Selling my soul

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I guess last week on the persons w/ too much influence post, I indicated we had worked one time w/ a large group. i had asked did I feel I had sold my soul? My answer was "maybe". I guess it was tongue in check & really felt that all they truly knew me would know I would never go so far for a show. I guess as someone else once put it, you can't see me winking at my computer. I have since changed it to reflect my true thoughts. as I said those that know me, know what I meant those that don't or never did might not have.

Also, one of the most important things I have learned over this year is the power of forgiveness. I put down someone that I really didn't know. since then i have apologized to that person & we are true friends. sometimes a simple thing like that can make all the difference in the world.

Remember only God  knows what is in your soul & heart.


Go SteerPlanet!


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
We all have our "version" of this.  I imagine most of us knew what you meant.

It can be as simple for someone as finally opening up that checkbook to get a calf that hopefully can do better after years of trying.

It can be shelling out a lot of money to get clipping help and advice on your last steer.

Used to do a whole bunch of things before they were explicitly written in rules. 

In any business, you don't have to do business with folks you necessarily "like".  Very few people like all of they people they work with. In most cases you have to bite your tongue to get things done.  Calf showing certainly isn't any different.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
idealism is used to project on others, that which we don't have ourselves.  it is in essence, the downside of populism.  you eventually get facism.  even the US has experienced this, though it is rarely identified, ie, the league of nations, the new deal, the great society.  facism is usually associated with the holocaust, but facism is essentially populism and intolerance.  Many in the US were infatuated with lenin and mussolini, and they with wilson and fdr, before hitler came along.

to me, it's the battle between stateism and liberty.  one never stays in any one spot to long.  some are on their soapbox longer than some who have sold their soul, only to find it again.

jesus saves.



Well-known member
May 31, 2007
Nacogdoches, TX
I have enjoyed this site more than you can imagine, the main reason is because so many do bare their soul's either intentionally or not.  It is easy to say or do things when not looking eye to eye with another, it is human nature and the reason we are of a sinful nature.  I am as guilty as any of playing the game in the steer show world, Chambero I opened my check book this year chasing that elusive calf to make the sale in Fort Worth.  I have really learned from this site and appreciate the people I have made contact with.  I posted earlier that my sons are my joy and will continue to give them every advantage I can in them becoming young productive men, as long as God will guide me not to teach them my faults.  I have bent the rules and do things that many would not approve of from an ethical stand point, but I hold my head high and know that I am the protector of my family unit.  I close in saying we are predators by nature and by God's power we have to admit when we are wrong and stand for what we feel our soul leads us to do.  God bless us, and continue to give us the ability to forgiveand forget.


common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
OMG, i have been outside all day.  I am sobbing.  RED, you are my friend, my special soul mate. You are so special. You are just you, for real, so out there on the line and willing to speculate and to be upfront. You are what humanity should base their line on. I can't even type anymore. Thank you. Thank you. You make my soul remember what humanity is supposed to be about. Sniff Sniff. OMG. Thank you.  I love you for that. You have it figured out.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
A few thoughts from an Iowegian!!

May we achieve in our personal lives all those things which we so easily project as expectations on everyone else!!

True objectivity is an almost impossible accomplishment--especially if our kids are involved!!

Life has a way of making us all humble--for some of us it's as easy as looking in the mirror or letting someone catch us singing our favorite song when we think no one else is around!!

Most people truly worried about "selling their soul" shouldn't be--the mere fact that they're truly worried puts them in a top tier of people in my opinion.  Many people have never even considered the possibility!!

The world according to me!!!



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007
Basically I kinda sell my soul everyday- to me that is the same as revealing your soul, I trust most everyone I meet which may be a bad thing but to me its a good thing
cause when God above comes to take me I will have no regrets, most people that meet me know exactly how I feel about things, I am a person that wants to have the
best in everyone come out, thats just how I am. 


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
This thread and these posts are what I love about this site. This has to be one of the best threads ever B/C it shows the humanity that this site projects through it's members hearts.  (angel) (angel) ;D ;D


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I think we all have to know our own line in the sand. For some like my hubby it's very narrow. He's a straight arrow in what he does. Keeps me on the right track for sure. For others there is a wider gap. Neither is wrong, it's what you can live with & be comfortable with.

This is one of the things that I like about your community here. We can express ourselves like maybe we can no where else. I've actually told you all things I've never even brought up to family members, and you've been there for me. I know we'll be there for each other in the future.

If this sounds a little cheerleaderish I'm sorry but I am speaking from the bottom of my heart.

I have huge faults, huge heavy sins but I am glad they have been washed away for me.



Well-known member
May 18, 2007
Courtney Hughes- Bagley, Iowa
red said:
This is one of the things that I like about your community here. We can express ourselves like maybe we can no where else. I've actually told you all things I've never even brought up to family members, and you've been there for me. I know we'll be there for each other in the future.

same here. nobody could've said it better.  (angel)    you can't get this on breedersworld  ;)



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
I think most all of us feel sometimes like we've sold our soul (or at least mortgaged it  ;) ) . This place is good for getting some of it back... Thank you all for some great thoughts.

Red, this one's for you, our soul agent.

Soul Agent  ~  Cross Canadian Ragweed

rosie cooks with love five bucks a plate
she'll cook for you if you don't show up too late
'cause when you're feeling low down as empty as a hole
go to rosie's cafe she'll nourish your soul

'cause she's a soul agent for the USA
she'll be here tomorrow after she gets through today
she's a soul agent for the USA
she'll be here tomorrow after she gets through today

yours is the only soul you can know
yours is the only road you can go
the finest people that you'll meet
is just a man on the street

there's a fellow i know who moves like the the shifting sands
he earns his daily bread with his own two hands
when the weight on your shoulder is wearing you down
he'll do his best to bring you around

'cause he's a soul agent for the USA
he'll be here tomorrow after he gets through today
he's a soul agent for the USA
he'll be here tomorrow after he gets through today


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
DLD, loved it!!!! I need to get their album or CD, whatever you kids are calling it these days!



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
red said:
DLD, loved it!!!! I need to get their album or CD, whatever you kids are calling it these days!


Boy, talk about nourishing my soul - she even called me a kid... it's been a long. long time since anybody's done that!  ;D



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Lots of really neat comments here.....I am bad about venting and really being blunt, too.

You guys, do not be so hard on yourselves!  If life was not full of regrets, we would not have learned anything either!!

I love you all......have a great day!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
Oak Bar, that song you've been singin' is "Blessed Assurance"!

Red, your hubbie's path is the only Right Way. It's very straight and narrow, not too many folks along the way. There's always a light at the end of this way. And some times to stay on this road you have to repell straight down, then climb straight back up the other side. But remember your never all alone!

King Solomon wrote 400 years before Christ, "The man of few words and settled mind is wise; therefore, even a fool is thought to be wise when he is silent. It pays him to keep his mouth shut." Abe Lincoln lived by this!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
ELBEE--I like your post.  Welcome Back!!   

My father once told me " It is better to be silent and appear a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!!"  I'm not sure if he made that up or heard it somewhere but although I don't listen to his advice often enough, as many of you know by now---it has helped me out many times!!

shorthorns r us

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
that was my signature line for a while.  best advice i ever got and probably the best i ever offered.

saw a bumber sticker that read, "You have the right to remain silent, USE IT!"