steer not gaing

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Active member
Dec 30, 2011
my steers not gaing its not heat related, weve tried b12 vitimins, yeast werre just out of ideas any suggestions be great


Active member
Dec 30, 2011
obie105 said:
What and how much are you feeding?
13% ration of flaked corn, oats, beat pulp, soybean meal, and show  bloom top dress 10lbs per feeding


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Sounds like he may need more feed. If that is 10 lbs a day or even twice a day it is not enough. Sounds like you have the right feedstuffs just not enough. Slowly try to increase him.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
A few more questions for you. How much does he weigh? How fast does he eat his feed? How long has he been on 20 pounds a day? What kind and how hay does he eat a day?


Active member
Dec 30, 2011
weighs 950 ish he gets 20 lbs a day but he dosnt eat it all eats really slow just plays with it gets second cut good hay


Active member
Dec 30, 2011
vc said:
A few more questions for you. How much does he weigh? How fast does he eat his feed? How long has he been on 20 pounds a day? What kind and how hay does he eat a day?
been on it for a month or so


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I would try a different feed with him, if you do, start slow by mixing it with the old feed. Try on of the popular sack feeds, there may just be something in the feed he does not like are something that is not right in the feed you are feeding. We ran in to some feed that had some bad fat in it, calf would not touch it. Is that second cut alfalfa or second cut grass hay? If it is alfalfa I would put him on grass, alfalfa and grain can be a little much. He is not gaining because he is not eating like he should, I would hit him with a paste pro-biose for 2 or 3 days and see if it helps.
I would also take his temp just to make sure he is not running a low grade fever, have you put a magnet in him, if not I would do that as well.

Thing is, if they are not eating right and it goes on for more than a day or 2 there is usually a reason for it, the hard part is finding out what it is. Take his tamp and try the pro-biose first, if that does not work try a different feed, it can take awhile to figure it out, take your time and start eliminating thing that it can be until you find out what it is.

I had a steer who would not eat grain, I tried several different brands, with no luck. I finally mixed all the open bags together and fed it to the calves to get rid of it, the calf I could not get to eat had to be pulled away from the feeder because he would not stop eating the mixed feed. I figured out some of it had to much molasses some was to dry, mixed together he liked it. I ended up mixing 2 brands together for that year, but he ate like a pig, so it was worth the extra time.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Agree with vc! Some calves may not like what your feeding tried 3 feeds with a heifer 2 years ago. Once she had one she liked she did well. Also could try some vita ferm love that stuff.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
SE Oregon
I get a little nervous "switching" to a different feed all together, but one time we did get a bad batch.  I might try getting a new batch (per the date on the feed bag or milling date).  We also have had good luck using a pour on supliment like Cow Boss or Loomix as well as a yeast product like Diamond V.  Grass hay only.  Also in this heat as I can't afford a cooler, we hooked up a great mister system and he seems to be keeping up appetite.  I know it's frustrating, but hang in there.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I do not like to change feed either, if changing lots or batches does not work, what do you have to lose? Don't get me wrong it is usually that last thing I would try, but if their healthy, and you have tried everything else it is always an option.

I also was thinking did you weigh the steer when he was full the first time and empty the second, we always weighed our steers empty, on Sundays, our club would have a weigh day once a month, where we went around on a Sunday morning and weighed the animals. We had a steer show that he gained 85 plus pounds in a week and then lost 40 the next when we went back to weighing him empty. There can be quite the swing in their weight, just from full to empty. He actually had gained over 40 pounds in those 2 weeks.


Active member
Dec 30, 2011
vc said:
I would try a different feed with him, if you do, start slow by mixing it with the old feed. Try on of the popular sack feeds, there may just be something in the feed he does not like are something that is not right in the feed you are feeding. We ran in to some feed that had some bad fat in it, calf would not touch it. Is that second cut alfalfa or second cut grass hay? If it is alfalfa I would put him on grass, alfalfa and grain can be a little much. He is not gaining because he is not eating like he should, I would hit him with a paste pro-biose for 2 or 3 days and see if it helps.
I would also take his temp just to make sure he is not running a low grade fever, have you put a magnet in him, if not I would do that as well.

Thing is, if they are not eating right and it goes on for more than a day or 2 there is usually a reason for it, the hard part is finding out what it is. Take his tamp and try the pro-biose first, if that does not work try a different feed, it can take awhile to figure it out, take your time and start eliminating thing that it can be until you find out what it is.

I had a steer who would not eat grain, I tried several different brands, with no luck. I finally mixed all the open bags together and fed it to the calves to get rid of it, the calf I could not get to eat had to be pulled away from the feeder because he would not stop eating the mixed feed. I figured out some of it had to much molasses some was to dry, mixed together he liked it. I ended up mixing 2 brands together for that year, but he ate like a pig, so it was worth the extra time.
magnet ive never heard of doing that can you explain that more were in canada weve just never heard of that


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
I believe he was referring to hardware disease in cattle. If he has swallowed something metal it can do several nasty things to them and by putting a magnet down in their rumen I believe it will atract any metal in their gut.