Spread the Wealth II

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Dusty said:
Here is an excerpt from Ayn Rand's book "The Foutainhead".  The book champions individualism and personal liberty.

that's my favorite book.


by the way, patricia neal i think is where the big shoulder look came from.  and in good bubba tradition, gary cooper and a very young patricia neal had an affair.  i guess neither was forced into it.  gary cooper was labeled as an illiterate by a few of his contemporaries.  perhaps he had a learning disability.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
farwest said:
Obama is paying for 30 minutes air time tomorrow nite on the major networks, he seems overly desperate to become president.  Where is he getting all this money and what all promises has he made for getting it.  It makes me nervous he's desperate for the wrong reasons, time will tell.

On the CBS nightly news the other night it stated that Obama is getting major dollars from:  Goldman Sachs  $700,000,  Bear Sterns, Lehman Bros, Citi Bank,  and several other large financial institutions.  McCain is getting 1/4 of what Obama is getting from the ones named above.  They also reported that they are not able to find out who some of Obama's smaller contributors are.  CBS also stated that several individuals from the above mention have been promised positions in his cabinet if elected.
Several people have questioned whether this current financial crisis was planned by the Democrats to win the election.  I guess we will see if things turn around real quickly after the election and the Dems win.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
in local elections, why vote for either republicans or democrats or supporters of housing development?  it's a feedback loop for a narrow benefactor.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
still not clear.  so you have union id card similar to drivers license, ss# address etc to vote, but they don't need to know how i voted in elections, but in union elections, they need to know how i vote?  hm, if it's that difficult to count a union vote, i no longer believe in our election process. 

sorry to be so obtuse, so maybe obama should learn about unions so he can vote up or down instead of present and quit hiding.

so after they know who you are, do they know how you voted?  still not clear on that.

present should be removed from the elected officials options.  what cowardice.

the votes once a memeber are secrect ballot....election of officers/ contract renewal  ect.....the signed cards are for " prospective" members to present to companies so "they" no who's pushing for unions, and to verify that the unions presence has been requested.....not a union just "try" to organize....hows about this ...at somepoint in your working life, part of yoiur job may have required you to sign a confidentiuality contract...ie...what yoiu see herre stays here...like say a lawyer, his staff, or maybe a public notary....what you see or hear is confidential....if a notary lets somefolks no what a house sold for/ or if a lawyers staff, has info on a lawsuit concering there neighbors boss, they are sworn to confidentuality.....if they blow there pie  hole all over town about it, they lose ther job and the firm loses respectibality......and that was a job obvesious not for them.....just as a union job is probally not for you....the companies legislated through congress some time ago, that the identy of those requesting union representation be made public, again this wasnt the unions idea....quite a deturant for some time i might add....kinda like wal mart now...it is a "condition of employment" when you are hired that any of that union stuff is ...immediate dismissal....so having hired on with that as acondition of employment ...signing one of those "new" congressional  cards for wal mart is a" your fired"...thats the modern day approach..so as said i before if you, and your porfession as a condition of emplyment like  larry the lawyer/ and nancy the notary/ and dave the doctor/or jake the genetisits are required to sign a card saying that you  will keep there pie  hole shut about what you see here, what you say here,  stays here.....and you have a problem with that ....then thats  not the profession for you...and you wont be doing that for a living.....no different here....if by siging a card/ or a condition of employment you ahve a problem with that..... then its not for you.... the unions are simply taking the "new"  ground rules and using them to there advantage.....who would have thought....this is an antiquated company policy that worked, 15 yrs ago.......finally getting it on the books now seems to be benifitng the unions....it seemed to have turned into a "careful what you ask for"...quandry for amercian anti labor advocates...
now since yoiur so interesed in the subject ....tell me more about the "illegal amercain union"...bush/mccain want to "organize"....why is it that the republicans are screamin' so loud about this card siging thing blowing up in there face, but have a plan of ther own to organize the illegals of this country for our labor needs??......which side of organized labor are the republicians on, anyway??.....amercian labor is waiting....have beeen for some time....this is the upcomming generation of "rebuilding" amercia...whether its mccainn or obama.....and for once i believe they are a bit up on the curve this time....but if you think you got an opinion ( or websites ) that supports an illegal organized labor force in this country i'd love to here/see it...and anyone one else for that matter....how bout the current union members?...what do you all think of this attempt to "strenghten america", with organized illegals??......when i left the arena...union trades were working 12 hr days.....10 14 days in a row....some probally more....great money...but i needed a little time to spend it.....how many union tradesman are simply working 8 hr days 40/ hr weeks on here now??.....when was thelast time yoiu did?.....labor aint done  yet either....so please direct me to the details of how all these illegals being organized in labor  is going to benifit us?....and how does it fit in with the long standing republican flavor of  "anti uniion"?   jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JZS/is_/ai_n25013174  for feinstein
http://immigration.freedomblogging.com/2008/05/15/feinstein-gets-ag-jobs-added-to-iraq-committe-bill/            not sure what iraq has to do with illegal aliens


trying to locate one of the copies of her bill.  usually they include birth citizenship, chain migration

still not clear why we need more illegals than for the agworker bill.  perhaps if we had illegal aliens in congress competing for their job, they might feel like some americans.

i'll keep looking into the union thing.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
Tell me what is incorrect here about the Union:

They can come to my house, tell me that if I sign this card they will get me a raise, health insurance etc.  Then can try to persuade my spouse to persuade me to sign the card, then can harass me every day as I leave work to sign the card, they can offer to buy me a beer or cigarettes etc to sign the card,  They do not have to tell me that by signing the card I am voting yes to a union and that if they obtain 50% signatures of my co-employees that are not salaried managers or family of the owner(s) then we will automatically become union. 

I am not asking what is legal here I am asking what is incorrect- maybe I have it all wrong



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
fluffer said:
Tell me what is incorrect here about the Union:

They can come to my house, tell me that if I sign this card they will get me a raise, health insurance etc.  Then can try to persuade my spouse to persuade me to sign the card, then can harass me every day as I leave work to sign the card, they can offer to buy me a beer or cigarettes etc to sign the card,  They do not have to tell me that by signing the card I am voting yes to a union and that if they obtain 50% signatures of my co-employees that are not salaried managers or family of the owner(s) then we will automatically become union. 

I am not asking what is legal here I am asking what is incorrect- maybe I have it all wrong

1) they should not come to yor house unless you invite them....2)  your spouse like anyone else cant persude you to do anything you dont want to 3)  they cannot harrass you in any way  3)  if you dont know what your signing...dont sign it...union card or anything.....4) tell them your not interested...period
my question to you ....did this actualy happen/ or is happening to you now, or is this a sceniero your anticipating ?  if this is happening to you , pm me and i will tell you what you need to do to make it stop/  if its just a hypothetical question...talk to knabe ;) ....as i said before...there is protocal, as a member and during first stage organization........other than buyin ya a beer everthing you mentioned is way out of bounds......jbarl


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
Hahah, Jbarhoffa
This is not happening to me (or my employer), I am a member of managment so I am inelligable to be part of a union even if I wanted to be- which I do not.  However, at a leadership confrence I went to recently an attorney who only represents businesses reiderated all of these issues and has seen it happen with several businesses.  Mostly in the PA area but his firm has several clients in several states.  All of the things that I listed are things that have been done by the union to this attorneys clients employees.  And like I said, it isnt' all legal, but it still happens.  If obama is elected and he signs the Employee Free Choice act (is that right? it has been a long day) it will take away the secrete ballot.  I is kind of like Acorn being involved with the election.  If Obama wins fair and square- Fine, but I don't feel that will be the case and the same if the union came to town.  My company has had2 runins with the union since it started in the mid 70's.

Speaking of Hoffa- I heard a rumor that he got chopped up with rendered meat parts and put into dog food and shampoo.  :p



Well-known member
Oct 19, 2008
clarington, ohio
What do you mean if Obama wins fair an square? He dont have a brother in Florida that will help him become President.... but I guess that really didnt happen did it? It was a fair win when Bush was elected huh? I dont believe Obama will have to stoop to that level. I believe he will win the election with no problem.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
buckeye said:
What do you mean if Obama wins fair an square? He dont have a brother in Florida that will help him become President.... but I guess that really didnt happen did it? It was a fair win when Bush was elected huh? I dont believe Obama will have to stoop to that level. I believe he will win the election with no problem.
No he doesn't have a brother in Florida. Maybe he can win it fair and square. I personally don't know his morals or how he will pull it out.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
Yep end of story all right. Come on people. As a cattlemen/farmer how could you even think about voting for a party who doesn't know agricultures impact on the U.S. from adams house cat. Granted the right wing isn't the best either, but at least they don't want to take away our gun rights, add all kinds of land restrictions, and heaven knows what else. If and I stress if, I had the chance to vote this year, I would be voting for morals and for what i thought was best for our country. There comes a time when we need to quit looking out for our own greedy selves and look at how this is going to affect others. For instance Obama has promised the troops out of Iraq. Look at the affect this will have on those people.
Lastly for the night, The Bible says this, "The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away". We as a country need to slow down and remember that none of this is really ours. We are hear to watch over it and we all will be held accountable for our actions. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to judgement day, I want to here the words "Well Done You Good and Faithful Servant". The way we look at morals today is so pathetic that I truly believe we need to ponder on these words before accusing each other of this and that reguarding politics.
John "aka" showsteerdlux


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
fluffer said:
Hahah, Jbarhoffa
This is not happening to me (or my employer), I am a member of managment so I am inelligable to be part of a union even if I wanted to be- which I do not.  However, at a leadership confrence I went to recently an attorney who only represents businesses reiderated all of these issues and has seen it happen with several businesses.  Mostly in the PA area but his firm has several clients in several states.  All of the things that I listed are things that have been done by the union to this attorneys clients employees.  And like I said, it isnt' all legal, but it still happens.  If obama is elected and he signs the Employee Free Choice act (is that right? it has been a long day) it will take away the secrete ballot.  I is kind of like Acorn being involved with the election.  If Obama wins fair and square- Fine, but I don't feel that will be the case and the same if the union came to town.  My company has had2 runins with the union since it started in the mid 70's.

Speaking of Hoffa- I heard a rumor that he got chopped up with rendered meat parts and put into dog food and shampoo.  :p

fluffer......you being from that part of wva......" if the union comes to town"  happend along time ago didn't it ....matwan wva, and the surrounding areas is where the residents used to get paid in script  isnt it?....when the coal miners wanted real money instead of fake illegal tender, that got lawyers, militia,  and the president of the united states involved to get fair treatment from employers?  seems when they didn't want illegal money...they put em out of the companyowned houses....stopped selling them staples from the company owned stores?  wva, of all the states, has had some of the toughest times in history when it comes to labor and employer relations...in the 20's it was the coal mine wars....which changed  forever the slave type conditions that existed in the natural resources labor pool forced upon there citizens right in your neck of the woods....up to the early 80's when the members of the ravenswood kaiser aluminum plant changed labor history, by refusing to be locked out of there jobs by an attempt from the tony boyle bunch, and through state employment entitlement language, got the state to side with the workers, which in turn made the term "lock out" a pro union win on unfair bargaining...which has been a tool which has since kept many a local unions in oh wva pen and ky areas  intact, by disallowing unfair employer practices.  just from your demographic..would it be safe to say that between you and your spouses parents, grandparents, uncles and cousins...that 35 to 50%  are/were union members ?  the mines are about ready to bust wide open again....coal of coarse but mainely nat. gas...with the new vertical gas production wells doing "extremely" well in the pa and ky region, and the push for alt energy, look for many more jobs and growth in Appalachia.....alot of leases being bought up in ohio, wva pa and ky now, specifically for gas...it would have surprised me to here that those things you mentioned were happening in wva......they are the most union educated, labor savy, honest hard working , yet most forceful collective bargainers in our nations history....coal minin"...talk about a job anyone would have right to say they really dont want to do....how long do you think some of bush/mccains "illegal immigrant union" would last in your part of the state?.....that would not be a pretty site....jbarl


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
I am in Oh, and as far as I know 0 of my family are union.  I only know a very few who are union.  And I do believe the union has its place.  My point is, they are using legislation to become more powerful, not real issues such as work conditions.  You have to realize that, yes, I am smart enough not to sign the card, or invite them(the union) to my house, but what about the 16 year old minimum wage worker who doesn't have a clue?  If I was 16 and someone came to me and told me to sign a card and I would get paid a lot more money, I would probably do it. 

As for Obama winning fair and square, I may not be right about a lot of stuff, but I promise you- this is right.  When the easter bunny, santa clause, and the tooth fairy are voting for him and the Dallas cowboys are going to Navada to vote.....  He may be your guy but he has some shady people on his side that he has given a lot of money to.  I am not saying the republicans are 100% honest either.  They are just the lesser of the 2 evils. 

Let me ask you, if John McCain hung out with KKK members what would happen to him and his campain?



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
buckeye said:
What do you mean if Obama wins fair an square? He dont have a brother in Florida that will help him become President.... but I guess that really didnt happen did it? It was a fair win when Bush was elected huh? I dont believe Obama will have to stoop to that level. I believe he will win the election with no problem.

fair and square with all the phony donations, phony registrations.  sounds more mussolini and saddam hussein than the US.

also, i watched the messiah last night talking about people making good faith efforts to pay for their house. the best thing, in my opinion, is to have a period of allowing people to declare bankruptcy without penalty, and let the house pricing chips fall where they may.  a lot of affordable housing would be available.  there is not a constitutional right to home equity outpacing a mortgage.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
'Twas the night before elections*

*And all through the town*

*Tempers were flaring*

*Emotions all up and down!*


*I, in my bathrobe*

*With a dog in my lap*

*Had cut off the TV*

*Tired of political crap.*


*When all of a sudden*

*There arose such a noise*

*I peered out of my window*

*And saw Obama and his boys*


*They had come for my wallet*

*They wanted my pay*

*To give it to the others*

*Who had not worked a day!*


*He snatched up my money*

*And quick as a flash*

*Jumped back on his bandwagon*

*With all of my stash*


*He then rallied his henchmen*

*Who were pulling his cart*

*I could tell they were out*

*To tear my country apart!*


*'On Fannie, on Freddie, *

*On Biden and Ayers!*

*On Acorn, On Pelosi'*

*He screamed at the pairs!*


*They took off for his cause*

*And as he flew out of sight*

*I heard him laugh at the nation*

*That wouldn't stand up and fight!*


*So I leave you to think*

*On this one final note-*

