Heifers are hard to pry away from my father-in-law. If he liked you, he'd nearly let me give away steers. On heifers, its worse than pulling hair for me to permanently transfer ownership of one from him to his grandson for show.
He probably has the right attitude about it for someone in the cow/calf business. On heifers, it takes al ot more to buy one from us than what we'd give for the same animal. The way we figure it, a good heifer (for breeding purposes) is going to cost you around $2K in real money. You might sell one and take that money and go buy a replacement - but you don't know as much about what you are getting as what you sold. So, we pretty much double it. It takes around $5K to "top" our herd for a good heifer calf. We don't get many takers, but we don't care if sell them or not.
We might sell that same animal for $2K with a calf on its side a year and a half later, but we like to hang onto them young.