methane loving bacteria

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
just found the below after almost killing myself talking to a greeny who said there were more cows on the earth than people and that they need to go.  never mind that there really are 5 times as many humans as cows.  blah blah bla.  never mind that rice fields are responsoble for almost 30% of methane, peat bogs who knows how many.  so got to thinking, there must be something that uses methane and has the ability to spike in response to incresased levels of methane.  you would think this would have been in al gore's movie or at least on the news at least once in a while.  It has multiple pathways, so is very flexible to it's environment for food sources.  but it involves science, so it's a non starter cause you can't play doom and gloom music to it and yell "he played on our fears"  which is what al is doing.  funny how we are always what we detest.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Very interesting reading Knabe, I did hear a swoosh every once in a while over my head but I plowed through it!
I wonder if that is something like the carbon farming many of the soil conservationist are trying to talk farmers into looking at?
Thanks, Red :)))


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007

Is there a study that shows that tofu eating humans emit more greenhouse gases than beef eating humans???  The research must exist somewhere! ;D

On a serious note, is there any university studying this???  Seems like a great idea if they are pinning 75% of livestock emissions on cattle.  Don't they still do alot of bovine ruminant research out in Beltsville, Maryland?

On one of my " cranky tirades".....Doesnt it always figure that agriculture is the blame for all the worlds issues.....couldnt be our over indulgence in a life totally driven by fossil fuel burning.

Anyhow, interesting article.  Thanks for sharing.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Interesting....I kind of knew they existed, but I guess I never really thought of them applying them that way.  Neat.

One of my professors I believe does research into reducing methane emissions through feed, such as using rumensin.  I will look for it and try to find more details for you guys.

And yes, it makes me angry when people talk like cows are killing the environment.  Yes they produce methane.  But let's just say there are a *few* other sources that people could look at first.  Plus, think about what would happen to some of the nice green pastures, with their own little ecosystems within, if we didn't have cattle grazing on them.  Some would be parking lots.  The other argument that I really hate is that cattle are responsible for world hunger, because it takes so many acres to raise one.  Sure, it's that simple  ::)