Move Obama out of the WHITE HOUSE

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2009
Even liberals conceded that Romney won last night's debate.  Obama looked tired and aloof.  I don't know what kind of bump we will see, but this is exactly what needed to happen for Romney to have a shot.

I do wish he would go into more of the deductions though.  The cuts sound good but additional revenue is going to need to balance.  I am all for getting rid of obama care before it even got a footing.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
J2F said:
I do wonder>>> Mitt keeps saying he will cut corporate tax rates to stimulate growth but in the same breath cut out loop holes in the tax code to keep the same tax revenue as to balance the budget.  If your cutting tax rates(pay less taxes more to spend on expansion) but then cut loop holes (keeps same taxes coming in to reduce debt) does this not mean corporate America will pay the same amount or does his calculation include the added income of more jobs in the economy from the growth stimulated. 

I really wish Mitt would have gone into more details on which loopholes he is going to cut.  The money needs to come from somewhere, and who is that someone going to be.  Are they going to be such things as itemized deductions for mortgage payments, or is it going to be things like the reduced tax rate for capital gains investments?  I have yet to understand why if I work for my money, I have to pay a higher tax rate than someone that makes money by just having it.  I invest my hard earned dollars just like a business or corporation.  Every time I walk into a store and buy a product, I have just invested in the store, the distributor, the wholesaler, and the producer.  I think this is way more of an investment than just buying a share of a stock from another person that doesn't actually have anything to do with the stock than I do.  Capital gains tax is the biggest entitlement program out there.

I do appreciate that he listed some of the budget cuts he is proposing.  I really hope that this doesn't mean PBS is going away.  Growing up in a very rural community, PBS was one of only 3 t.v. stations we got.  I am still thankful it was a channel like PBS, and not junk like Nickelodeon, and some of this other junk that they call "kid" programming these days.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
ZNT said:
J2F said:
I do wonder>>> Mitt keeps saying he will cut corporate tax rates to stimulate growth but in the same breath cut out loop holes in the tax code to keep the same tax revenue as to balance the budget.  If your cutting tax rates(pay less taxes more to spend on expansion) but then cut loop holes (keeps same taxes coming in to reduce debt) does this not mean corporate America will pay the same amount or does his calculation include the added income of more jobs in the economy from the growth stimulated. 

I do appreciate that he listed some of the budget cuts he is proposing.  I really hope that this doesn't mean PBS is going away.  Growing up in a very rural community, PBS was one of only 3 t.v. stations we got.  I am still thankful it was a channel like PBS, and not junk like Nickelodeon, and some of this other junk that they call "kid" programming these days.

No PBS doesn't have to go away it just won't get government help to stay in business and the post office is most likely not far behind it. We have to make cuts and it will effect all of us in many ways we haven't even thought of yet. It not going to be cut the food stamps and welfare checks but not the  farm bill, cut foreign aid but not school money, it will be every where and everyone. The day of artificial prices and wages being manipulated by our government policy are about over (I hope or our country is about over, we are a hair away from being Greece). Around here there have been tobacco programs to help get farmers other incomes besides tobacco. What ever materials or labor qualify for the grant money that year will go up 30 to 50 % in cost. You build fence, the same post that cost $5 dollars is now $8.50, roll of fence same deal, program ends- fence post back down to $5.75. The government artificially raises prices and wages like this all over the country in all areas of our economy. This is how the government is creeping further and further into our lives and until we stand up and say keep your money and stay out of our business it will only keep getting worse. This is the part people don't seem to understand, you can't take the governments (our) money and then say keep out it is none of your business, they won't let you do that. Eventually the EPA and labor board will get what they want on our farms if we keep taking government subsidies and handouts.If we can get the government out of the economy and let it figure it self out we will all be better off in the long run. If the government cut out programs and tax cuts for businesses what would happen? It would be a rough road for a while but if the product or service is needed or wanted then a fair price for it would stabilize and the business would make it without government help inflating or deflating the price. 

This is just one scared man's opinion. 


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Isnt it convenient that the press releases today that the unemployment rate is down to below 8% since Obama got his butt handed to him in Wed nites debate? I guess they can lie about numbers since he cant debate. I believe nothing in the press anymore.  <rock>


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
Gargan said:
Isnt it convenient that the press releases today that the unemployment rate is down to below 8% since Obama got his butt handed to him in Wed nites debate? I guess they can lie about numbers since he cant debate. I believe nothing in the press anymore.  <rock>

I heard the only reason it was where it was is because they took 8 million out of the work force as retired or not looking. So it looked like jobs were coming back but instead it was work force leaving.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Got hiring is up to administer Obamacare and IRS and who knows what else with every program giving out more money and more regulation. Interestingly I think during Reagan there were more govt employees.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
any1 that thinks the mainstream media is not biased needs to open their eyes. now they slam romney because of his lack of interest in funding big bird. this seems to be a hotter topic than the us's lack of support for israel and the real info behind the us ambassador being murdered. it kinda sickens me.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
This media and all the Hollywood nuts need to be sent to another planet, because they don't know what the real world is like  to make a living.  I don't waste my electric anymore listening to the Propagana. Obama needs his own talk show or maybe he could site in with the witches of The View.  Lets not worry about the real problems this country is facing, gee he is just the  President!!


Aug 16, 2012
The people who say they are not going to vote for either obama or mitt, I hope you change your mind! Obama has had his four years, give mitt his chance! I agree that neither seem to be a good option, but might as well vote for mitt, he will need the votes!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2008
Fox News does lean a little Right (and that's okay with me) they do present both sides , the rest of the mainstream media is so biased , its not even funny . I do not even watch the big 3 networks unless its a sporting event .


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2009
Folks, not voting at all is a big, big, mistake.  One of them is going to be our president.  If you don't care for either, vote for the one (Romney) that you have the least questions about.  There's two ways to decide.  1.  Vote for the candidate you like, or 2.  Vote against the one you don't like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Voting for no one should never be an option.  And don't take it personal when your candidate doesn't work out.  You made the best choice you could at the time you voted.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
Stcks,    At least Fox news admits the trouble this country is in, when you have 47 million people on asistance there is a big problem, open your eyes people!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
When journalist schools ask there students why the want to be journalist's the top answer is that they want to "change the world"......its not "report the news". Most journalist's are idealists. Since socialism is loved by idealist's journalist's lean left 85% of the time. Except possibly with some newspapers that slanted right years back.....Hearst.....etc..


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
Ooh i cant wait till thursday night , it  is going to be better than the blue collar comedy tour!!  (lol)


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
Gotta. Love those chics on fox , what a way to.wake up in the morning to a cup a joe and a little gretchan.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the guys have the highlights on the left stations.

not that that's good or bad, just a different perspective