Selling my soul

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Thou art wise to not use pha or th positive genetics in this thou artfull century of dispair.The earths vibration will be felt in thies and feet in his name to be positive yet mindfull of all downfalls under the moon of thy creator of which it stands under one nation.We shall over come yes thy shall. aj


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i still say there is probably enough diversity within the PHA gene which may impart positive characteristics.  carriers may turn out to be the one's with the variation, other than the one that imparts the defect.  not using carrier genetics may be an unfortunate constriction on diversity.  hopefully it is clear i am not advocating perpetuating the defect itself, and the phenotype it may impart in a carrier status.  this, unfortunately is one of those cases where enough sequencing of the gene from carriers, and how to use the data, with enoung individuals sequenced will never happen.  sad.  some people are fortunately still trying, and are testing individuals, and are marketing only clean animals with the phenotype they are looking for in a free package.  it is moving in the direction it needs to, but it doesn't need to be completey elminated just yet, but only used for research purposes.