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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
Jill said:
I know you may find this amazing, but you talk circles around most of us common folks, maybe you could simplfy it for us.

the below is attempting to eliminate circles.  let me know how i did.

anything that protects one group of people over another is wrong.  they are impediments to commerce and independence. by independence, i mean the freedom to enter or not enter a contract.

if you protect business, all it does is delay reallocation of capital to improvements in efficiency.

if you protect labor, all it does is delay reallocation of capital improvements in efficiency.

the buggy whip is the best example i can think of.

protecting laborers that build buggy whips is stupid.

subsidizing companies that make buggy whips is stupid.

even the first step towards protection and subsidy is stupid.

all it does is delay improvement and extract money, time etc that could have been allocated to improvement.

i think of organized labor, subsidies, tax breaks, lawyers, politicians, as a waste, and an unnecessary cost on agreements between two parties.

the freedom to not agree is being removed by the above sentence.

this is evidenced by compulsory participation.  it leads to no competition, no efficiency, no incentive, and eventual decay. 

eliminating risk is probably the number one reason for being conquered.

that pretty well clears it up for em  :D...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
didn't think it would.


"The death of a teenager is a greater tragedy than the death of an 85-year-old, and this should be reflected in our priorities."

"Disability advocates, it seems, are forced to choose between insisting that extending their lives is just as important as extending the lives of people without disabilities, and seeking public support for research into a cure for their condition."

only obama and the government can decide this.  NEVER yourself.  these two quotes are in a nutshell why in the long run, people will be avoiding government health care anyway they can.  One must never be able to help themselves.  it should be against the law.

i really can't see logically why this guy doesn't commit suicide now.  not only will he be reducing HIS health care burden on the rest of us, but he will be reducing his carbon foot print, and i guess as a bonus, he won't reproduce anymore.

clown logic.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

more choice from democrats.

"So we can all keep our coverage, just as promised — with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won't be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers."

why are progressives so scared of choice?

"Washington does not have the constitutional or moral authority to outlaw private markets in which parties voluntarily participate. It shouldn't be killing business opportunities, or limiting choices, or legislating major changes in Americans' lives."

not yet anyway.  in many areas of our lives, it has already happened.  just look at business opportunity in CA.  why do you think we keep coming to your states.?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
I just spent three days on Capitol Hill talking with Congressmen and Senators who represent positions that I agree with and those that I don't.  One thing is for sure, if we don't let them know how we feel someone else will be giving them the opposite opinion.  I agree with Knabe that every minute they spend reading one of our letters or talking with one of us is a minute the opposition is not reaching them and we need to contact those we can swing to our side.  I also agree with JbarL that we need to use all the tactics we can.  We need to write, call, email, visit them in person, and perhaps even have public demonstrations.  For example:  PETA had two Playboy bunnies dressed in green bikinis handing out "veggie dogs" yesterday on Capitol Hill for "National Veggie Dog Day"!  I wonder who proclaimed it that?  Every time I go into a Congressman's or Senator's office you will see PETA information on the desks of the aides.  When I went to have lunch at the Congressional cafeteria on Tuesday there was  a sign right on the lunch counter proclaiming "We use only all natural, antibiotic free, meat products".  I'm sure this was done at the request of the "green" groups but meat products like these represent only fraction of the livestock producers in this country. 

I've never been as concerned for our country as I am right now.  In twelve years of going to Capitol Hill, I've never seen the partisanship so rampant and common sense at such a low level.  Everybody seems to be in a rush to pass any spending bill(without reading it)as fast as they can and if you don't favor the majority opinion you are singled out for personal destruction by the opposition and the media.  I'm absolutely appalled at how many otherwise clear thinking representatives are being bullied into supporting positions they don't agree with--on both sides of the aisle.  I'm also appalled at how many new congressmen there are that don't really investigate the issue but simply quote the mantra of the party when you ask them about their positions.  The future well being of our country is probably going to be determined by the "Blue Dog Democrats" who seem to be much more fiscally conservative than the majority right now.

Sorry I got so long winded but, as you can tell, I'm frustrated with our government and its leadership!!  The bottom line is this---do everything you can to get your views heard---they can only listen to those you try to communicate with them.  If you are silent,they will only here those who oppose you!!  JMHO