spinach and beef

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this is really interesting. 

http://www.paicinesranch.com/  to see a statement by the paicines ranch.

the ranch leases ground to row crop farmers who are organic farmers, who then sell their crop to someone who supposedly washes it by some process, sometimes a weak cholorox solution, which is regulated.  the ranch has a grass fed beef program and a recently approved for construction "organic" slaughterhouse.  I think they will use the bolt process for dowing the cattle instead of a kosher or halal process for those customers in my area, which are clamoring for meat by those processes, essentially done by slitting the throat with a single incision.  if it takes a second, it is not  allowable to be kosher.  don't know if halal allows it or not.  what is interesting is really where the E. coli is coming from.  people have fingered pigs, but i have yet to see a test which maps the field for contamination.  a lot of people think some may come from the irrigation water and when the sprinklers go, the E. coli is "spread" more effectively.  there is a supplemental to the current iraq war funding of 25 million to study the E. coli outbreak.  amazing how things get linked.  i'm slightly disappointed by the statement because the paicines ranch is in the slow food movement and the statement seems to want to absolve cultural practices around the ranch as part of the problem.  this ranch is 7 miles from me and i use the same water for watering my cows.  there is a $5,000 tester from someone, i can't find it right now, but this is annoying.  my neighbor eradicated pigs from the pinnacles national monument which has a fence completly surrounding the park.  ground where the crops are grown, some of it is not backed up to state property and is not really isolated.  it's pretty close to ranch headquarters and is traveled by cars a lot.  interesting how pigs got fingered so quickly as the culprit for breaking through the fence and spreading it.  the sprinklers to me are the best innoculator spreador, but obviously some real research needs to be done rather than by trying this in the press.  the lawyers and legislators out here have been looking for blood and money.  some lawyers, red, sorry.  in our area, we were recently required to put backflow preventers on our domestic water which we share with 17 other households to block intrusion should there be a break in the line.  this would supposedly stop intrusion from this irrigation water, which is on all our property.  when we put them in, at least two households had been hooked up to the irrigation source, and we "unhooked" them, as instructed by the state.  they did it because its cheaper water and has more pressure, albeit 200lbs/square inch compared to 55 for domestic.  we had a postive e coli test, and the state instructed to resolve the problem and retest which we did.    i am gasping right now thinking how easy it is to spread the potential source of e coli by drinking water and that a much bigger problem could have happened.  the resevoir used for irrigation, is also the source for drinking water, doesn't allow boats etc, but has cattle land attached to it on shores.  perhaps this will end.  it's called San luis resevoir.  this is going to be huge if it's the water and not the pigs.  sorry this is so long and winding.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
a test for E. coli 157 that is FDA approved


I'm not sure if this is the only kit available.

found it. another source of testing is


general info on E. coli 0157:H7 including symptoms



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
My hubby got salmonella one year. We think it came from chewing moldy wheat berries to test for moisture. He doesn't have a spleen so is susceptible to things like that. Horrible ordeal but as DL will attest- didn't make him any less good looking!!!



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
ha ha, the best i can get out of my wife is that she liked my hands when we first met. a semi doing type in the city i guess.  kinda standout amongst the metrosexuals FHM readers.