Shorthorn Pedigree History Experts?????????????

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
I have been given some information about the maternal pedigreee of the listed cow that i wish to confirm.  If you know anything about SS Tara or JAF Queen, please spill the beans. 

                                3693924 DEERPARK IMPROVER 2
                  3777819 BBS HOPE'S PRIME TIME
                                3733667 HIGHFIELD HOPE 4TH
x3799460 GREEN RIDGE TARA PT5284
                                x3677870 TCC CHINOOK
                x3750417 SS TARA 182
                                x3580023 JAF QUEEN 74

Thanks Y'all


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
I've not seen or heard from Merle Welch (Green Ridge), her breeder for a while, yet he would be great to ask if that is an option.  SS Tara is about 75% of the better dual purpose cattle used in that era and 25% conventional Canadian beef breeding.  The dual cattle were used to make rapid changes in increasing growth, frame, and sometimes leanness. 

The Canadian cattle in her pedigree were most likely the soggy, smaller framed cattle that were probably good fleshing, although they were from Gardhouse (Aberfeldy) & Scottsdale herds that showed in a big way and they knew how to feed them well.  Several of the cattle imported from Scotland were back in the pedigree.  Merle had a good eye and the ability to promote cattle.  Dick Braman (Just-A-Few) was around then and now, and knows all about those cattle.

What color are the Tara cows?  Some of the JAF cattle were very colorful with lots of white splotches.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
I think the TCC was Duane Sicht, in Columbia, MO. That is his prefix, Tacoma Cattle Company,and was synonymous with performance. If he told you something, you'd best belive it. He ran the bull test for MU-Columbia for a few years. Heck of a Cattleman. wouldn't keep a cow that couldn't perform in the face of environmental challenge and selection pressure. Wouldn't roll an open cow over to the next calving season, etc., & I wish we had more people in the breed like him, today.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
The SS is for Scherer Shorthorns in Fowler ,IN. I don't think they have any Shorts now. I can remember seeing Chinook at one of their sales. Nice bull for the day. We bought a real nice Coronet Leader 21st dtr & some other cattle at one of their last sales.

shorthorns r us

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
Thank everyone!  I was trying to be a little stealthy in the original post in order to not  influence anyone.  Sorry about that.

Could SS TARA 182 have been known as "Covergirl" , brought a pile of money, and been National Champion in her day?  Someone that may not be reliable gave me some information about this cow family.  I own a daughter of Green Ridge Tara that is really good; produced some winners.  My source thought that I should start naming the heifers Covergirl.  But, I don't want to use Covergirl if it will not be accurate. 


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
So how does the "related topics" section work? A common word in the subject heading? This one popped up when I was reading a Shorthorn expert thread. It's almost 7 years old and no one ever answered the question if Tara was Covergirl!