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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I've oftened wondered what snyder would do with all of say Nebraskas talent. I think alot of the old Nebraska classy fans are gone. They have had the best fans in the country under Osborne. |I think its a new generation up there now. OK OK OK what would would happen if Osborne came back to save Husker nation? Bo is close to being on his way out I have heard they have the other guy they really wanted on the phone> I wish they would keep bo but he is in way over his head.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I agree Davis...Bo is a classless bastard. But the tag team deal is set up. Mangino will be wearing a red thong with a blue tank top. Snyder will be wearing a old stlye union suit-old time underwear deal dyed purple. I hope the trap door in back doesn't get ripped off. Bo will be in camaflouge pants and a t-shirt that has a big n on it. Woody hayes is not available but Bob Knight has graciously agreed to appear. He will be wearing a Texas Tech top with a Indiana sweats and a chair. It will b on espn 2 sunday night.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
aj said:
I've oftened wondered what snyder would do with all of say Nebraskas talent. I think alot of the old Nebraska classy fans are gone. They have had the best fans in the country under Osborne. |I think its a new generation up there now. OK OK OK what would would happen if Osborne came back to save Husker nation? Bo is close to being on his way out I have heard they have the other guy they really wanted on the phone> I wish they would keep bo but he is in way over his head.
AJ, I have held off for a while since I didn't feel a Cattle board was the place to talk trash about college football!  Starting a thread like Show Heifer to support her team is one thing but to call out another fanbase on this board is another!  There are numerous college football chat boards to spew out your childish banter if you like!    I have heard talk about T.O and how he did things!  T.O. witnessed the tyraid against Bill and guess what, He still hired him!  BO is going nowhere soon!  With T.O. as AD, it will take alot for him to get canned!  T.O. got his man and he will stick behind him and get it figured out!  T.O himself struggled in the early years, what helped him win 3 national titles was a staff that he stuck with for many, many years!  I commend what Snyder has done and am glad to see him back in the Big 12!   Give it a rest or go to the Husker Board on Rivals and vent your childish BS!

Sorry for the Rant,

I will talk sensible Big 12 Football with anyone!



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Just like those display bulls gettin talked about by the jealous again.  Tee hee. 


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
How many years ago did the pelini n Snyder incident happen. Wow.  You guys just don't forget those huskers.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I'll quit posting about it then Geeze...appaerently its not ok to talk about the Huskers I applogize. I would think that bo running out on the field like a mad soccer mom was childish. But bo shouldn't be held accountaable and I am childish for holding him accountable. I'll quit.

the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
huskers vs. display bulls,interesting, alot of marketing and not proven,cant move well.alot in common? rusty


Well-known member
May 27, 2009
Happened in 2003 I believe, when Bo was in his 1 year stint here as an assistant under Solich.  IIRC, T.O. was out of the picture at that time. 
Wasn't the thing for Bo to do, and one thing I'm sure he regrets....AJ...dude....have you ever done something that you wish you could take back?  I certainly have.

I am pulling this all from my short memory, but I think the KSU starters were in until the end in a 38-9???? win.  I've discussed the huskers "running of the score" through the years with many of my out of state friends....I always get a "well, that's true...."  when I tell them to remember that it was our 2nd, 3rd or even 4th teams running up the score in the 2nd halves, not the starters.

"OH BIG RED FANS,WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT STOUT D THIS WEEKEND,THERE WEEK OFF?WASNT THAT GAME PLAYED AT LINCOLN ALSO?NOT AMES.2ND STRING QB AND RB AT ISU ALSO,WOW!!!!"  In response...just to state facts....In 3 consecutive weeks, the Nebraska defense has held Big 12 offenses to 263 yards (MU), 259 (TT), and 239 yards (ISU)....all three close to 1/2 of their season averages.  Though I will give you the nod that the offense has been poor, the defense has did their part.  Shoot, TT had averaged well over 525 yards per game; the number 2 offense in the country.

One final comment....The offense outyarded the opponent significantly in all 3 of the Big 12 games so far...and every game this year.  Just have not been able to score....If they figure that part out, Bo will have a pretty potent team. 

Ahh, isn't college football grand.  Us poor losers sticking up for our team......and some others not figuring out how to win.

RSC, take it all with a grain of salt; Aj and the other dudes are just being fans. 

Do have one more....Final COMMENT.  I have always respected what Bill did at KSU; a remarkable turnaround....however, he made one mistake that I can't forget.....Remember in the bowl game when, was it Michael Bishop broke curfew....he still starts and plays the whole game.  His only blunder on the big stage that I remember....yep, T.O. made one in hindsight too, which we won't bring up... ::)



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
aj said:
I'll quit posting about it then Geeze...appaerently its not ok to talk about the Huskers I applogize. I would think that bo running out on the field like a mad soccer mom was childish. But bo shouldn't be held accountaable and I am childish for holding him accountable. I'll quit.
AJ go ahead and talk Huskers all you want!  Degrading Bo on a Cattle board is what you call holding him accountable!  He was heald accountable as it probably hindered him from getting the Head Coaching Job the first time around!  T.O has a huge amount of respect for Bill Snyder and is well aware of Bo's sideline demeanor during that game!  I am confident it has been addressed by our AD!  It's water under the bridge!  Let's move on and talk football!


the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
husker,stats dont win games,maybe Bo can go watch  UNO and learn how to win or Chadron,Kearney or Peru st.just kiddin! rusty


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
forcheyhawk said:
I'm a huge Okie State fan this weekend.    ;D

I'm one every weekend ;)

Texas is favored by 9 1/2. Too bad we won't have Dez. We might have a shot at them. But to look at the positive......I haven't lost a tailgate party yet!!! Bevo steaks and cold beer at about 5:00 p.m. Saturday outside the stadium.

the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
jallen,a coach once told me any team can win on any given day,your probably right,but Texas hasnt just overpowered anybody.I hope Texas is looking ahead.Rusty


Well-known member
May 27, 2009
the angus111 said:
husker,stats dont win games,maybe Bo can go watch  UNO and learn how to win or Chadron,Kearney or Peru st.just kiddin! rusty

Understood, Angus 111; just stating some facts when someone questioned where the defense was.  The defense has played well.


Active member
May 22, 2009
Texas will beat anybody in the north with ease!!! hahahaha really what happens EVERYTIME you run onto K-STATE little colty gets hurt and runs to mack daddy, the big bad cats hurt me!!! whatever K-STATE wins the north awesome big 12 championship with texas  GO CATS!!! #1


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think its wide open in the North. I think Colorado may have one good game in them. Nebraska looked against mizzou in the rain. Then Iowa State beats them. KSU has beaten Iowa State. I think it is wide open. Everybody is looking down on KSU so does that make them dangerous.KU looks awful good then Colorado beats them. What happens if Baylor beats Nebraska? What happens if Miizou gets beat by Colorado? What are tie breakers? I think Okalahoma State is the team to watch. What if any team looses a quarter back. They always said k-States kicker and Billy Grahmn were similar cause they can both make 50,000 people stand up and say JESUS CHRIST. But now hes making field goals. The pundents always have it figured out and they are wrong every year.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2009
here is the national championship matchup

Alabama vs Texas


Texas Wins