth rates are never constant.  This is one of the tricks statisticians love to play to scare people on a variety of subjects. 

A couple of things will mitigate the worst case scenario.

1.  Immigrants will lower their reproductive rates over the long term while they live as they become more affluent just like us.  It may take a while, but it'll happen.

2.  The middle class is growing in Mexico and will eventually result in less people wanting to leave.

That's really why our country tries to help them so much.  You can't hire enough border patrol agents and build a wall tall enough to keep a man out whose children are starving.  Would you stay put?

This is a complicated issue.  Our country still does depend on labor that most long-time residents flat out will not perform (as least at wages WE want to pay). 
Amen, Brother! I worked for several years in the Poultry Industry. Tyson Foods, Inc. was very beneficial to stabilize the economy in the Southeast. That's why we are growing by leaps and bounds, and, you guys are all LOSING population and your local economies are imploding. Look at what happened in Sedalia, MO. Tyson bought a Feedmill that was wore slap-out, and an empty metal building that had been a Ham 'n Bacon Curing Plant. At first, the locals there protested. Low wages, Immigrant Labor, Loss of Independance, Blood Hatred for Vertical Integrators, etc., divided the town for about 15 years. NOW,  Realtos and car dealers in Central Missouri would cry like babies if Tyson Pulled out. A steady, Mid-level paycheck with a company with the highest benefits (health and life insurance, stock purchase, retirement, etc.) beats the living heck outta no job. It's as simple as that.
The windows on my Hometown's (Green Forest, AR) square, with the exception of the two Beer Taverns, and The Bank & an Insurance Agency, were covered in Plywood, until these good-hearted, working sons-of-guns moved here.
You'd be surprised my friends, how SIMILIAR the majority of these Latinos are to us "rednecks". I've let herdbulls out forfree-gratis, on loan,to Sebastian Guerrero ( AI-breeding genious, he milked cows on 1500-cow dairy before fixing his papers and sending for his family), Herman Sanchez, and Guillermo Perez(who also has a dang-good set of Boer Goats), without fear. They are good stockmen, and all three come from a ranching background in their native countries. The best cow-horse trainers, too. In fact, Mexicans INVENTED the Western Saddle. Y'all, 99% of your tack 'n Quarter-Horse-N-Paint color names  are Mis-pronounced Spanish words.
Not all these people are drunkards and fighting-rooster breeders.I can't say i've seen the nightmarish Civil protests and Marches that Knabe has. what I can say is that, The folks that I know pay their bills, and, don't burden local hospitals, because, they work and PAY THEIR BILLS. Get over your prejudices. They are more like us than the "city folk" who are relocating to our Rural America, changing the laws, and turning us into overtaxed, Over-zoned (property rights????), suburban-America.

Give me 25 Guatemalans, Mexicans, or Salvadorans, in a School Bus, any day. Keep away from me, one family ( in a luxury SUV or a minivan)from Urban USA Cities who think I am a backwards, uneducated Son-of-a-Gun, and who are gonna "point this area of the country in the right direction", to "improve" this area with "potential".

Bienvenidos, Amigos!



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
garybob, read a book called small mart revolution or something like that.  towns that consolidate on centralization of occupation to one industry are doomed to fail no matter what.  it's distribution of resources and producing what you can locally that wins the day.  fuel prices alone will make this equation more visible.  that's why i'm for higher prices on fuel, as the subsidies have addicted us to unrealistic low prices and have taken away our flexibility and addicted us to laziness.  that's why i know that laziness can be cured with hunger.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
garybob said:
Keep away from me, one family ( in a luxury SUV or a minivan)from Urban USA Cities who think I am a backwards, uneducated Son-of-a-Gun, and who are gonna "point this area of the country in the right direction", to "improve" this area with "potential".

agree with this statement one hundred percent as i drive behind them every day in my hybrid or take the train.  they are full of more entitlement than any illegal alien.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
knabe said:
garybob said:
Keep away from me, one family ( in a luxury SUV or a minivan)from Urban USA Cities who think I am a backwards, uneducated Son-of-a-Gun, and who are gonna "point this area of the country in the right direction", to "improve" this area with "potential".

agree with this statement one hundred percent as i drive behind them every day in my hybrid or take the train.  they are full of more entitlement than any illegal alien.
Your honor, the defense rests.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Get over your prejudices.

this is the part i have a problem with.  i have a prejudice against those who would benefit by breaking any law and would stand to benefit by breaking more laws because it's complicated.  prejudice against a race, i firmly reject.  where is the fasttracking for other races.  since there is none, our policy is prejudice against other races, and against the interests of law abiding citizens, as usual, when the percentage of illegal and foreign born exceeds native born, which has traditionally been around 85 to 15%.  when this ratio is 50% as it is in LA county, you bet i am prejudice against prejudice.  more racism doesn't cure the absence of prejudice.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
see what happens when you allow too much control to a non-profit organization?

the UN has moral authority.  this failure needs less money from the US.  it's basically a racket for gangsters to profit from and hide despots behind extremely advanced notice that their positions are safe just as long as they pay off the UN.  what a joke.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
knabe said:
Get over your prejudices.

this is the part i have a problem with.  i have a prejudice against those who would benefit by breaking any law and would stand to benefit by breaking more laws because it's complicated.  prejudice against a race, i firmly reject.  where is the fasttracking for other races.  since there is none, our policy is prejudice against other races, and against the interests of law abiding citizens, as usual, when the percentage of illegal and foreign born exceeds native born, which has traditionally been around 85 to 15%.  when this ratio is 50% as it is in LA county, you bet i am prejudice against prejudice.  more racism doesn't cure the absence of prejudice.
Like, I said, man, I have a different viewpoint, because the ratio of immigrant to native, is the polar opposite here in the middle of the continent. Believe it , or not, the Latinos here didn't skip work on those 2 protest-march-days. They all said, "Crazy, No Good. White people get berry,berry angry,when Hispanos get 'in yo' face. We like beeeeeg check. No work, No Money". The folks here worked, hard as any other day. I understand things are the opposite out there.

I understand the social problems in Southern California, that are disastrous, in many, many ways. Where people have a decent paycheck, they tend to gripe a little less, at least publicly. That, to me, is the root of the argument in Urban areas with burgeoning Immigrant (Mostly Spanish-speaking) populations.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
what you are describing garybob is assimilation

what i am describing is anarchy and a never ending thirst for taxation for our suicide after you have been taxed due to cost structures based on different economic units.  right now, that void is only allowed to be filled with more illegals and lower wages, a recipe for disaster.  when the suv drivers foreclose and housing construction reaches an appropriate equlibrium, there is going to be a lot of people looking for jobs, both illegal and legal, and of course the employer will be in the drivers seat to choose the lower wage, further eroding equity which was used to falsely prop up our economy.  basically the federal reserve is your 401K manager, just watch him respond to government designed programs of 401's, 403b's.  it should not be easy to purchase a house with less than 15% down.  greenspan made a huge mistake propping this up.  amazing no one catches on except the people with nimble capital able to get in and out.