Need some advice and maybe help if anyone is from State of Washington

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OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I was on Showsteers a couple of months ago. Two guys posted they had semen. The one fella had some Diamond Leggs semen and I had it with in one week and he waited til i recieved it before he asked for payment. Very nice fella. Went out of his way. Great experience.
The second guy said he had Gizmo and Four straws of Vortec. HIs name was [size=10pt]SKYLER JARMAN. Ellensburg, WA.[/size] He said he would ship as soon as he recieved payment. So, the check cleared the bank on June 22. I  heard nothing from him for two weeks. Then he emails me and says he has been in New Zealand and will ship the week of July 4. Then nothing. The 4th comes and goes. I emailed him the week after and he said-- He was afraid with the holiday that he might not get it here and it would sit some where. Logical but okay. So he promised to ship the next week. Well, nothing. I sent several emails and have called his home phone numerous times with no answer. July 22 he emails and said he is having trouble locating the semen that they have 9 tanks they have to inventory. Now since then, July 22 I have herad nothing. I have sent emails and have called numerous times during the day with no answer. I sent him an email a few days ago and said just refund the money forget shipping the semen. If you offer something for sale you should have had it ready to go or at least know where it is. Nothing. SO, I did some research on Friday. I found this guy is a 20's yr old boy. He was on the livestock judging team I think for Colorado State University or Casper College. He recieved a scholarship from NWSS in 2006 for ag at Casper College. So, now I have researched the area and have found several Jarmans but can't get one to call me back. I have left a message at what appears to be a brother.
SO folks, what should i do next- My thought, contact the Attorney General Office in state of Washington and then the local authorities for internet fraud. Any other thoughts???


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Geesh Ohio B, you have some tough luck on these deals. I'd follow what you're doing w/ the Attorney General of WA.
Best of luck!


OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
What is really sad about this is the "word" means nothing any more. People take advantage of honesty. My experience with the first gentleman was so great I never expected this. It kind of hit me out of no where.
So- I talked with the Police Department in Ellensburg, WA. She said definitely file a police report and once that was done they would confirm the gentlemans address through police departments. I also found a federal regulated government site specifically for internet fraud.FYI for those that are interested.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
With so much business being done on the internet that might be good to know. I always wonder about some of the deals made on sites like E-Bay. How well are they policed? What recourse do you have if you get truely taken? I've seen some example where people buy something like a cell phone & then they get only a picture of one in the mail. Makes you really leary of doing business/ The guys have bought some pretty big equipment for thier shop via E-bay. So far they've not had too much trouble. But all it takes is one bad apple.


OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I leaned with Ebay if it is more than 100 or so bucks, I use paypal. They have a great department when you have problems. I had purchased a hitch for my jeep and it never came. I had purchased it through Ebay and used PayPal. They refunded the money after we confirmed there was no shipment. Give Pay pal credit.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
OH Breeder, I'd recomend talking to your own DA about it. It wouldn't surprise me much if they weren't willing to help, but if they are, just a letter from them is usually enough to shake 'em up enough to get it straightened out.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Good point was brought up on another board about this post. I'd get the semen checked out when it arrives. you might get it but what condition will it be in? I can remeber another person who had trouble some semen arriving. He had to make all kinds of phone calls & jump through hoops to get it shipped. when it did arrive it was in a dry tank. That opened up a whole new set of problems.



Well-known member
May 2, 2007
Colby, KS
OH Breeder said:
I was on Showsteers a couple of months ago. Two guys posted they had semen. The one fella had some Diamond Leggs semen and I had it with in one week and he waited til i recieved it before he asked for payment. Very nice fella. Went out of his way. Great experience.
The second guy said he had Gizmo and Four straws of Vortec. HIs name was [size=10pt]SKYLER JARMAN. Ellensburg, WA.[/size] He said he would ship as soon as he recieved payment. So, the check cleared the bank on June 22. I  heard nothing from him for two weeks. Then he emails me and says he has been in New Zealand and will ship the week of July 4. Then nothing. The 4th comes and goes. I emailed him the week after and he said-- He was afraid with the holiday that he might not get it here and it would sit some where. Logical but okay. So he promised to ship the next week. Well, nothing. I sent several emails and have called his home phone numerous times with no answer. July 22 he emails and said he is having trouble locating the semen that they have 9 tanks they have to inventory. Now since then, July 22 I have herad nothing. I have sent emails and have called numerous times during the day with no answer. I sent him an email a few days ago and said just refund the money forget shipping the semen. If you offer something for sale you should have had it ready to go or at least know where it is. Nothing. SO, I did some research on Friday. I found this guy is a 20's yr old boy. He was on the livestock judging team I think for Colorado State University or Casper College. He recieved a scholarship from NWSS in 2006 for ag at Casper College. So, now I have researched the area and have found several Jarmans but can't get one to call me back. I have left a message at what appears to be a brother.
SO folks, what should i do next- My thought, contact the Attorney General Office in state of Washington and then the local authorities for internet fraud. Any other thoughts???

OH Breeder,
I know Skylar fairly well and have known him to be a man of his word. Let me try and get a hold of him and see what's going on and I'll get back to you. Sorry, for this occurernce to have happened to you, it is very unfortunate. It definitely shouldn't have happened. I'm not really sure what to tell you but let me see what I can find out. Thanks.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
someone gave my incorrect email for contact info to someone else, and they kept expecting me to pay when i was wondering at the time how i was supposed to pay them.  i know, that's convuluted.  they called the intermediary party, he emailed me and got the situation straightened out.  hopefully it's a "learning" experience, and who knows, maybe theres a few free straws in there.  perhaps he' livestock judging and just underestimated customer service expectations.  if he's any good, he'll cite this situation the rest of his life on how to take care of customers.  gotta give him kudo's for having gizmo in the first place.

that said, never, never, never arrange for semen to arrive on a friday

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I have tried to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. He advertised in may on Steerplanet. Sometime passed between sending the check and it clearing the bank. But once it did, i was assured shipment would occur. One excuse occurred after another. First, he was in New Zealand which I have been able to confirm as true, then it was the fourth of july holiday week and he was afraid it would sit somewhere with the holiday being on a Wed., then it was the shipper needs filled and then it was can't find all the semen that i paid for. Then there was nothing. I have called all then numbers I have for him, home and school. Nothing is working. I have sent several emails which was our primary mode of comminication from the start and have heard nothing since July 22. Not knowing this guy, it has just been a long time between clearing of the check to where's my semen. My goal was to use some of it in June to breed for Spring calves. I realized by July that probably would not happen. I am hoping there is a great misunderstanding in someone. But, I have used every mode of communication at my disposal with no return.
If you find anything out it would really hep.



New member
Jun 27, 2007
Skylar is a good kid.  He was studying abroad in New Zealand while at C.S.U., so yes he was not in the country.  I talked to him about what had happened.  He went to get the semen out of the tank and canister it was supposed to be in and it wasn't there.  He said he then attempted to find it amongst their many tanks and couldn't track it down.  He thinks that it was stolen.  He knew that he was in a bind and was trying to find it, or some to replace it.  You probably don't need to bring up someones biography up over the internet.  Calling the cops and turning him in for fraud probably a little far. I know what it is like for people to owe you money and get hung out to dry.  Last year I waited for 6 months for loyal  customers to pay me back for  multiple thousands of dollars worth of cattle. That wasn't much fun  Hopefully you got paid back or got the semen.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
The biggest problem with these deals is communication. When someone owes you something, and will not answer or return your phone calls or mail, then you have every reason to believe that they have no intention of making good their end of the bargain. Most people are willing to be pretty patient and try to work with someone who'll be up front about the situation. I don't know anyone that likes having to take legal action and/or make public the issue, but with some people it seems to be the only thing that will get them to pay attention to the matter.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
MT I completely disagree with you. S.J. should have been upfront and honest with OHB.  He should have made certain that he had the semen before posting it for sale.  If you have 9 tanks full of semen it is quite possible the stoarge records could be wrong.When he realized he  didn't have the semen he should have immediately refunded the money, not ignored phone calls and emails (they have internet in New Zealand so that can't be used as an excuse).  I would also think that if the semen was stolen that there would be alot more semen missing its highly unlike someone would go through the trouble to break into a tank and only steal Gizmo and Vortec semen and not take alot more.  As far as turning him in for fraud that appears what he was committing when he wasn't responding to contact.  I would have done the same thing.   There are so many out there now that commit fraud  and other shady business deals you have to look out for yourself.  S.J. is learning the golden rule of the cattle business the hard way, a unhappy customer will tell way more people theyare unhappy than a satisfied customer will tell about how good of a person the seller is.  I would be willing to bet S.J. doesn't make the same mistake again.


Well-known member
May 2, 2007
Colby, KS
As much as I respect you and your opinion, I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this one. After finally getting a chance to talk to Skylar in person, it was more than just Gizmo that was stolen. He was missing straws of Cunia, Heatwave, and Vortec and did not know any of this while he was in New Zealand. Now, I do agree with you that he should have responed sooner to OH Breeder (as soon as he returned home and went through the inventory the first time), but he from what he has told me and he has always been honest with me, was that at first he thought the semen just got misplaced, so he went through his inventory quite a few times to see if he could find it, but unfortunately he did not. He also made the mistake of leaving the semen down at his ET barn unlocked which is probably the primary reason that it was stolen and most likely from someone he knew since only people he knew would have knowledge of his semen collection and were it was located. I think there was some major mistakes that were made by both parties. I for one would never post a person's name and biography on the internet. However, I might post the situation on the internet and ask for input but I would like to think that I'm a stronger and better person than to slander a person's name and his previous ties all over the internet, because if one person makes a mistake it should be his mistake and he should pay for it not everyone that has been somehow attatched to that person in the past. With that I respect your feelings and you made them known in a polite and respectfull manner and for that I will always respect you. I guess we can just agree to disagree to an extent on this topic.  I know that Skylar knows a mistake has been made and  has learned from this and will not let it happen again. It's just too bad it had to have happened in the first place.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Skylar should have never left OHB hanging. If he responded in a timely manner that would be a different story, but that did not happen. OHB just happened to take an effective recourse by posting it on the internet. It seemed to have worked and I congratulate OHB for his actions. No one was really slandered. In fact, Skylar is made out to be a very nice gentleman.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
I don't see where OHB did one thing wrong. If I had given someone the chances that he had I would have done the same. Money is hard enough to come by in todays world , but for me the big thing I would have been thinking was someone had taken advantage of the way real men(& women) are supposed to be able to do business. ::)


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
Put yourself in OHB's shoes, pretend its someone several thousand miles away from you that you do not know.  What would you have done if it appeared to you that were being scamed?  If Sklar had been on top of things then he would have shipped the semen when the check cleared the bank before he went to New Zeland and the semen got stolen and there never would have been a problem.  One possible plus side to this being on the net is that someone who knows what happened to the semen might see this and turn the culprit in.  I hope it turns up for him and he had inversted in a few deadbolts and padlocks i fhe hasn't I will suggest that he does and also even though its a pain don't keep you inventory list with your tanks (don't know if he did but most people do)that way a potential thief willhave a harder time locating your goodies.  Hopefully lessons were learned and we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.