She looks like a good little heifer overall. Good bone, hair, long spined, and refined in her front. It may be the clipping, or the way she is set up, but she drops behind her shoulder a bit, and is quite high in her flank. Usually Shorthorns dont have a problem with this, but perhaps the bull you choose will fix this. She also looks slightly sickle hocked, but in a good way. It is better to have more flex in those hocks, than not enough (post legged). Watch a Kirk Steirwelt (spelling) should help you figure out how to take off the back half of her belly hair without wrecking her. It acutally makes them look a lot better if you can clip that hair properly, versus leaving it long. Most people would think it helps her look deeper, but if done properly, it will look A+!! When clipping her top, be careful right behind her shoulder not to peel it off too much (being that she drops there). You asked for opinions, so there was mine. Cute lil girl she is though! she home grown?