shortyjock89 said:
Dori, that is a really nice heifer calf..I would really like to show one of those, but I'm afraid the judges wouldn't like the belt much...I saw a good belted steer get placed down because of his belt a few years back...
Thanks! I've had good luck with the BueLingo/Lowline cross. Lots of champions and good sale prices. I think because, let's be honest, the Lowlines can get away with a little novelty in the crossbreds, the belteds do real well. I know what you mean about getting put down in the 'real world', though. In Montana/Wyoming, don't even bring a belted into the commercial sale arena. you'll get just about nothing for it by the pound. It's too bad. I've put a couple in the freezer and they eat just as good as any other beef - maybe better! A good BueLingo/Lowline cross bull is showing tomorrow at the NILE (Billings) out of the cow in the picture. He's already been Gr. Ch Bull there last year as a calf and Gr. Ch. Bull at Iowa State Fair this year. He's by my bull, too. I'm crossing my fingers for him to win again! Here he is as a baby still at my place summer 2006.